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SPORTS Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 15 College inducts Terror athletic legends Men's soccer players bonding well ContinuedJrompage 16 attie, excelled on the field through- to the graduate with the best record out the school year, taking on field BY KAREN MILLAR Though the upperclass men laughter of twenty-two men. SlaffWriler in athletics. In football, Butler was hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. A know one another, the group Memories were made, heads an ironman in 1956, playing every letter winner in all three sports Twenty-two men bonding seems brand new with twelve were shaved, and inside jokes minute of the ten-game schedule as throughout her collegiate career, closely like brothers because of a freshmen now on board. were shared, which are very help- an end and tackle on both sides of she was also co-team captain in black and white ball? There's got Adjustments are difficult. This ful in getting players through the the hall, serving as a team captain field hockey and lacrosse during to be more to it than that. And year, the team got off to a quick rougher days of practice. and earning selection to the College her senior season. Her off-field ac- there is, but a soccer ball isn't a start in getting to know one an- With the laughter of other All-Methodist All-American Foot- complishments included graduat- bad beginning, is it? other. As with many organiza- sophomores surrounding him. ball team. He also ran the 220 and ing Magna Cum Laude and earn- The men's soccer team is tions, "initiations," as seniors like Dave McConky jokingly said that 440 races for Harlow's team. But- ing the Argonaut Award in 1978 closer than ever this year. to call them, are held. Often "they have a bunch of new mad ler was a member of the Reserve and induction into the Trumpeters When athletes come in during times, society has a negativeim- dogs on the team." With a smirk Officer Training Corps program and Omicron Delta Kappa the deadening heat of August to age of this word, but it's merely on their faces, one can imagine and after graduation served in the Philip E. Uhrig, run the golf course and practice another word for "bonding." what they mean. U.S. Army, retiring as a Colonel in WMC coach and M. Ed. '52 two to three times a day for two This year, the team's main Sophomore defensive player 1981. Uhrig, who lives in Indian weeks, there's got to be more to event was held September 5. On Mark Whitehead said, "It's nice Fred A. Dilkes, Class of 1961 Wells, CA, coached the men's soc- it than the love of the competi- this night, many places around being able to both play and party Dilkes was a running back for cer team from 1949-59, including tion and teammates. campus were filled with the with the team." the football team and a sprinter, the 1955 conference champions. pole vaulter, and long jumper for He took a losing program that the track team headed by recently ended 1950 with a winless 0-10 Golf places third at invitational retired faculty member Dick record and finished his coaching Clower. He set the Terror rushing career with a 1959 squad that is still record in 1959 and is still the fourth noted as one of the best ever and BY MIKE PUSKAR the Fall Invitational, hosted by clinched the tourney, and the leading ground gainer in Terror his- still holds many of the school's Sports Editor the Terrors this season. The first Terrors came in third, led by tory with 2,572 yards. He is third records. The team finished 9-1-1 of two rounds took place on Oc- Tony Santillo (72-86-158). in rushing touchdowns, scoring 25 and was led by one of the top scor- In order to make NCAA D- tober 18, and the Terrors came Also making the top-20 were times, and third among career lead- ers in school history, George Varga, III championships in the spring, in second behind the College of Craig Zabora (75-88-163) at 14 a golf team must twice qualify, "So it was a matter of being able to discover one of the qualifications being New Jersey. October 19, Jersey and Ryan Reid (75-90-165) at On their untrained talents, teach them, and mold 20. them into a unit with those others who kl'ew something about the game. " GET ONE MORE USE OUTTA THOSE COSTUMES! Philip E. Uhrig ers-in per carry average with 4.8 now a WMC trustee. His stellar -- yards. Dilkes, who also played on squad, which averaged a Terror defense, is fourth in all-purpose record of 5.36 goals per game also running with more than 3,200 included Bob Cole '60-and Laszlo ..... yards. Post-season honors include Zsbedics '63, both listed among the at New Windsor HRMHGEDDON All-East honorable mention in top scorers. At one time Uhrig's trio 1959; Mason-Dixon Conference held all nine school scoring records first team 19'5S::60, nnd.AlbM..i4Q~r game. s.eason and career. Uhrig Atlantic first team 1958-60. A co- began coaching captain on the 1960 team which High School and led his team to the went 6-3 and won the Mason-Dixon state finals in 1946 and 1947 be- crown, Dilkes led the Mason-Dixon fore taking over at WMC. "Some of and Middle Atlantic conferences in the fellows who came to Western rushing that year. Other honors in- Maryland had never seen a soccer @ 12 II cluded serving on the President's ball when they came out for {he Prizes Galore! Prizes Galore! Honor Council and earning the team," Uhrig wrote in a letter to the Bates Prize for Outstanding Man in Hall of Fame research committee. RAGNAROK & ROLL 1961. An ROTC member, Dilkes "So it was a matter of being able was sele.cted to command the to discover their untrained talents, ROTC contingent in John F. teach them, and mold them into a Friday, Nov. 6 Kennedy's inauguration in 1961. unit with those others who knew He served in the U.S. Army earn- something about the game. That for ing promotion to Major before an me was pure joy." honorable discharge in 1972. Also to be recognized during 8PM-3AM in the Forum FREE! with Costume Howard Limon, Class of 1954 the program and admitted to the Free Soda! $1 wlo Costume Linton was a key soccer player College's Fellowship of Champi- for fellow inductee Coach Phil ons are the Western Maryland All- Costume Contest- Poltergeist King &. Queen Halloween Uhrig and, in his four seasons, es- Americans, GTE Academic All- tablished himself as a 'dominant Americans, and Centennial Confer- center halfback and fullback, play- ence individual and team champi- Dance Contest, Witchsmelling Trivia, Water Limbo, ing each role for two seasons. But ons from the 1997-98 academic it didn't matter where he played as year. In addition, WMC athletes Witch Hunt Deep Impact @ Midnite he earned All-Mason Dixon confer- who were named Player of the Year ence honors 1950-53, All-Middle in the Centennial Conference will Atlantic honors 1952-53, and AIl- be honored and included in the Fel- American selection in 1953. He was lowship of Champions. Those team captain 1951-52 and co-cap- teams to be inducted are: Football, tain in 1953. Linton .also played season record lO-l; Wrestling, sea- four seasons as a catcher for Jim son record 21-8; Softball, season Boyer's baseball squad and three record 27-9; and Golf. years as forward for Boyer's JV Also, head football coach Tim basketball team. Captain of the Keating will be honored for his se- baseball team in his senior season, lection as 1997 Division III Schutt Linton was also a member of the Sports/American Football Quar- Sponsored by CABAL I> CAP Board Pershing rifle team 1953-54. terly Coach of the Year. SaUy Stanfield, Class of 1978 Stanfield, now living near Se- Courtesy of Public Information
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