Page 24 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 24
Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Letters to the editor Hoover Library network, up and In appreciation of all those involved in Kim Chalesworth's recovery running I am writing to comment on the li- "I waited, waited/or the Lord; hopeless cases, was only a few blocks from able progress. Kim arrived back home on brary network mentioned in the article who bent down and heard my cry." the hospital and my apartment. My family June 26th. Iprayed, I cried, and I never lost published on page 4 of (he September (Psalm 40, 2) and' spent many hours at St. Jude's, finding hope. [7, 1998, issue of The Phoenix. The It has been almost nine months since peace and solace in this blessed place. Secondly, I pay tribute to a most excep- shared system is now in operation. The Kim's car accident last December. For a On February 25th, Kim was released from tional family: to two wonderful sons, Chris library catalogs of Hoover Library and good part of that time, I have thought and Shock Trauma in Baltimore to begin a long and Jimmy, whose love and devotion to their the Carroll County Public Library were pondered as to how I would begin to thank road of rehabilitation. She and I flew back sister was unending; to my sisters, Gayle and merged prior to the start of the semes- the hundreds of people that have shown their to New Jersey in what had to be the smallest Nancy, whose endless sacrifice, love, and ter. Records for the Community Col- love and support to Kim and our family. I plane ever built. Kim found it an adveruure... support has sustained me through all these lege library will be added in January, pray that my words will in some small way unfortunately, I was far from excited and months, along with two very special broth- 1999. adequately express what is in my heart. without Dramamine. ers-in-Iaw, Roger and Kevin; to my spiritual The new system more than doubles First, I would like to begin by paying trib- Three days after Kim arrived at Kessler guides along the way, Mary T. and Bill M.; the bibliographic database available to ute to the exceptional medical professionals Rehab Institute, she was rushed to S1. to my neighbors, fellow parishioners, CFM WMC faculty and students. who were largely responsible for Kim's re- Barnabas Hospital with yet another setback. members, people in the town of Westfield; markable recovery. On December 13th, Kim and to those of you who I will never have WMC titles: 145,000 was airlifted to Prince George Trauma Cen- the pleasure of meeting who have prayed so CCPL titles: 157,000 ter in Maryland and rushed into the capable hard for so long for Kim's recovery. The list Total: 302,000 and caring hands of Dr. Bakulesh Patel, who goes on and on, names too numerous to men- performed the first of many surgeries. Dur- tion, those of family members, and friends, WMC volumes: 192,000 ing the next II days, my family and I would old and new. CCPL volumes: 506,000 come to trust and rely heavily on Dr. Patel's To all of the above I say, "Thank you Total: 698,000 treatment and diagnosis. I will never forget from the bottom of my heart," For now, I him. I prayed, I cried, and I never lost hope. truly believe that miracles do happen, and Catalog inquiries search the entire On December 23rd, Kim took another Kim has been blessed with many. And more combined database and books in any turn for the worse. Her respiratory condi- than ever before, I have witnessed the power Partnership location are available to tion was failing rapidly. A medical team, of prayer and I give thanks and praise to Al- registered borrowers at any other li- • headed by Dr. Maureen McCunn, rushed mighty God. brary in the system. WMC ID cards Kim to the University of Maryland Neuro My final tribute goes to a beautiful young are valid at any branch of the county Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. Dr. woman, my daughter, Kimberly. Her incred- public library system and vice versa. Nader Habashi and Martha Booth, critical ible strength and courage continue to be an On a trial basis, WMC faculty and stu- care nurse, were in charge of her case. Over After exactly a month in the hospital under inspiration to me. She is ajoy to behold and dents may request courier delivery of the next two months, I would experience how the wonderful care and supervision of Dr. each and every day I give thanks for her life. 