Page 25 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 9 H oroscopes WMC, make no-friends, flunk out, of my adjustment here. An OCtoberof changes Sta!fWr;ler to nothing. and amount I met convinced my roommate I was also have Gradually, some good others friends and was go- gained In every person's life, there ing to be a complete psycho and Aquarius (January 32 - February 19) comes a time when they must take that we would hate each other. along the way. Since the first night If you launch anew venture, handle it with care. Be sure to take the a step towards the future. For many, When we turned onto Mail) we all made a deal to have our and that has always meals together, right approach with the right influential people. Don't complain if this step is attending college. Col- Street and followed the signs di- been an experience (to say the work seems snarled and others less than dutiful. Your aims and lege has been by far the biggest and recting us to Whiteford, my opin- least). Warning: if you are ever at objectives can be gratified without. resorting to tactics you would riskiest step I've ever taken. ion started changing. Seeing Glar and see a group of six weird not be proud of. I've known I wanted to go to a bunches of people in neon green girls laughing, then most likely it's small school, one relatively close to shirts and tons of cars packed to tile us! Pisces (February 20 - March 20) home, since the beginning of the roof with luggage didn't scare me. Avoid wasting time by chatting about things of little consequence. college selection process. Luckily, I felt like I was at summer camp, Finally, there are those things Be ready to take on a new task and show a willingness to use your my road to picking Western Mary- which has always been fun. called classes. They get i~ the way talent for best results. It is reasonably safe for you to open up to all land College was rather short. The The peer mentors and ROTC of my plans sometimes, but when I of your close friends, but talking in front of people you just met is a reps came to my high school one men were unloading my mom's get bored they fill up time. I will admit the work has been hard and day and I wanted to get out of class, van, which was quite full, when it I'm well know for my procrastina- so went and listened to them. I re- hit me. For the next four years of Aries (March 21 - April \9) ceived the application and a fee my life, I would be calling West- tion. But I have learned more about Your energy enables you to tackle almost anything, but don't ex- waiver, and since I already had an ern Maryland College home. Alit I my study habits and what works best for me. I think I've done more haust yourself by being over eager and rushing out. Something is essay written, just filled it out and opened the door to my dorm, I studying in my four weeks here stirring that could bring you happiness from somewhere that you sent it away. A little while later I opened the door to my new life. than ever before. would not expect. Ignore prying people and go quietly on your way. got the acceptance letter, and even Within. a half-hour I met my You could say my freshman a scholarship. So, that's how I got new roommate. I felt bad when she experience has been a good one so Taurus (April 20 - May 20) here. walked in because I had already far. I have been elected freshman Someone who will notice your kindly admiration may benefit you Getting into college was easy, taken over the entire room and her claSs representative, I volunteer at . greatly. Don't be too independent or proud. Your health may be but moving to college was not. The things hadn't even arrived. Deb- a family shelter, write for the Phoe- worrisome and you may want to get some professional advice or at whole month of August, I told my bie looked exactly how I pictured least change your diet. nix, work on yearbook, and partici- mother that I was not going! I told her over the phone (although she pate in Students Teaching her I was perfectly content with did turn out to be a bit psycho- Gemini (May 21 - June 21) goirtg to community college {al- Just kidding, Deb.) America's Youth. I have a super Changes in work routine may be to your advantage. It may be nec- though I really wasn't) and I was She and I get along extremely bunch of friends and I'm doing in my classes. essary to train intensively, but look forward. Be willing and ambi- just not leaving home. Yes, I will well. We look very different arid fairly well say r love college. I can honestly tious. There could be a sustained buzz of conversation going on admit it: I was going to miss my have dissimilar tastes and back- behind your back. You would be pleased about it. mommy. I put off packing until the grounds. But we..instantly bonded school Western Maryland is a terrific and I wouldn't want to be day before I left and continued to and have become excellent friends. anywhere else. It feels good to be Cancer (June 22- July 23) tell myself that I was going to hate She has definitely been a big part home! Someone unscrupulous may come your way with a big scheme. Don't fall for any big talk in business or romance. Guard yourrepu- tation and behave very ethically. You are in danger of lapsing into a bad habit you-quit years ago. Your willpower will pull you through' this troubled time. Leo (July 24- August 23) An old family friend shocks you when they confess they have the hots for you. Be careful who you share a secret with - it could come back to haunt you. This is a good time to give a loved one the atten- tion they crave - what about a surprise evening out and a thoughtful card and gift? Virgo (August 24 - September 23) Your romantic relationship is developing into an ongoing melo- drama - you have to lighten uporcall it quits. You worry too much about what other people think - forget about them! You desperately want to be liked by everyone, perhaps you are trying too hard. Libra (September 24 - October 23) Love doesn't come easy to you because you tend to be rigid and demanding. Thaw out a little and things will improve. Everyone knows you are a workaholic, but don't love your job so much that your private life goes down the drain. Schedule the weekend for fun and games with people who make you laugh. Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) Don't listen to a well-meaning friend's advice concerning your love life. Listen only to what your heart says. Getting involved with a close friend could prove more trouble than it is worth. Be careful with investments, and always read the fine print before signing agreements. ~Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) Celebrate good news - and get rid of any negative thoughts. Inject more smiles and jokes into a relationship that has become overly' tense these past few weeks. Plan a trip away from college. Step up your personal fitness program over the weekend. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Do not let a partner force you into making a decision that you will live to regret. Weekends have been dull for you lately but this is an ideal time to relieve the monotony by playing host to a fun-filled get-together. written by : Shannon M. Hess and Emily L. Wilson
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