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"'.\".\", ... ,.", , , , , •• , .•• .,., ~, ...... , '~I \ \ \ ,\ "I, \ " , ..... , ••• ' , ... ,.' , ""'1' " " Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 4 NEWS Alpha Psi Omega wins Class of 2002 SGA officers Griswold/Zepp award What do you hope to achieve as an SGA officer for the class of 2002? "The first thing / want to do is get soapand handdriers in the bathrooms. Most of all, I hope to bring the class closer together. ;, Steve Sharkey President "l want to take an active stand and hear what people want. " Christy Dotson Senator "I hope the class is really spirited. / hope that I can bring new ideas to our class. " Brooke Joseph Senator OMEGA "I hope that my voice will be heard and that my ideas get Alpha Psi Omega pose in WMC~ theatre. The honor society has been in existence since 1983. through to the board of SGA. I want to be the guy who people school students who are interested in theatre BY NICOLE LEHMANN & JENWER SIRKIS can come up to and / can get their needs to the SGA. " StaffWriler & Assistant News Ed/lOr will also be conducted. The workshops will Mike McKinney feature sessions on improving theatre skills, Alpha Psi Omega, wMC's theatre arts auditioning, and music and art in theatre . Senator honor society, has won the prestigious . 'In addition, a theater weekend called "A Griswold-Zepp Award for the 98-99 aca- Day at The Theatre" will be held on Febru- demicyear. ary 6 in Alumni Hall for students in Balti- The award, which includes a stipend of more, Carroll, and Frederick counties. Pigeons poisoned to clean-up campus $1250, will be used to promote The Alpha Students attending the theatre weekend Psi Omega Project for Youth, a program pro- will participate in workshops and attend Al- Continued from page 1 moting arts education in the Carroll County pha Psi Omega's presentation of Budget the flock to become alarmed and flyaway. had ingested the Avitrol and was dying. He School System, according to senior Jimmy Zero, an annual production thai has no bud- Although the chemical may be fatal to explained that it was convulsing and flutter- Rcddan, the program chair. get and is improvised sick, young, or aged birds, the majority that ing around on the pavement behind Gill The group was also awarded a $200 com- Alpha Psi Omega plans to hold a wine ingest it will not die," he said. Gymnasium. Bearr took it to Dr. Ryan at munity arts development grant from the Car- and cheese party for school principals and However, Maryland Department of Natu- Feathers, Scales, and Tails. The bird died rolJ County Arts Council. teachers from Carroll County to promote and ral Resources Biologist, Glen Therres, told before it could receive any treatment, 40 min- ''The group wanted to do the project be- receive feedback on the program. the Carroll County Times that, "The ones utes after being found. cause all of us have seen how arts programs Reddan said that the 19 members of Al- that eat Avitrol do eventually die. It's not a The laced grain has been removed from get cut back in the schools. It is important pha Psi Omega, which has been in existence recoverable pesticide." the buildings until Terminex receives a per- to have art because it promotes creativity and at WMC since 1983, are excited about their Six of the pigeons affected by Avitrol mit and the college is now looking for other free-thinking," said Reddan. success. He hopes that WMC and the com- were taken to local veterinarian, Dr. Thomas options that could be more humane, said The Griswold-Zepp award is given yearly munity will support their efforts. Ryan, who was unable to save them. Ryan Shumaker. to a student or a group of students to support Applications for the 1999 Griswold- explained that when the birds were brought Other techniques include placing netting .volunteer experiences. The group submit- Zepp Award are available in the development in they were convulsing and died during on the roofs to make it uncomfortable for ting the best proposal is given the award, office and at the information desk in Decker. treatment. the birds, or placing plastic owls on the roofs according to the award guidelines. The deadline is Tuesday, April 13, 1999. Sophomore John Bearr found a bird that to scare them. The award is established to honor Dr. Earl Griswold and Dr. Ira Zepp who were key You can't consent to anything if you're out cold. factors in forming two student organizations, Student Opportunities Service (SOS) and If you think you may have been drugged and raped, get help. Operation Hinge. SOS volunteers worked building librar- ies and Operation Hinge provided tutoring Call: services for minority children in the WMC community. 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 Since September, the members of Alpha Psi Omega have been planning and devel- oping programs to be implemented through- Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County out all grade levels. They also have applied for a Student Research and Creativity grant, but have not yet been told if they have r;e- Office: 410·857·0900 or 876·9147 * Services are free and confidential ceived a grant, Reddan said. The advisors for 'the Project for Youth program are Dr. Ron Miller and Jean Bur- gess. However, they have limited involve- How do you know ment. "We want to keep this student run," said Reddan. what's in a drink if you didn't open it? For younger children, shows centering mainly around fairy tales have been devel- oped. The shows will travel to different el- ementary schools and the students will have Don't take chances· get your an active role in the show. own drink. Select sealed cans or bottles. "We want to incorporate the fact that any- one can do theatre, said Reddan. workshops for college-bound high A Private Non·Profit Agen~ Serving Carroll County
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