Page 19 - Phoenix1998-99
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NEWS Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 3 Watercolors displayed in Rice Gallery October brings a new art show to the Esther Prangley Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall. Canadian artist Theresa Markiw will be displaying her watercolors from October 5 10 November 6. The daughter of Ukrainian emi- gres, Markiw has had her work dis- played all over the U.S., Canada, England and in the Ukraine. Her most recent solo show was last April at the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington, DC. The majority of Markiw's work is in the realist tradition. She paints both landscapes and still-fifes. Her paintings have been described by critics as "exceptional in their lus- cious palettes and textures." .Calendar of Events pct I - 4: Theatre: Loose Ends, Alumni Hall. 8 pm Oct 17: Homecoming beginning with parade Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for down Main Street, noon; reunion tent seniors, students and children. opens at 1 pm. Football: WMC vs. Dickinson, pct 2-4: Parents and Families Weekend Bair Stadium, I pm. pct 5: Monday Night Music featuring "The Oct 18: Opening reception for Markiw pleasure of your company," a piano duet with exhibition, Rice Gallery, 2-4 pm. Judy Ferencz and 'Peggy Brengle, Mcpamet Lounge, 7 pm. Oct 19: Yale Gordon Residency Program with System failure shuts pct 15: Books Sandwiched In: Dr. Rebecca daytime workshops Also concert featuring on Puerto Rican and Latin rhythms; out off-campus e-mail Carpenter and WMC students review The world renowned percussionist Orlando Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Big Baker, 7 pm. Cotto, marimba, noon. Lounge, McDaniel BY JULIE DEVELIN know there was a problem with e- Concert with Kengmo, African dance and Oct 21: Concertfledure: Cedric Dent of StafJWriter mail until September 8. "At mat musi~, Big Baker, 8 pm -. TAKE 6, a .Grammy-winning.go.spe1 point we realized that OUf server - group, McDimiel Lounge, 7 pm. ... The campus community was cut was receiving some e-mail from off off from the outside world for two campus, but notal I," Mathews said. weeks when the WMC e-mail sys- verio Mid-Atlantic, the Internet WMC appoints new vice president tem was unable to receive most in- Service Provider for the college coming messages. was contacted immediately. After Richard G. Kief most recently nity outreach, education and health "It was a huge inconvenience a series of tests ran on the system senior vice president for Develop- partnerships, senior membership ing his college graduation he served because many people use their e- to look for problems turned up ment at Suburban Hospital and ex- programs, pastoral care and gift as a VISTA volunteer on Project Bravo in El Paso, Texas, and was a mail instead of calling long dis- empty, a possible cause was found. ecutive vice president of Suburban shop operations. tance, and it was hard and expen-. "We were advised that the prob- Hospital Foundation in Bethesda, From 1985-89, Kief served as student at Institute de Idiomas in Bolivia. sive to stay in touch with friends lem lay in the name of our domain MD., has been named vice presi- Gettysburg Hospital's first chief He succeeds Richard Seaman and family," said junior Chandra name server even though this had dent for Institutional Advancement. development officer and directed Westergaard. not been recently changed," Kief was chosen from a nation- its newly established foundation who retired after a nationally rec- The technological isolation Mathews explained. "We promptly ally competitive field on the basis which raised more than $2 million ognized professional career in lasted this long because mainte- made a request for a change, but of his success as a fund raising pro- in gifts and grants during his ten- higher education. tenure, fund- Seaman's During nance workers were unable to lo- continued to have problems." fessional who has, directed an in- raising goals increased as evi- cate the exact problem. After more searching they fi- stitutional development program at Prior to entering the health care "It was one of those kind of denced by the college's Annual nally found a mistake in a well-hid- Suburban that has raised more than field, he served as a fund-raising problems where it was more diffi- den file. Information Services then $22 million, including efforts that consultant for not-for-profit orga- Fund which set its all-time record cult to figure out because the e-mail rectified the problem immediately. resulted in two successful bond nizations including the creation of this year at $1,265,753. was partially working," said Chris- "Once the mistake was fixed, bills in the Maryland State Legis- a development program for a pri- "The College has never been tine Mathews, directoroflnforma- we were able to receive off cam- lature. vate secondary school, and he con- stronger nor more deserving of sup- tion Services. pus e-mail all over again," said Since 1989 he served as an ex- port," said President Robert Cham- Information Services did not Mathews. ecutive staff member at Suburban, ducted an endowment study for a bers. "We look forward with confi- college. private a 388-bed hospital and one of nine Kief was graduated from St. dence to the future and welcome Lowest Prices on state-designated regional shock Joseph's University in Philadelphia the energy and creativity Mr. Kief trauma centers, where he was re- where he earned a bachelor's de- brings to our dedicated administra- Handmade Cigars sponsible for development, devel- gree in sociology and a certificate tive team.'.' - FREE "Bad Boy" Cigar with opment communications, commu- in Latin American studies. Follow- Kief has distinguished himself college ID in various capacities for the 2800- - Complete Smoking Lounge GRAPE HARVEST member Association for Healthcare Philanthropy. During the past de- - European Cigarettes cade he has served as an interna- - Pipes and Tobacco Pickers Needed tional education speaker and as its Locust Lane Shops international chairman in 1998. Across from Main Street Library October 3rd and 4th He is also a current board mem- Pickers paid by amount picked ber of the World Fundraising Coun- 410-876-4786 Lunch Provided cil and was plenary speaker for the Institute Fundraising of Australia Visit our website: Copernica Vineyards during the past year. (410) 848-7577 Courtesy of Public Information
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