Page 154 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, April 13,2000- Page 2 "NEWS The military in print; the Leaking matters still extremely problematic continued from page J media losing the battle piping, but it can only be done during the Attached to this was a pipe that directed the water down into a bucket. sporadic times when the dining hall is closed. On another note, Dr. Volker Franke, as- Disgusted with looking at the contrap- FRANCESCA $AYWR News Co-editor sistant professor in the political science and tion, FrankecalJed Vice President of Admin- international studies department, was present istration and Finance Dr. Ethan Seide! about Do you know who the current Joint at the dinner and had his own story about the problem. He said within two hours the Chief of Staff is? If that question "is too leaks to share. This time the problem was in drain was removed and the ceiling tiles were difficult, how about this: do you know that his third floor office in Hill Hall. once again replaced. Madonna is going to have another baby? When he came to visit last summer he and "There were people up on the roof sev- If you were able to answer the second ques- Dr. Herb Smith, chair of the political science eral times, but no one ever explained to me lion but not the first you are not alone. That department, decided to renovate the whole what the problem was or if the leak was was the response of most in attendance at office, which used to be Smith's. It was then fixed," said Franke, who now keeps his im- John Robinson's lecture on Wed., March 29. that he first noticed water stains on the ceil- portant papers and personal belongings on Robinson posed those' questions in or- ing, but those were soon replaced. the other side of the room, just in case. Bentz der to peak the interests of the many stu- However, there was a small leak in Sep- said things should be fine now though. dents and faculty members present. tember, and so Franke notified Bentz. Smith said the problem, which occurred As managing editor of Defense Daily, He was then informed that there had been at other places on the third floor as well, is where he has worked for the past eight a leak in that office for years, and it seemed due to the flat roof that the building has. years, Robinson had several thoughts to to Franke that although the ceiling tiles' had However, Bentz said, "A lot of it is just age share about the difference between the been replaced, the leak had not actually been and wear and tear." public's reaction to popular culture versus John Robinson discussed the gap between the fixed. Winslow Hall, for instance, is 40 years their reaction to the military. He feels as if miliJary and the media in his recent lecture at His theory appeared valid at the begin- old, said Bentz. Complaints about leaks there "there's a gap right now between the mili- WMC.34 ning of this semester, when there was a huge are not difficult to find. tary and the media." the cultural division between the media and snowstorm. When Franke arrived back to Senior Lauren Hein, who has several For instance, Robinson cited a recent the military. school he realized that his entire office had classes there, explained that every time it Gallup Survey in which 1000 General of- It "sets up a problematic situation" when flooded. rains there is a huge tarp with a hole in the ficers in the military and 1000 members of the public relies solely on the media for news "My printer was soaking wet," he recalls. center that is attached to the ceiling so that the media were polled. about the military, especially when the two Also drenched were the walls, his rug, and water can spill out if it into a bucket on the It found that 75 percent of those in the groups are so different, he said. everything on his desk, including class notes. floor. military favored prayer in school while only "I see these two sides really polarizing," Even more bothersome was that a book, "If you're going to go through all that 20-30 percent of those in the media did. said Robinson. which he had borrowed from a student, was effort, why not fix the ceiling!" exclaimed Robinson said surveys find that most Although he dislikes how films portray also ruined. He has since replaced it, but at people in the military identify with the Re- the military's hierarchical society as nega- the time he called Tom Steback, director of Hein. Bentz said that leak should have been fixed months ago so he thinks that complaint publican party, unlike most in the media. tive, he also commented that the public and Human Resources about the damages that had is an old one. In addition, most in the military are from media have a right to be critical of the mili- been incurred. However, Bentz said one of the problems the South and West while most in the me- tary as well. According to Franke, Steback told him