Page 18 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 18
Thursday. October I, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Campus Safety gets a makeover Continuedfrom page 1 computer from WMC. In exchange, WMC with the old vehicle. bikes for duty was required to participate in patrol vehicles, gained two new officers. would be paid for Webster's time. Also, the only four wheel drive vehicle a40 hour course taught by a local Baltimore Charles Lee and Wayne Short, former After discussing the situation with Cham- on campus last year was the snow plow truck, County police officer before using the bi- members of Campus Safety, both quit before bers and Philip Sayre, dean of Student Af- and the Cherokee will provide the campus cycles for duty. . the new school year to pursue other occupa- fairs, Webster accepted the position and for with another vehicle that can handle winter's The class taught the campus safety mern- tions. Lee took a job as a paramedic and several months spent approximately 12 to 16 worst. "The four wheel drive is just worth bers how to handle both ascending and de- Short is now a manager at the new Papa hours a week working at Gettysburg College. the peace of mind," said Webster. scending stairs, curbs, low-speed control, John's pizza shop inWestrninster. Theywere "It was a great deal that benefitted ev- Barrett Gugliotta, a sophomore exercise maneuvering in tight places and self-defense replaced by Burkholder and Ron Crowe, who eryone," said President Chambers. "Mike science major, agrees that the Jeep would be' using the bike. both worked in the security department at was a great help to Gettysburg and we earned beneficiaJ to the college in the winter but Burkholder said that the bikes will help Cranberry Mall before taking the jobs here. enough to purchase the Cherokee." does not agree with its high price. "I think to improve Campus Safety as a whole. "The Webster is pleased at the progress that Webster, who did not earn any extra it's a waste of money. Our campus is not bikes help to aid in incident response time, both men have made so far, but admits that money from the agreement, said that the very big, and 1don't believe that they needed they allow us to carry more safety gear, we they have a long way to go. "It takes the money earned from Gettysburg covered most to purchase such a vehicle. What's next, a can cover more terrain than on foot, and we average person 12 weeks to get used to this of the cost of the Cherokee. He and others, hummer and snowmobiles?" have more-access with them than a vehicle." job, but these guys are doing very good." including Ruth Thomas, director of financial Sarah Fogly, a sophomore pyschology He said that with the bikes they can now Webster said ''The process of selecting a planning and assistant treasurer, would not major, asked: "Why does the college spend patrol in-between the cars in parking lots and good person for the job requires a lot of time, release how much the college earned from so much money on internal improvements places that are not easily accessed on foot. effort, and money," but is confident that the the partnership with Gettysburg nor the ex- instead of things that would benefit us, the Webster believes there is another advan- department has made the right choice. act cost of the vehicle. students? Instead of a $25,000 vehicle why tage to using the mountain bikes. ''They al- He also plans to hire another officer in Webster did mention, however, that they not buy a few more computers?" low the officers to be seen in a different way. the near future, as a result of a grant from had received a "good deal" from a member The Cherokee is not the only new mode They provide the students with a reason to the Department of Justice of the United of the Board of Trustees, who owns a Jeep of transportation that Campus Safety has in- have a positive student to officer interaction, States, which has allotted the school $67,000 dealership. The name of the board member troduced this year. which is important because so much of what for 75% of a campus officer's salary for three and their deaJership are apparently unknown. The department has acquired two brand- we do is perception," he said. years. The grant also contributed $4,500 to- The four wheel drive, six cylinde;" engine new Diamondback V-tech mountain bikes. Aaron Jenkins, a junior philosophy and ward computers for the department, which Cherokee was chosen by Webster for a num- One bike was purchased by the college, the religion major, said that they are excellent has allowed for an "improvement in depart- ber of different reasons. "The nature of the other was donated by the'local Fraternal Or- mountain bikes but that they really do not ment efficiency," according to Webster. driving that we do (usually less than 25 der of Police, according to Webster. The serve a purpose. "I don't think they need Campus Safety Has also obtained a new m.p.h., stop and go) is quite severe. It puts a bikes were bought from White's Bikes of the bikes. The campus is so small, and foot interactive CD entitled "Alcohol 101, an In- lot of wear and tear on the vehicle's engine, Westminster. A salesman for the company and vehicle patrol should be sufficient."
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