Page 64 - Phoenix1998-99
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Wanted: cmeR Ilirect • Green Terror Scoreboard Sports writers, TiJffIlr ·Page14 photographers, and editors ·Field Hockey Call x8600 ·Page14 Volume XVIII, Number 4 Western Maryland College Thursday, November 5, 1998 Green Terror football team 8-0, Hopkins game remaining lineback Matt Meiklejohn re- been unexpected by many Terror corded an early sack, while sopho- fans, but the surprise didn't last The Green Terror football squad more Kevin Kramer wreaked very long. Sermarini, rolled to his hit the road to ultimately defeat the havoc on the inside. The leader of right, then throwing back [0 his left. Salisbury Seagulls 36-17, maintain- the D-line, junior Zach "Moose" Powell was waiting for a screen ing its undefeated record. Gaiemore, stepped up his play for and, with a horde of Terror lineman The defense came up big early this big game, using his size to clog in front of him, raced down the as junior defensive back Rob up any and all inside running at- sideline for the touchdown. Al- McCracken intercepted a third- tempts by the Seagulls. "Moose" though there was a lot of football down pass on Salisbury'S opening then used his athletic ability to ap- to play, this play seemed to put the drive. The offense, however, started slowly. Salisbury put lots of pres- There's an oldfootball adage stating "Offense sure on Ron Sermarini, attacking the junior quarterback from all wins games, defense wins championships. " angles. Terrors huddle 10plan how 10 continue their victorious STreak. After junior defensive back ply pressure on pass attempts. Af- proverbial nail in the coffin. Marvin Deal made an interception, ter the game, Galemore said "We The coaching staff was ecstatic sive coordinator, received an over- Sermarini, who exploded with a tying a school career record of 19, all played real hard. Ithink we de- about their team's victory. Rumor all great performance from the "D." season high of four touchdown the Terror was able 10 put three served to win." has it that Keating did a cartwheel Although the score was 28-13, passes.SeniorTimHerb,inabreak points on the board with a field goal The offense recorded their first on the field after the game. Thomas's defense kept F&M com- out game, caught two of the touch- from sophomore placekicker Brent score early in the third quarter. Se- There's an old football adage fortably out of reach for the entire downs and ended up with 49 yards, Sandrock. Then, on the first play of nior fullback Jay Tharpe scored his stating "Offense wins games, de- game. Junior Anthony Burgos while Mike Starke caught the other the second quarter, special-teams first touchdown of the season on a fense wins championships." When earnedCC Defensive Player of the two. Harman and senior Matt coach Paul McCord sent the punt- tough run behind great backing by the Terror played the Franklin and Week and made honorable mention . Mathias dominated P&M's ccmbi- block team in on a Salisbury fourth junior Dan Harman and senior Marshall Diplomats two weeks for the National Defensive Player nation of highly regarded defensive down, an unquestionably good call. Ryan Hines, the right side of the ago, they were playing for both that of the Week. ends. The win kept the Terror un- Freshman cornerback and spe- offensive line. Tharpe continued to game and a centennial conference Keating's offense was in the defeated in both conference and cial-teams standout Edmund be the theme for the third quarter. championship. With Hopkins play- zone against the Diplomats as well. overall play. Goldsberry worked his magic and It seemed whenever Coach Tim ing strong, every conference game Sennarini's running was held in After a game against Swarth- blocked another punt. He was also Keating needed a big play, is a must win for the Terrors to keep check, as F&M made an extra ef- more this Saturday, the Terror fin- able to scoop the ball up and run Tharpe's number was called. their championship hopes alive. fort to keep him in the pocket. That ishes off the regular season with a the rest of the way for the score, a The fourth quarter started with Thus both the offense and defense choice was fine with Keating and Centennial Conference game spark the Terror needed. a bang. The Terror lined up with had to play well to win the game aeamst rival Johns Hopkins. Once again the defense stepped freshman receiver Terren Powell at for the Terror. up big for the Terror. Junior tight end. This move might have Coach AI Thomas, the defen- Volleyball in semis Six to be inducted into Green BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI handed Washington College a 3- Earlier the Terror that week Assistant Editor Sports Terror Sports Hall of Fame up and ready to go for their up- D defeat (15-7,15-6,15-6). Af- are all fired The Lady Terrors 7-2 in the first ter being downed mounted a fu- the Terror coming semi-final bout against game, comeback to win in three rious A three-sport athlete and a long- Terror football team with a fero- '52, enshrined in the hall of fame Gettysburg in the Centennial sets. Leading the way for the time soccer coach will be among six cious rush that earned him a spot in 1982, is the only other Terror Conference playoffs. Terror was Brianne Bray, who Terror greats inducted into the on the All-America team selected football player ever to earn Little The ladies are coming off a accumulated nine kills on the college's Sports Hall of Fame on by theAmerican Football Coaches All-America honors. Bonaccorsy strong third place finish at the evening. Saturday, November 14. was also named to the All-Middle Halloween Classic at The girl's also rolled over Sally Stanfield, a '70's letter With the new Atlantic Conference first team in Elizabethtown. After dropping a Swarthmore 3-0, and Urstnus-S. winner in basketball, field hockey, inductees, who 1979 and in the same year was se- 3-0 game to Salisbury State- in 1(7·15.15-12.15·10,15·10). and lacrosse, and Philip E. Uhrig, lected to the College Sports Infor- the semi-finals (17-15,15-9,15- The only real setback for the who coached the men's soccer comprise the Hall's mation Directors of America 7), they rebounded with an ex- Terror was a 3-0 defeat by Ly- squad for ten years, including the 21st class since the (CoSIDA) All-America team. tremely hard fought 3-2 win over coming this past week (II-IS, 1955 Mason-Dixon Conference Robert W. Butler, Class of 1957 Eastern Mennonite (10-15, 15- 11-15,14-16). The Terror fell to champs, join Ricci (Gus) chartering in 1978, the Two-sport star Butler played 13,15-8,10-15,15-6). the country's fourth ranked di- Bonaccorsy of Edgewater, Robert Sports Hall of Fame football and Tan track during Coach Sophomore Honesty Drum- vision III team, despite W. Butler of Lampe, Mo., Howard membership increases Dick Harlow's return to Western goole led the team with 12 kills, Drumgoole's 12 kills, Seward's (Dick) Linton of Ocean City, NJ, Maryland in the mid-1950s. while Stacey Seward had II kills eight digs, and Christa Farrar's and Fred A. Dilkes of Vancouver, to 126. Harlow, who put WMC on the and 13 digs. three service aces. British Columbia, il) the Hall's football map with several unbeaten Class of 1998. Association in both 1978 and 1979. teams in the I920s and '30s before With the new inductees, who He is the only Terror named to the heading to Harvard, came back to comprise the Hall's 21st class since squad since the AFCA began se- the Hill as an assistant coach for Write for Sports! the chartering in 1978, the Sports lecting a Division III squad in Charlie Havens, one of Harlow's Hall of Fame membership increases 1967. Bonaccorsy also earned all- own gridiron stars. Butler flour- Commentary, news, features- to 126. state honors in 1977, 1978 and ished under his coaches- who are Following are profiles on the 1979, as well as a spot on the 1979 both '78 charter members of the they all apply to 1998 Hall of Fame inductees: Associated Press Little AlI- Hall- and earned the 1957 JohnA. Ricci Bonaccorsy, Class of 1980 America honorable mention team Alexander Award, given each year the Phoenix Sports section! Bonaccorsy was a four-year let- and was an alternate at the 1980 ter winner at defensive end for the Senior Bowl. Victor Makovirch Continued on page J 5
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