the with complaints is that he does not always dia are from the Northeast. The "military Since he feels as if there is not enough college would replace any WMC property, hear about them, and he promises to double- is becoming less and less representative of media coverage of the military, he suggests such as the printer, but that any other per- check on all the leaks mentioned in this story. society at large:' said Robinson'. people conduct Internet research on their sonal items under $1000 was his responsi- "If I know the leak I'm more than happy Because of (his, he said the "mititary own to learn more about the military. .. and that he should present the matter feels more and more disenfranchised" and Dr. Volker Franke of the political science to his home owner's insurance company. and qualified to get it fixed," he assured. of He said that the leak- on the stairs upset with media coverage since it focuses and international studies department, who Franke did not see how his homeowner's in- Decker College Center should have been more on sex issues involving the military organized the event, said Robinson told him surance would be able to help him. Steback fixed again on April 7 although he originally than foreign policy issues in the media. later that he was very pleased with level of was unavailable for comment. thought it would be fixed during the week Robinson pointed out that the U.S. still questions students asked. In fact, Franke said Franke-feels it is a shame that he is lim- spends nearly $1 billion a year in Iraq, with Robinson thought some of them even re- ited to making his office feel more "personal of March 14, when he told the Phoenix roof- to the school. ers would be coming a total of$300 billion a year on the military quired that he conduct more research. and cozy" because of this. "The problem with leaks is that you do in general. Franke said he was impressed with the He said that after the incident physical something that may fix it, but you don't He said there is little interest in military attendance and is hoping Robinson can be plant installed "what looked like a reverse know if it does until it rains again," ex- policy discussion and that is due mostly to invited back in the future. plastic shower drain" to the office ceiling. plained Bentz. speakers Spring Z~1l£l3000 spondent Ann Lolordo, who was a Middle from page 1 College sponsors journalism continued ing the workshops. East of Collegiate Journalists WMC who began her career in journalism Lolordo, correspondent from .1996 to 1999. president, Society Kristen Fraser explained, senior Ventriloquist Dan Horn 9:00 pm in the Pub. as a copy girl, spoke about her experiences "The students were really able to interact news in Israel, Lebanon, with the speakers." covering Iran, Sudan, Iraq, and Egypt. Among the workshop speakers were Wednesday, April 12 Iran, she explained, Molly Rath, senior writer Drive-In Movies, co-sponsored by SGA, Bair Stadium is a "bright spot," which at the Baltimore City Pa- isrefonning, butacoun- per, Chris Hampson, the 9:00 pm Austin Powers II - 11:00 pm The Matrix try that is constantly de- NBC News London Bu- monized by American reau Chief, Scott Thursday, April 13 media and government. Blanchard, editor of the "Unless you go to Iran, Carroll County Times, Karaoke Night 7-11 pm in the Pub. you cannot understand Tim Maier, writer for all that they have to deal The Washington Times Friday, April 14 with and all that they Insight magazine,Janelie of the Wash- Comedian Spanky 10:00 pm in the Forum. face." The week concluded Erlichman, Post, and college ington with the 2nd Annual journalism professors. Saturday, April 15 Press Day sponsored by The keynote Spring Fling Day: 10:00 am-12:30 pm. Gamma Sigma the WMC Society of speaker, Jake Oliver, Collegiate Journalists. CEO oftheAfro-Ameri- Sigma Double Dare Event in Red Square, 3-7:30 pm Students from Mount St. can Company, discussed Wash- Student Organization Booths open/other activities, 3- Mary's College, and Get- the important role of the ington College, black press. "Our role is 4:45 pm Pop Band Apartment Three, Dinner (picnic tysburg College joined to stimulate thought and WMC students to take part in journalism to promoteeducation ... so we can have a bet- outsideifrom 4:45-6:30 pm, 5:15-7:30 pm Top 40/Ska workshops. ter understanding of what we do to each Band Public Service, 10:00-2:00 am BSU Pajama Mount St. Mary's sophomore Esmond other," said Oliver. Marvray explained that the program was ben- Roughly 60 students attended the Press Jammy Jam in the Forum. eficial to students because it "offered both Day, which concluded with a panel dis~us- the teaching side and the experience side," sion about censorship of student publica- with both professors and journalists conduct- tions.
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