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Wanted: cmBR IIirecI Sports writers TeffjJr and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XXI, Number 4 Western Maryland College Thursday, March 30, 2000 Baseball bashes competition in Florida, leaves with a five game winning streak and a strong start to season Unfazed by his first career start inning of scoreless ball on the Sto.ffWrirer on the mound, sophomore pitcher mound, the offense used Jenkin's Jack Griffith gave up only two hits three hits, Paul Oake's two doubles, Smoking! It has been a great and struck out seven and led the and Ryan Legge's two hits to rout start for the Western Maryland Col- team to a 16-0 victory. the opposition. lege baseball team as they finished Replacing senior RBI champion Finishing up their trip in their early season trip to Florida on Tim Smith, sophomore Guy Sheetz Florida, was their toughest compe- five game winning streak. had a sparkling performance with tition of all, nationally ranked Despite key injuries early in the a double, triple, and three RBI to Brandeis, Fla. season, other players have stepped lead a potent offense that had The Green Terror rose to the up their game to thrive on the tough twenty-two hits on the night. challenge with a impressive 8-0 competition. Senior outfielders Sean Giblin shutout of a team ranked in the top The team began the season with was 2 out 3 from the plate with five in many preseason publica- a spring break trip to Florida. three RBis and sophomore out- lions. On opening day, the team split fielder Jeremy Merrell had two Third basemen Sheetz drove in a pair of games against Mount St. RBis to pace the offense. three runs on the day with a double Mary's (NY) and St. John Fisher The team was unfortunate to and single and Senior pitcher Brent of Canada. lose their junior catcher Rich Fuchs tossed a four hit complete ln their first game, the Green Steigerwalt 10 a fractured knuckle game. Terror jumped to the lead in the on his right ring finger. After some bad weather post- fourth inning with catcher John The three year starter behind the poned two games, the team had its vanccrnat's two-run triple and first plate might miss the rest of the year first home game on March 25, basemen's Kacy Jenkin's sacrifice which is bad news for the team against St. Mary's. fly to grab a 3-1 advantage. si~ce third string catcher Josh Sil- In a tightly played contest, the However Mount St. Mary's ver is rehabbing a shoulder prob- opposition's pitching appeared too scored 3 runs over the next three lem. much as the Green Terror were shut inning to take a 4-3 win despite a Sweigerwalt and Smith's inju- out 2-0. strong nine strikeout performance ries are a bad break for the team, "Brent Fuchs and Dan Elbaz Steigerwalt's caliber being out, oth- While Smith was out, sopho- by WMC ace pitcher Brent Fuchs. but players like Vandernat and both had great pitching perfor- ers players have stepped up for the more Guy Sheetz has hit .450 to go The team gained better results Sheetz stepped up big on this night. mances. team. along with nine RBIs, compared to in their second game of the day The team continued to play well The team played well, but we On the mound, junior Dan his .200 average in only 10 at-bats against St. John Fisher. in their next games against on just didn't put everything together" Elbaz is 2-0 this year which already last year. Behind the five scoreless inning March 16, against Richard Stock- said freshman pitcher Justin ties his win total all of last year. With their winning streak cut of junior pitcher Dan Elbaz, the ton and Keene State. Raynor. He hasn't allowed a earned run shon; at five games, the team looks team used Vandemat's three RBis In their first game, the Green On a good note, senior third in over 12 inning of work this sea- forward to conference play. and Jenkin's first career homerun Terror played a intense and close basemen Tim Smith returned to the With a experienced team and to register a 5-1 win. game against Stockton that went team after being out with a injured Senior Jon Vandernat has seven promising young talent, it looks to It was also the first homerun by into extra inning tied at 7-7. hand. RBIs this season which also ties his be a very exciting season for the the team since a April 24, 1998 In the extra inning, sophomore With key players of Smith and total from last year. Green Terror. league game against Dickinson. Jack Griffith's two-run blast was In their next game against the difference as the Green Terror Clarkson of Potsdam, New York, pulled out a 9-8 win. the Green Terror jumped out to a Senior outfielder Ryan Legge early 7-1 lead with a six run sec- had a triple and 3 RBI for the team. ond inning. It was the second basemen's first Jon Vandemat continued his hot career homerun. play this spring with a two run In the nightcap, Dan Elbaz con- double that gave him seven RBI 011 tinued his good work on the mound the season, already equaling his with three unearned runs and al- total all of last year. lowed just three hits as the team Unfortunately the team couldn't registered a 8-3 come from behind hold the lead, as the pitching staff win. gave up eight walks en route to a Down early 3- I, the team re- 14-9 loss. sponded with sophomore outfielder The Green Terror did get good Kevin Culbertson's first career production from senior third homer and triples by senior Barrett basemen Tim Smith who had a Gugliotta and Vandernat in a five double and two RBis. run fifth inning. Later that night, the learn con- Playing with tremendous con- tinued to struggle as they were fidence, the team blew away jumped on for a four run first in- Brockport State, New York on ning and beaten 8-2 by Bridgewater March 17. State,MA. Sophomore Guy Sheetz's Junior rightfielder Paul Oakes bases-loaded triple in the eighth drove in the two runs for the team. inning led to an eight-run rally that At 1-3 overall, the team re- finished off the opposition for a 13- sponded convincingly in the fol- I victory. Junior Ace Dan Elbaz throwing some heat last season lowing gam~ against vassar -, Combined, with Gugliotta'S five .,,~.
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