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FEATURES Thursday,November 18, 1999-Page 9 Exciting, new spring classes! Westminster fun ERIN HOWARD written on it in professional litera- ing organisms with an emphasis on AND JENN Ross SeniorWriler ERIN JERNIGAN ture. conservation. Senio,WrirerJ You know the feeling. You are Guest professor, Dr. Steve Fine experience If your college sitting in class, the professor is 30 of Baltimore Hebrew University, enjoying the community around seems to be routine, break the cycle by you. It's true, you can have fun in West- minutes into an hour and a half- who has won an award for his pub- Music: minster - just give it a try! long lecture, and instead of studi- lications on synagogue architec- ously scribbling down notes, your ture, will teach a Special Topics Formerly taught as a freshman Start off your morning with a cup of coffee and a-bagel from Sam's chin is rested on your palm. course on Jewish Sacred Architec- seminar, "Diversity and Meaning in Bagels located on the corner of Main SI. and Railroad Ave. The bagels Your eyes are slowly glazing ture (REL 2266). Popular Music" (MUS 1152) wi'lI are made fresh daily, and the service is friendly. They bake over 30 dif- over, and you are desperately try- be offered for the first time to the ferent varieties of bagels, and bagel sandwiches can be made to order. ing to avoid the telltale drowsy entire student body. Taught by As- For $5, you can feast like a king. head bob. Why, again, did you take Foreign Language: sistant Professor Robin Armstrong, After obtaining nourishment, do a little shopping on historic Main SI. this class, you wonder ... this course examines "the diverse Stop in Goodwill for their latest bargains. Students get a discount when they show their ID. For the first time, the French and varied sounds and styles of Fortunately for WMC students, department will offer "La Chanson popular music heard in the United Then, make sure to visit Locust Books, at 9 East Main SI. in the Win- such boredom can be avoided. A Francaise" (FR 2266) at the inter- States in the 20th century." chester Exchange building. They offer daily discount prices. number of new, unusual, and ex- mediate level. Also taught by Armstrong is a While in the Winchester Exchange, stop by Unique Jewelry. Next to citing classes are being offered by Taught by Dr. Collette new course entitled "World Music the Winchester Exchange are several other small specialty shops, includ- various departments for the spring Henriette, this course explores the - Music of the Native Americans" ing antique shops and a natural foods store. 2000 semester. French language and culture (MUS 1152). This is Ihe first course After all this shopping, you may wan! something to eat. Stop by through songs. Students will study the Music department has ever of- Quizno's, a new sub shop in the old fire house. It is located one block French while listening to the mu- fered on Native American music, from the city library. Quizno's specializes in oven-baked subs and has Religious Studies: sic of Celine Dion, Edith Piaf, and according to Armstrong. five different homemade soups. Carry out your meal, or, if you are poor like most of us, plan ahead by Retired professor, Dr. Ira Zepp, others. taking a box lunch from Glar and head over to Landon C. Burns Park. It The German department is of- returns to campus next spring to Theatre: is located on Center SI. at the Farm Museum, across from the hospital. fering one of the most exciting op- teach two classes for the Religious The Museum used to be an "almshouse" for the poor, and the cem- Studies department. portunities for the spring semester The addition of a second per- etery for those who died there contains gravestones dating back to 1905. Zepp will teach a Special Top- - a spring break study tour of formance lab is the "most interest- You will find plenty of trees, picnic tables, and even a pond. ics course on Islam (REL 2266) and Austria, Germany, and Switzerland ing" development in the Theatre There is plenty of open space, so bring a Frisbee an Honors course entitled "Power entitled "Vienna to the Rhine." department, according to Depart- have enough people for a game, there are two baseball or a football. If you diamonds. and Prejudice" (REL 2215). According to tour organizer ment Head Ron Miller. The addi- After an afternoon of relaxation at the park, head over to Cranberry According {O Department Head Mohamed Esa, while on the ten- tional lab will give students a Mall. Dr. Greg Alles, the chance to learn day tour (eight overnight stays) stu- greater opportunity to participate in If you're looking to do some early holiday shopping, check out the such visit from Zepp, who is widely known dents will Munich, cities and Lucerne, as play study, rehearsal, and perfor- SERVE International Gift Shop. You can find a unique gift at a reason- mance. Salzburg, as a "campus legend," is what and will tour special attractions Miller will direct the Advanced able price. makes these courses an exciting op- such as the Vienna State Opera, Performance Lab (THE 3366), After browsing through the stores in the mall, go to the movie theater portunity to learn for students. "Mad" King Ludwig's castle, and "The House of Bernard a Alba" dur- to see a film. We recommend Fight Club; it's true brain candy. Also, the Religious Studies pro- gram is offering two first-time Dachau, the World War II concen- ing the first part of the semester. Fun/Internship Opportunities courses which have-recently-been tration camp. The second lab "MaratJSade" (THE Need something todo over Jan ters for Disease Control and Pre- approved and added to the curricu- Requirements for this "two- 3330) will be directed by Elizabeth T!mnl vention, and the EPA. lum. credit course include a daily jour- van den Berg, later in the spring. Visit hup:// to Appointments are 8-10 weeks for an exhibit, and nal, photographs One of them is "God, Self and find out more about hostel accom- during the summer, although aca- World," (REL 3303), a course a paper on any aspect of the trip. Exercise Science and modations near major ski resorts demic-year and year-round oppor- contact Dr. For further information, which explores various concep- for just $7-27. Go skiing without tunirjes are available. tions of God and which will be Esa at x462. Physical Education: paying ski resort prices. Stipends, travel allowances and taught by Mark Hadley. This department is offering the financial aid are available for most Alles will teach "Myths and widest range of new courses for the Are you a science major? research programs. Rituals of Aging" (REL 2245) Biology: spring: Tae Bo (EPE 0055:01), Oak Ridge Institute for Science • To find out more, visit ORISE which is designed in part to help "Biodiversity" (BIO 1116) is a Muscle Circuit Training (EPE and Education is offering intern- Educational Opportunities website the gerontology minor. Alles antici- course offered for non-majors 0055:02), Road Racing (EPE ship, fellowship, scholarship and at!orise/ pates that it will involve "some ex- taught by Dr. Randall Morrison. It 0055:03), and Fishing in Maryland research opportunities/or students educ.htm. plorations by the students," since will include a number of field trips (EPE 0066m). in multiple federal agencies, such it is a subject which has very little and will explore the diversity of liv- as the Department of Energy, Cen- @TOYOTA TOYOTA-101 MORE VALUE/LESS MONEY INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW TOYOTA ECHO Starting under $10,000 - About $12,000 well equipped. THERE'S AN ECHO OUT THERE! Great looks on the outside. great room on the inside. Cruise the highway at 40 MPG·...very thrifty. Power7Plentyl It's a 1.5 liter hi-tech , 16 valve DOCH engine with variable valve timing (new) that kicks out 108 horsepower any time you want it. And best of all. Echo starts at just $9.995t. New N g z;am -til-u-u Toyo"Ca Motor Credit help'" tho",e with limited credit history buy or lease a new Echo or Celica. See dealer for details. 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