Page 17 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 17
Thursday, October I, 1998 Campus Safety has new image Pigeons killed with unlicensed chemical BY CLAIRE ADAMS WMC was faced with a prob- Staff Writer lem when notified that Terrninex was working without a permit. The Pigeons dropping from the sky company had reacted quickly 10 the and dying in convulsions were an problem and forgotten to apply for unpleasant but not uncommon sight permission to use Avitrol against around campus early this semester. the birds in Carroll County. The birds were killed with a "We have now issued a policy chemical that Terminex, the pest that no institution can usc the control company, did not have a chemical agent against birds unless permit to use. they have a permit," said Mike The poison was set down in an Baessler, technical and training di- effort to control the birds' numbers, rector of Termtnex's eastern divi- as pigeon droppings are unsightly ston. and are considered a health hazard, Last year, 10 birds atWMC died sometimes causing respiratory from the chemical, and most re- problems. cently 55 out of a flock of about This problem was brought to the 700 were killed. college's attention last October, af- "We realized that baiting was Campus Safety officers Bryan Burkholder and Davit Root model the department's new purchases. ter a student complained about the essentially cheaper then paying for filthy state of the Garden Apart- cleaning and man hours," said . BY MICHAEL STOKES Chevrolet Celebrity station wagon, campus safety department had ap- ments, explained Donald Shumaker. "We really feel that it SwjfWriter has over 70,000 miles and had been parently been internally promoted Shumaker, director of Public Infor- is a problem and that we have to experiencing a number of different and the college was in the process mation. Over $3000 was then spent The Department of Campus problems, including those with the of selecting a replacement. to power-wash the buildings. take care of the students' needs, and Safety now has the ability to climb automobile's brake system. However, in the meantime they Recognizing that there would putting the baited corn down was thought to be the best option." the world's tallest mountains and The money to purchase the new needed assistance in operating the be a high price to pay if they did Baessler explained that Avitrol participate in the Tour De France. vehicle did not come directly out department. The president of Get- not get rid of the birds, the college is a frightening agent that acts as a With the additions of a Jeep of WMC's budget. According to tysburg contacted President Cham- hired Terminex International of Once a bird ingests Cherokee, two mountain bikes and Webster, Gettysburg College con- bers and proposed a deal that would Westminster to distribute Avitrol- hallucinogen. it causes the rest of it and reacts, two new officers, Campus Safety tacted President Robert Chambers involve Webster spending one day laced grain among the roofs of Hill should add the words "new and last year concerning a proposition a week at Gettysburg and half a day Hall and Peterson. Continued on page 4 improved" to their title. that involved Webster assisting assisting Gettysburg by way of The white Cherokee, with the Gettysburg's campus safety depart- New vice president Campus Safety emblem decorated ment. The head of the Gettysburg Continued on page 2 on both sides of the vehicle, is to a sales representative Renovations to ANW Jeep's 1998 edition of the modeL appointed by college According r from Len Stoler's Jeep Eagle deal- ership in Reisterstown, the list price fall behind'schedule for the vehicle is $24,190. According to Mike Webster, caused some confusion regarding director of Campus Safety, the de- BY JENlfER SIRKIS which areas are considered private. Assistant News Editor partment had been requesting Kevin Cooke, a senior living in money in their budget for a new Despite students being resident the Gamma Beta Chi suite. believes vehicle fer the past four years. The for over a month, the renovation of that "because the situation in ANW department'~ old vehicle, a 1990 ANW is still not complete. is so new, there is some confusion Many of the locks on the doors Inside and the magnetic locks on the fire if Campus Safety is allowed to come into the suites." doors not been According Campus to Cooke, concern situation have that has caused working, a Safety came into their suite during for many residents. President Clinton: Kristin G. a party last week. One student was lt was not until last Friday that written up for an alcohol violation, Fraser believes that congress was Ithe locks on the fire doors were but it was later taken back because right to release the Grand Jury fully installed and operational. the student was over 21. Cooke tape. Chris Taugher argues "It was an issue of time and added. against impeachment. 'W'I"4 Iii money," said Scott Kane, director campus safety, said that "any lock- of Michael Webster, director of residence life, on why the reno- Ir's all Greek to me: Rich Sfm- vations were not finished when stu- able suite is private. However, the mons sheds light on the Greek dents moved in. According to suite is not considered private if the system with some information on Kane, there was not enough time door is open and you can see in- fraternities and sororities. to get the renovations finished be- side." M·tH C' fore school started. divide the first It is expected that all of the The fire doors World Cup fever: Sophie Boulet floor of ANW into three suites, and locks on the suite doors will be operational "Ev- in the near future. describes her experiences work- the second and third floor into two erything will be done soon. ANW ing as a translator at the soccer suites and a hallway. will be up and running how it was COURTESY Advancement, matches. This new arrangement has also envisioned to be," Kane said. New Vice President for Institutional 011 page 3. Richard Kief. began work at WMC in August. See story
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