Page 66 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, November 18, 1999 - Page 10 FEATURES SpotliK,ht on...Food! .-----------------------------~ Rat's Web/Anne Butler New study delivers good of Rat's So, it's that time of year again. Yes, it's Turkey-time, and this brief edition even get news for veggie lovers Web is gonna help you cook that turkey and other dishes. Heck, maybe you'll a great idea for ham that'll spare some poor bird next year. RYAN SEAVOLT preferences, in hopes that they can stem the StajJWriler Food Network: Emeril Live tide of obesity among a growing number of So, you've never been able to eat veg- Americans. http://www.jood1V.comlJnlprograms/emerillivelindex.htm etables? Your parents begged and pleaded Although researchers have discovered and demanded, but they still couldn't get you that several factors can influence what Some people like Emeril.lfyou get the Food Network, maybe you're one of them. I to eat healthy foods when you were younger. people eat, including culture, family, activ- don't find him appealing, personally, but he does have a recipe called "drunken beef." Ever since you were a child you've fa- ity level, and unpleasant past experiences vored junk food over more nutritious cuisine with a particular food -I dislike tea because The Iron Chef and that trait has stuck with you today. It's http://ironchefcoml not surprising. In fact, it's pretty much nor- as a child Ionce drank a gulp of tea syrup, it to be Kool-aid- believing they have also Ah, I love this weird-ass Japanese show on the Food Network. Imagine the show and mal. found that an inherited preference for cer- glitz of pro-wrestling combined with Japanese cooking and you have The Iron Chef. A recent Associated Press article states tain foods exists. that a study published in Health Psychology Healthy vegetables such as broccoli and The Ketchum Kitchen found that people's sensitivity to bitter foods brussels sprouts, whose very names of these http://recip~.coml lessens as they age. vegetables can fill small children with dread, Not related to Pokemon, but anyway, this site has lots of great recipes and a special The study, focusing mainly on women, can seem especially bitter to people who are Thanksgiving section. but believed to hold true for men as well, sensitive to bitter tastes in general. showed that as people grow older they dem- Drewnowski believes that sugars and oils Searchable Online Archive of Recipes onstrate an increased preference for veg- http://soar.Berkeley.EDUlrecipes! etables, whole-grain foods, sour fruits like should be used more often in the them preparation to make of vegetables My word, this is huge! This is all neatly archived, too! Definitely check here. lemons and grapefruits, coffee, and tea. more appealing to younger people. I know from personal experience that I However, health experts fear that this Vegetarian Thanksgiving Central dislike all but a few vegetables, and I have could lead to further increases in fat intake http://vegerarian.tqn.comlhome/food/vegetarianlfibra always disliked bitter-tasting fruits. Like- and unneeded calories, in turn leading to Don't want to eat any dead animals this holiday season? Check here. wise, r am not a coffee drinker, and Ihave a more obese citizens. strong aversion to tea. I, however, probably wouldn't mind this Taste of America By contrast, many older people I know little addition. http://www .. tasteoJamerica.comi love all of these foods. So if you've never been a big vegetable Can't cook worth a damn? Join the club. Or go to this site and learn how. The reason for this - says Adam eater, don't blame yourself. Drewnowski, the director of the nutritional Healthy eating seems to go along with Weird-ass Site of the Issue sciences program at the University of Wash- getting older. Some day you may even find Guess the Dictator/Sitcom Character 'ington, is that people's food preferences will that you crave such "nestles" as brussels http://www.smalltime.comlnowhere/diclalor inevitably change with age. Not as easy as it sounds! sprouts and broccoli. ,......... ',""n His research was presented recently at an Stranger things have happened. UntIl Agriculture Department conference on di- then, I can certainly think of worse punish- etary behavior. ments to endure than not being able to eat is part of an effort by sci- C'mon=you know you want to! Writefor the entists This research understand people's food vegetables. to better Phoenix, that is... get in touch with Megan Martin at x8600, or come to a meeting at 6pm, Classified every Monday. You'll havefun ... promise. Travel New Westminster eateries #1 Spring Break Vacations! ACT NOW! GET THE BEST SPRING BREAK ERIN JERNIGAN ANI)Jt:NN Ross carnivorous Glar patrons who have been Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, PRICES! Senior writers dying for a good ribeye. Florida. Best Prices Guaran- South Padre, Cancun, Ja- The College Square Shopping Center has The peanut shell-littered Texas Road- a new addition that will be especially excit- house on Cranberry Road is a huge steak teed! Free Parties & Cover maica. Bahamas. Acapulco, ing for coffee drinkers. It's called the Col- house catering mostly to meat eaters and beer charges! Book Early & Re- Florida & Mardigras. Reps lege Cafe. drinkers with barbecue chicken and some ceive Free Meal Plan! This spacious and comfortable shop seafood also available for those who like to needed ... Travel Free, Earn makes real espresso drinks, fresh bagels, and stay away from dead cows. Now Hiring Campus Reps! $$$ Group Discountsfor 6+. even stays open late some nights for dinners. Although not the best steaks in the world, 800-838-82031 Owned by the proprietor of Boulevard Bean the Roadhouse gives a diner little to com- and Bagel, the College Cafe has breakfast plain about. The filets and sirloin are barely 1-800-234-7007 sandwiches as well as a variety of omelets seasoned, if at all. www.endlesssummertours.corr tyvww.LEISURETOURS.COIV and other breakfast foods. For the novice steak orderer, servers are The menu also includes meals ranging provided with a laminated card with unap- Personal Help Wanted from tuna salad sandwiches to prime rib. petizing graphics illustrating the levels of Paula Bobrow, the cafe manager, said they doneness. were hoping to attract WMC students to what Speaking from my experience, the pic- PREGNANT? Immediate Openings! she calls "a great coffee bar." tures were a little pinker than the reality. The The hours for the shop are 7 am - 2:30 best part of dinner at the Roadhouse (aside FREE CONFIDENTIAL prn Monday through Thursday, but they are from throwing peanut shells on the floor) is PREGNANCY Students earn $3751$575 open until 8 pm Friday and Saturday. the hot wings. They are not your standard TESTING & CARING weekly processing/assembling The coffee prices are a little less than most buffalo wings. COUNSELING coffee bars, and it (along with its sister store) These little guys come in three flavors HELP 1-800ยท521-5530 medicall.D. cards from your is the best and most reliably good cup of joe (hot, suicide, and 911) and are breaded and home. Experience unneces- this caffeine addict has found in Westmin- crispy. Try the 9Il, I dare ya,just make sure CONTINUE EDUCATION AND ster. you have some water first. Come ready to CAREER, sary ... we train you! Call Westminster is booming, and the num- sing with Shenia while waiting for a table, THE NURTURING NETWORK MediCard ber of new restaurants in town is staggering. and you might want to wear your cowboy 8OO-8Ii(j~ One of the newest is a Godsend for aJl of the boots. 1-541-386-5290, ext. 300
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