'CCPL books to Hoover. very fortunate Kim was to be in their care, Stephen Smith, and other medical staff, Kim It is truly a gift. To reach the online catalog, follow along with an outstanding team of doctors, was strong enough to leave and begin a long I wish all of you the blessings and rich- links from the library's homepage surgeons, nurses, and physical therapists. I and difficult road to recovery. I prayed, , ness that life can be if we open ourselves to ( was told that if Kim survived, there would cried, and I never lost hope. the possibilities. For out of crisis comes roll Online ( The be many setbacks, and indeed there were. At Kim began her rehabilitation at JFK Re- opportunity. I still cry, but they are tears of system is also accessible by telnet at times when there seemed to be not much hab in their Brain Trauma Unit. Assigned to joy, and I will always continue to pray, and I (domain .name) or hope at all, Dr. Habashi continued to give us her care were Dr. Caroline McCagg and Deb- will never lose hope. OP address). hope. He and his team cared for Kim as if bie Richards, R. N., two incredible women. she were their own. 1 will never forget them. Kim and I knew in a moment that she was in With much love and gratitude, Sincerely. I prayed,.1 cried, and I never lost hope. wonderful hands. Over the next two and a Fran Chaleswonh Dave Neikirk As luck would have it, the national shrine half months, I watched with pride and amaze- Library Director of St. Jude, patron saint of desperate and ment at Kim's truly miraculous and remark- Students should be warned of safety issues in neighborhoods surrounding the college On the Friday night of Labor Day person is that was disrespectful enough tion of {Own. Someone working with I don't know how regularly the park- weekend, I was excited to greet a friend to damage someone else's property. It Campus Safety proceeded to tell me ing lots are patrolled, but it wouldn't be of mine in the Whitefordparking lot. He may be a student I have to blame. about the area behind Whiteford (which a bad idea for Campus Safety to keep an was visiting for the weekend and had I am hoping that this is not the case is where I live). eye on these parking lots. The vandal- driven a long way so that he could see beeause f would hate to think that some- I felt a lot less secure when he went ism to ears may not even be the biggest our beautiful school. one on this campus would intentionally on about the drug and crime problems issue. Suppose a similarly disrespect- Saturday morning he wasn't too im- disrespect a fellow student. No one here in the neighborhood on Pennsylvania ful, angry intruder commits another pressed. He went out to his truck parked should have to suffer from that. Avenue behind my building. This both- crime, and a person, not a vehicle, is behind Whiteford to find that his back their victim. window had been completely shattered Some suggestions about how to pre- and some chunks of glass were entirely I feel that as students, we should be informed about vent more occurrences include provid- missing. Luckily, nothing was stolen, the possibility of small crimes taking place, ing more lighting for the lots and more but the damage was an enormous and security at night. I know I probably preventable expense. would not now walk through there at No other cars in the parking lot were On the other hand, an outside intruder ered me because such problems cause night knowing that it may not be as safe vandalized but they could have been. I may be the vandal on whom to plaee the the people involved to commit crimes as I thought. As far as informing driv- am writing to you with much concern blame. This brings up my concern about similar to the one I've described. Be- ers about the parking lot, signs could be about the safety of our campus or the im- safety. ing that our school is in that immediate put up saying "park at your own risk" maturity and disrespeet of a vandal on Although Campus "Safety was very area, it is more probable that we will be so that people are aware. campus. I want to inform students of professional and helpful when dealing victims. My intent is not to imply that Cam- this senseless vandalism so that they are with our situation. I am disappointed I appreeiated his honesty, but I would pus Safety is not doing their job; their aware of its existence. with the security of the parking lots. have appreciated it more if I had been help was greatly appreciated. I just want I am a freshman and have not been This kind of vandalism could have been informed of this before the vandalism to make people aware so that they might on campus long, so I know it was not a prevented and can be in the future. occurred. If indeed it was an intruder be able to avoid the disappointment and vengeful act of violence aimed at me Campus Safety told me that my visi- from that "bad section of town," I feel financial burden that my guest and I had personally. as I have not made any en- tor had parked in a bad section of town. that as students. we should be informed to put up with. emies. It was just a random act of van- That comment struck me as odd because about the possibility of small crimes tak- Sincerely, dalism, and I am not aware of who this I did not know that there was a bad sec- ing place. Robyn Laura Hill
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