Page 155 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 155
NEWS Thursday, Ap,H 13,2000 - Page 3 The Pub continues to make changes after recent SGA Act RICH SUCHOSKI turnaround time from ordering to from iOpm-midnight, causing a tre- while receiving his food and drink Distribution Manager receiving food, started as students' mendous rush during that time. It in a timely manner "both in the new freezer for the back. Lastly, the Surely you have seen the Pub "beef' about the Pub to the SGA. was then spread out from 7pm- morning and evening". However, fryer was rewired so it will not down meal and Grille Standards Act posted Last semester these complaints be- l2midnight, but the IOpm rush re- he does not indicate if he has been break Future during fourth will in- renovations rush. outside of the Pub. Students have came as the Pub and Grille Stan- mained. in the Pub at night to witness the clude a new cash register, a new praised it, faculty and alumni have dards Act of 1999. It was signed The only way to correct this effects of the fourth meal rush. freezer under the counter, a larger condemned it, but not too many by Matt Gribbin, president of the rush, as Dolid points out is "to in- One of the reasons the SGA felt hood, and more fryers. people have actually read it, much SGA and presented to members of crease the amount of cooking the Standards Act had to be posted The other reason the SGA felt it less read into what prompted it. the administration in the fall se- space." Unfortunately, this much is because the reasonable expecta- needed to post the Act is because Last semester, the Campus Life mester of 1999. needed gutting of the Pub will take lions outlined in the Act were not link Committee of the SGA, under the The original plan, explains hundreds of thousands of dollars being met and nothing was being they do not have an effective body to back to the general student leadership of Jeremiah Kelly, made Kelly, was to have Alan Dolid, di- and put the Pub out of commission done to correct these shortcomings. inform students of the changes a list of goals for the Fall 1999 se- rector of Food Services, Barry for several-months. With a price Only recently have changes to fix brought about by the actions of the mester. The goals outline a number Bosley, director of Facilities Man- tag this large, it does not take pri- these problems occurred, possibly of sweeping changes for the cam- agement and Auxiliary Services, ority over the renovation of dorms because the contract between So- SGA. This will hopefully change with the SGA website moving to the pus. Included were a recycling ini- and Ethan Seidel, vice president of or creation of more parking spaces. dexho-Marriott and WMC is up for tiative, which will make recycling Administration and Finance, sign Seidel says the long term goal renegotiation in a few weeks. student server, found at more prominent on campus, the the Act. is to raise money and redesign the Kelly admits the presentation The SGA has also not been in bathroom initiative, which will This would be used as a writ- pub, but there is no money allo- of the Act on the board without an contact with Bosley, Dolid, or brighten up the bathrooms in ten recognition that these are real cated from this year's budget, explanation is a bit harsh. There Seidel about renovations since they Decker and on second floor problems in the Pub, mainly at planned out the March of every were plans to put a letter out to the presented the Act to them in the fall. Blanche, and the information initia- night during the rushes which the year, so the changes are not going campus and a decorative art board None of them have heard from tive, which will put a Cyber Cafe fourth meal plan brings. It was also to happen even by next spring. If presenting the Act before the break, Kelly or Gribbin since the fall, ex- in the Pub, including a computer to signify that steps are being taken plans are started now we could see but the resources to do so fell cept about the posting of the Act. given to each student paid for by to fix them. changes by the 2001-2002 aca- through. Seidel felt he could not do any- tuition, and more. Seidel would not sign the Act demic year. There have been changes in the thing to stop them from posting it The goal of the beautification because he felt it looked like he is Seidel says "80-90 percent of Pub though. Within the past couple initiative was to make Decker Col- condemning the workers in the the statements [of the Act] are self of months new tables and chairs because he did not want to tread on of speech. their freedom lege Center more of a place where Pub, who ultimately work for him. evident" and did not need to be have been added to the porch sec- Bosley sums up the feelings of students want to hang out. This ini- However, he invited the SGA to posted in this "inflammatory" rnan-: tion at a cost of $6,000. In addi- the administration: "It's dishearten- tiative makes provisions to change talk to him about problems they see nero tion to a new ice machine and a ing to go through this process." the look of Decker by modifying the or hear about in the Pub. Dolid and Dolid agrees and adds that even structures and replacing the furnish- Bosley took the same stance, blam- though it is only a list of expecta- ings of the Pub, gameroom, ing not the workers but the space tions, it hurt the workers, making April 12: CAPBoard Drive- in Baker Chapel at 7:30 pm. lounges, and coordinating the color in which they work. them ask themselves, "What are we in movies; Room selection. Wed. April 26-Sat. April 29: scheme in all of Decker. These The current size of the Pub was doing so wrong here that they don't April 13: SGA meeting Hill Marat/Sade: Alumni Hall at 8 pm. plans also include adding a stairway adequate for the amount of busi- appreciate us?" Hall IiO at 7:30 pm; Karaoke April 27: Gospel Choir Conce from the Pub to the Gameroom and ness done before the fourth meal The most forceful objection to Night in the Pub at 7 pm. in Baker Chapel at 7:30 pm. remodeling the entire Pub to give it plan was introduced. Originally it the posting of the Act is a letter April 16: Spring Awards Cer- April 30: Band concert; Alumni a sports bar atmosphere. was to have one feature per night, from Richard J., Gebhardt, class of emony in McDaniel Lounge at 4 Hall at 7:00 pm. Some of the items listed in the 1961, whictiwrls posted alongside May 1-2: Student beautification initiative, such as the Act and by the main register in Baker Chapel at 7 pm. Ensembles i the Pub. Gebhardt raves about the May 3: Brass ensemble, Bake "[fairJ and good vibes Qfthe slaff' Cha el at 7:00 m. Ever thoughl about wnal il was like to be a student at WMC in 1he '40's, 'SO's, "60's, 70's or 'SO's? Wonder what ce'lebra.ting a reunion is all about on !he Hill? GetBack Wan~ to meet some Interesting aiuJ'I'lni who ar.$.,relu~l"1lin9to campus 10 enjoy food, fun, and relJowship? If your answer is "'yes" 10 any or allot Ihesa To W!WE You ONCEBno~GIJ! Reunion Weekend 2000. ~Jlil 28-301 questions. join UlS as we ce'!3brate Some students, facuJty and staff w[U be par1iiciipating irnactivities on this weekend, many Ihave vd.!onteered to help, and all are Invited to ... \;q.I. I~" J,tk N~ t;lkI
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