Page 67 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 67
FEATURES Thursday, November 18. 1999 - Page II Former student relates Peace Corps food experiences Jonathan Shacat is a fish cul- I have had a diet that is very eclec- Chou de banane avec poisson lure extension agent for the Peace tic. fume. Below a bunch of bananas Corps in Gabon, Africa. He works Nutritionists need not worry, I growing on a tree is a purple soft- with local farmers to build ponds take a multivitamin supplement. ball-sized object that people call a raise fish. While much of the meals and banana cabbage or the head of the He graduated from WMC in recipes I describe below seem un- shred it, They cut it down, 1998 with degrees in Spanish and appetizing, I tell you that it didn't banana. it in water, and mix it with cook Journalism. take me long to get used to the food. smoked fish. And now I even find times that I Fuilles de manioc. Manioc They call us "fish heads." The crave certain things. leaves mashed and boiled for a few truth is, however, I don't get to eat The available foods at the su- hours, then cooked in palm oil and as much fresh fish as one would pennarket in Mbigou are limited to chopped onions. expect. canned meats, canned vegetables, Viande de brouse avec le man- And in fact. I ate a whole lot packaged cookies, powdered milk, more during training in Oyem. In- pasta, rice, eggs, and produce like stead, I now get lots of cans of sar- onions, garlic, sometimes potatoes, Viande de brouse dines and smoked fish. apples, and oranges. avec le manioc. There's no cheese or lunch They call us "fisn meats. There are frozen chicken Gazzelle, antelope, heads. " The truth is, thighs and frozen fish, but I don't porcupine, or forest buy them because last they won't however, I don't get the 30 km trip back to Mikovandza, rat meat. It's a meal the village where I live. to eat as much fresh These factors make it difficult in itself fish as one would to prepare European or American toe. Gazelle, antelope, porcupine, cuisine. expect ... " Most of my cooking is done by or forest rat meal. It's a meal in it- Antoinette, my landlord's wife. self, with manioc baton, of course. I pay her by giving her supplies • Champignons avec le ric Wild Once in a while, kids come to like matches, soap, and salt, which mushrooms cooked in oil. This is me with carp or selure (catfish) they are considered necessities, or cof- made into a full meal, {QO. Good fish from the river, and I buy them. fee, sugar, and oil, which are con- with rice. And after Ido a pond harvest with sidered luxuries. Afangas. There's nothing like it a fish fanner, Iget a kilo of tilapia When Antoinette isn't around, in the States. Imagine a large, from him. . I prepare my own food; I've got- Shacat, former WMC student, currently serves as a Peace Corps volunteer. But other than those rare ten quite good at cooking over an aux petite pais (peas) and bread ful African eggplant the size of purple olive thai is tangy. It's called chances, Ihaven't seen much fresh open fire. with butter. cherry tomatoes. They are boiled bush butter in English. I could eat a plate of them. fish here. Breakfast consists of Nescafe Lunch and dinner are mostly until soft and then mashed up and Snacks include: The people tell me l,sho~l,d get Instant Coffee with sugar. For a produced by the village people, cooked in a little oil mixed with Ignomes. Boiled and peeled while, I used to eat Quaker Instant which means ingredients come pri- chopped onions and canned sar- ,~eaVh:~~;~~ season is just start- Oatmeal but now I'm tired of it. marily from the plantation or for- dines. yams, avocados, peanuts, maize, ing, and soon the river water level So instead I usually have some est. Courge aux crevetres. Courge pineapple, and sometimes papaya. will drop, enabling people to catch bananas or rice, a daily staple for All are served with manioc ba- (also called concombre) is made These foods are eaten as side dishes with manioc baton, or are served fish by using huge nets they string me. There's no cereal. ton, which is fibrous, woody bread. with mashed-up squash seeds that and that makes' a meal. across the river. I make fried rice mixed with The only available spices are salt are cooked in water until the mass If any of that makes you hun- I'm looking forward to that. chicken bullion or tomato sauce. and pimento, a hot pepper. Here's takes the form and taste of ricotta Fresh fish is good. Eggs and bread are a rarity in the the list: cheese. Creveues are freshwater gry, go eat something. Bon appe- I'll keep you in- tite. As always, For the time being, and since village, so when I go