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CMeR SPORTS Sports writers, Inside Wanted: TeffjJr • Summer sports summary photographers, -Page 15 and editors -Lady Terror volleyball Call x8600 Volume XVIII, Number 1 -Page 14 Football preseason ratings high Continued/rampage I a bruised tailbone, though he is & Smith's, as well as by both The slated to make a late return as the Sporting News and Division III feature tailback. The play against Online. Senior Mat Mathias has BridgewateronSeptember5didn'l also been given such an honor by live up to Coach Tim Keating's Division III Online.. expectations, despite the Terror's Also pulling in honors last year 56-24 win over the Eagles. was junior Marvin Deal. He placed The Terrors beat Juniata 40-7 on Linebacker Tommy Selecky was named First-Team All-American by Street & Smith's, as well as by both The Sporting News and Division III Online. Third-Team and Honorable Men- the following weekend. tion All-American for Hewlett- Reporter Josh Martin's pre- Packard and Football Gazette, re- season article in the Gettysburg spectively. In 1997, Deal was Times slated that the Terrors "will ranked in the top three for both put Division III on the map this NCAA punt and kickoff returns. season." Yet, with all these accolades, the They play the Genysburg Bul- Terrors have also lost talent. The lets September 19, their first CC team lost Gavin DeFreitas, a top 0- game of the season. No team in CC IH rusher, to Division I. Sophomore history has lost its conference Terrors charge into their game against Bridgewater; winning 56-24. Jeff Groff has been out because of opener and gone on to win the title. A European view of the Breakthrough Terrors at 2-0 US Open tournament BY MICHAEL Editor PUSKAR 49 yards on seven carries. Goldsberry ond safely followed by a field goal Edmund by sophomore Brent Sandrock. Sports Freshman blocked two third-quarter punts, In the second half, Starke, on a Despite a 56.-24 win over one of which led to the team's first l4-yard pass from Sermari ni, Bridgewater, the Terror football safety of the season. brought the score to 33-7. team didn't playas well as head Despite the team's September 5 Kendorski, who set a team record coach Tim Keating would have performance on home ground, the run of 92-yards, scored the final liked. Terrors beat Juniata convincingly, touchdown. The team only had an average 40-7, in the September 12 away The Terrors left the Juniata 2.8 yards per carry, making junior game. Sophomore receiver Mike playing field with a total offensive quarterback Ron Sermarini have to Starke took an opening period pass of 544 yards, 40 of which were run pass fairly often, though these 20 from Sermarini to score a touch- by Sermarini. The team only al- out of25 successful passes did give down with 8:45 remaining. With lowed the Juniata Eagles to net a hi m a school record 80% comple- :58 left in the first quarter, junior total of I yard in offense, after sack- tion rate. Sermarini also scored two defensive back Marvin Deal forced ing their quarterback five limes and touchdowns on his own. a fumble, which junior linebacker intercepting him four times. With tailback Jeff Groff out of Matt Meiklejohn took for another Sandrock came out of the game play, Keating had to rely on sopho- Terrors touchdown. with 5 for 5 extra points. mores Joe Kendorski, Tony Russo Later in the first half, Sermarini The Terrors will take their 2-0 and freshman Jason Allaire to run ran 23-yards for yet another touch- record to their first Centennial Con- the ball. The coach was impressed down. Juniata then scored its only ference game, against the Gettys- with their performance. Allaire touchdown. At halftime, the Terrors burg Bullets, on September 19. scored a touchdown and picked up were winning 26-7, thanks to a sec- Terror Safety Lapato Deitchgoes wins $10,000 award to NCAA Strong safety Tom Lapato, a se- each NCAA division, have been Terror fans have to tune their nior from Mount Airy, MD, won chosen by the American Football ears to a new voice booming the $10,000 Burger King College Coaches Association since 1995. over the fieldhouse and stadium Football Scholar-Athlete of the The honorees were' featured on loudspeakers this season. Long- Week award Thursday, September college football telecasts Saturday, time sports information director 10, becoming the season's first Di- September 12. and Green Terror announcer vision III winner. Lapato. a two-time Green Ter- Scott Deitch is headed west to The money will be presented to ror co-captain, owns a perfect 4.0 pursue a college sports fanatic's Western Maryland's general schol- grade-point average as a mathemat- dream- a job with the NCAA. , arship fund at halftime of the Oc- ics and computer science major, Deitch, who has meticulously tober 3 home game against The us Open is compared with European tournaments by Sophie Boulet, director of the French House, on page 14. Muhlenberg. . Continued on page 13 Continued on page 13 The award winners, one for
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