Page 21 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 21
Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 5 Increased AIDS awareness promoted on ASAP retreat BY JENIFER SIRKIS formation sheets so that at ASAP Assistant News Editor members will be able to educate their peers about the prevention, ASAP, WMC's AIDS aware- and spread of HIV and AIDS. ness organization, recently held a The ropes course also gave the two-day retreat for the group mem- members of ASAP a chance to get bers to get to know each other bet- to know each other better while ter and set goals for the year. developing strong teamwork and The eleven ASAP members cooperation skills. The situations who went on the retreat, which was on the course forced the group to held at MarLu Ridge in Brunswick, develop problem solving skills to MD, participated in an AIDS edu- get out of dangerous situations. cation workshop with Bonnie Bos- ASAP members are excited ley, ASAP's advisor, and in a ropes about the several events planned for course, this year. "Our purpose was to build unity A coffee house has already been among our core members, plan held, but ASAP hopes to hold one events for the year, and be thor- twice a month for the rest of the oughly educated on HIV, AIDS, school year. and other common sexually trans- "We wanted to be able to pro- mitted diseases," said Janet vide a place where students can dis- Keymeuan, ASAP's president. cuss anything that is on their mind," At the workshop, members said Bethany Young. Students are were educated on the effects and encouraged to come and talk about dangers of unprotected sex and whatever they want, it doesn't have the peer education training manual ASAP also plans to continue its of HIV and AIDS. about HIV and AIDS. to be about HIV, she added. ASAP members were given at the annual holiday card sale and have In the past four years, A~AP has "Every year the information ASAP will also continue to par- retreat. changes. I learned a lot of up-to- ticipate in peer education programs As in previous years, World a Forum party in the Spring. year at won the Griswold-Zepp Award and award national another is ASAP's This for its ef- fifth date information this year," said by performing skits promoting AIDS Day will also be held at WMC. It was formed in the Fall forts at WMC and in the surround- vice-president Sara Gruber. safe-sex activities. The purpose of WMC in December. Panels from of 1994 by a group of freshmen ing community. Bosley also performed condom the- skits are to "alleviate anxiety theAIDS quilt will be displayed on a group demonstrations and handed out in- and foster openness," according to campus. who wanted to create the prevention on campus advocating BEilER BETTER BETTER PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA IS IS HEREU HEREU IS HEREII IFREE DELIVERY AND CARRYOUT I 'G'PlNIMA eEP'IP.i!'MI' '£11 1 .... _, ~.fn.,V_'"" j II~;:" ..._= : .. ' .
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