to town, I Aubergines avec ia boue sar- prawn added tothemix while cook- formed. my arrival to my post near Mbigou, make it a point to have an omelette dines. Aubergines are small, color- mg. Noemi Szadeczky- KardosslTrust Carrie picks up the phone and toddler in pajamas comes in the I use the bathroom?" He goes to the bathroom with a message." dials. Her fingers run quickly door. Carrie puts her hand on the "Of course. This way." He leads huge, apple-green bath towel and "What message?" through the buttons. She has called receiver so that what she says can't her to the 20 square meter bath- a bottle of champagne and doesn't "Never mind. And why are you this number so often lately, that she be heard on the other end of the room where everything, including come out for an hour. busy tonight?" doesn't have to stop to recollect line. the toilet paper, has an apple-green- The telephone rings. Peter "I have to babysit." what it was. Then she puts the re- "Come here, honey." ish shade, then goes back to the jumps up and hits his head on the ceiver to her ear and waits. Noth- The child goes to her with his room. faucet. "Shit!" he says. "What am "Really?" Now, "Yes, for my neighbors." ing happens until the fifth ring. faltering steps, and she picks him An orange light is flashing on I doing in the bath?" The phone Peter's company stumbles out of "Hello. You've called Peter up in her arms while holding the the answering machine. He pushes keeps ringing. He looks at the McKinley. Please leave a message, receiver with her shoulder. The "play" to listen to the messages. empty bottle and the woman sleep- the bathroom and starts for the and he'll call you back. Have a nice little boy starts fidgeting and whim- "My only son, Peter. This is ing beside him, and suddenly he door. "Peter, honey, I'm going day. Bip," the telephone says. Car- pering. your mother. Have you forgotten remembers everything. home," she says. rie closes her eyes and sighs. "Ssh! Please be quiet for one that you have one? Bip. Good "Shit," he says again and "Like this, you crazy? You don't "Peter, it's me. I'm awfully more minute, and you'll get your morning, Sir. This is Frank Smith, struggles out of the bath tub. The have any clothes on!" sorry that we couldn't meet yester- food. Sorry," she says to the phone, the new gardener. I'd like to speak phone rings one more time, but "Who are you talking to?" asks day, but I had to stay at work until "This was my cat. The poor little with you about that dying banana when he answers it, he hears only late evening. thing is sick. Anyway, I only tree in front of your garage. I may the dial tone. He thinks for a sec- Carrie. "Just to the baby." "I got a new task from my boss. wanted to say that call me back as be wrong, Sir, but I think the only ond, then dials Carrie's number. This is very important to my career. soon as you can. I love you. Bye." thing it needs is a finishing stroke. "Hi," says Carrie. "Oh, so it's already there?" You know I've always wanted to She puts down the phone and goes Bip. Peter, iI'S me-" He suddenly "Hi, sweetheart. Were you call- "Yes. Look, I have to go now. be a reporter, and now I think T'm to the kitchen to feed the baby. stops the tape. ing me a minute before?" I'll call you tomorrow. First thing going to make it. But I. might be Peter opens wide the door of his The sound of splashing water "I've been calling you for 15 in the morning." "Okay." pretty busy in the next few weeks apartment to let the woman in. comes from the bathroom. He sits minutes. What were you doing?" or month's. "How do you like it?" he asks down and listens to Carrie's mes- "I just got home. My car broke "Bye." ."You must know that lmiss ypu when she looks around in amaze- sage. Then he dials her number. down. Listen, I'm afraid we can't "Peter. wait!" very much all the time when you're ment. They are standing in theJight, "Come on, pick it up," he mutters meet tonight,' "What?" "I love you." not with me. Don't think that Iwant spacious living-room that is fur- as no one is answering. The water "That's exactly what I wanted "I love you, too. Tomorrow to break up with you. 1love you, nished with a three-piece, brown stops in the bathroom. He puts back to say. I have to work." ' morning, then." and you're the most important thing leather suite, a sman glass table, the receiver. dWork?" in my life." - and two enormous gla'ss-cases. "Peter, honey! Bring me a' "Yes,J've told you that. Oh, of "Okay. Bye." At that moment, a 16 month-old "Wow. Not bad," she says. "Can towel, please!" course yo~ probably didn't hear my "Bye."
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