Page 153 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, April 13, 2000 Defining Moment English campaign reaches goal offerings STACI L. GWRGI': News Co-Editor decrease The banners that proudly wave through the breeze outside of Hill Hall contain three words that epito- mize WMC and what it has recently come to stand for: "The Defini?g Moment." To celebrate the Defining Mo- ment Campaign's success, a cel- ebration will take place on April 14 and 15, Trustees' Weekend. However. reaching the celebra- tion phase has required a lot of work, The Defining Moment Cam- paign, whose fund-raising goal was set at $40 million, began in 1996 and took more than four years to complete. On December 31, 1999, the largest campaign in this liberal arts institution's 132-year history closed. FRANC&<;CA SAYLOR Law Dinner. tion. New.~ Co-tdiror Phi Alpha Delta President Matt Shribman, a 1995 Pulitzer Prize Imagine an organization to winner, explained that his biggest Burger commented, "It is really which you belong has been plan- embarrassing to have a guest surprise in the primary season was ning an important dinner all semes- speaker come in and then have that both the media and the Repub- ter to take place in the President's water gushing out of the ceiling or lican party fell for the New Hamp- Dining Room, and once it finally anything [happen] that makes our shire primary voter predictions that happens, as one of your keynote school look like ,it belongs to the McCain would lead the race for the speakers is about to talk, water be- inner city ghetto." Oval Office. Povich, who reported gins leaking from the ceiling into a 10 Bentz, director of Building directly from McCain's "Straight big metal tin. The sound of water and Operations Maintenance, said, Talk Express", said that the media hitting tin so rapidly is enough to "The problem with the PDR is that had a love affair with McCain be- prompt one of your guests to get the dining hall is right above it. All cause he gave them unlimited ac- up and put cloth napkins in the tin. the drain lines there are the exist- cess, a privilege that most candi- How would you feel? ing 30-year old pipes." dates do not grant. politics are a way of life." If you think this is a hypotheti- Fortunately, though, Bentz said West cautioned that the press On April 5, the Inaugural cal question, it is not. It is exactly 10 feet of pipe was just replaced in Resnick Lecture was given by what happened on Monday, April the days after the dinner. He said Baltimore SIIII national corre- 3 when Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law he has plans to replace all of the continued on page 2 Fraternity hosted its Second Annual continued on page 2 College reviews OCTA Inside MICHAEL STOKES after the fall of 2000. SlajJWriler Bonnie Bosley, health educa- f;.j,.j"iJ.itiJl 3 No other four-letter word asso- tion coordinator, first discovered Class of 200 I President Jer- ciated with WMC freshman orien- the program from a friend at the emiah Kelly responds to criti- tation causes recent freshman, Carroll County Alcohol and Drug cisms of the SGA's Pub and sophomores, and juniors to frown Prevention Center Junction. Grille Standards Act. than the word OCTA. Her friend was teaching the pro- Willi ,.. The alcohol awareness program gram down at Clemson University ' 4 that was first conducted in the fall in South Carolina, and Bosley Shauna Dominguez previews of 1997 will enter its fourth and thought that it might be a good pro- the events and activities sched- most likely final year during fresh- gram for WMC. She then went uled for this weekend's annual men orientation in the fall of2oo0, through the training process to Spring Fling celebration. Despite heavy criticism from the learn to conductthe program, and student body, the program has re- then presented it to the entire Stu- Sports 16 mained a staple of freshman orien- dent Affairs office. "Many of the Greg Lederer reviews WMC's tation during the last three years. faculty and staff had wanted to do However, the fourth and final year more to educate first-year students ~~kts;u~~ntA:~~I:tt:~s c~~~ of the OCrft. contract .~i!l.t::xp.ire continued on page 4. peted against each other for fun.
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