Page 22 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 22
•••• \\ \1' ',\ "'" "\ • , 'l " Thursday, October I, 1998 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Zippergate on Tape Editorials Editor-In-Chief Kate Hampson '00 Advertising/Business Manager Kristin G. Fraser applauds the receive the right to choose for themselves. Pigeon pest control Laura KclJey '01 release of President Clinton's Another issue concerns the embarrass- WMC has done it again. The college News Editor Grand Jury.Testimony. ment of President Clinton. To be realistic, has jumped in and tried to solve a prcb- Emily Stamathis '00 the past actions of Clinton are more embar- lem before thinking through the conse- Assistant News Editor rassing than any actions relating to the grand quences. 1eniferSirkis '01 Sex, Lies, and Videotape: Who would jury testimony. The old adage, "Don't do The situation of the poisoned pigeons have guessed the famous phrase would ap- the crime if you can't do the time," comes to has developed from a question of pest Features Editor Sarah Radice '01 ply to the leader of the free world? But, be- mind. Furthermore, the countless Jay Leno control to an embarrassment that made cause of the development with the scandal jokes will still continue without any further the front page of the Carroll County Assistant Features Editor of President Bill Clinton, debate over the Rich Simmons '99 material from the testimony. Times. release of the grand jury testimony contin- Future perceptions of the Clinton admin- Last year's residents of the Garden Editorials Editor ues both on campus and around the country. istration is another debated topic. Personal can attest to the fact that the Megan Martin '01 Despite argument presented to the contrary, opinions of President Clinton have already Apartments were a problem, but there are pigeons Sports Editor many solid reasons existed in support of the been formed. The videotape really makes other ways of resolving the issue. Mike Puskar '99 release of the videotape to Americans. no impact in the grand scheme of the Clin- Instead of trying methods of discour- The combination of the Kenneth Starr ton presidency, a statement supported by Photographers aging the birds from roosting on campus Nathan Birdsall '99 report and the videotape testimony present Political Science Department Chair Herb buildings, the college decided to call in Robyn Hill '02 Congress with many difficult decisions to Smith. "I don't think it [the videotape] added Paul Himes '02 Tenninex International to get rid of them. Hsin-Luntsai '02 make. Their role, however, is to act on be- or subtracted anything to how we view the This company then "forgot" to apply half of the American people, and the deci- case," he said. for a permit for the poison. It's rather SlaffWrilers sion states that the release of the testimony Another argument concerns the role of Claire Adams '02 worrying that a professional company Lisa Van Auken is in accordance with the interests of the citi- America's children reacting to the actions of should forget to obtain a licence. Anne Butler '01 zens. The standard of majority rule dictates the president. Again, it seems a little late to The pigeons were an annoyance and Sophie Boulet the release of the testimony to the public. lulieDevelin '01 attempt to salvage the innocence of the youth a health hazard which did need to be re- KristinG.Fraser The issue of privacy and presidential of America from the philandering actions of moved. Ifit were rats instead of birds that Sara Gruber '99 privilege represents only the beginning of our chief executive. Also, it seems unlikely had been killed, there would not have Shannon Hess '02 another phase of the "Zippergate" scandal Brooke Joseph '02 that many children would spend four hours been much objection to the poison. Aaron Knitzer'02 to both Republicans and Democrats. The in the morning glued toa television set filled However, it wasn't necessary to make Mollie Land '02 lack of precedent for such an occasion leaves primarily with legal jargon. Nicole Lehmann '98 our leaders in a difficult situation. With the such a spectacular mess of the whole Ron Mojica '02 It goes without saying that the Clinton operation. This college should get its act Francesca Saylor '00 progress of the Information Age, however, scandal has far exceeded all sense of mod- together and find a solution that involves Shawn Sprague '01 access to information in general is both ac- esty and decency. The news reports, late Michael Stokes '00 neither dramatic death throws nor unli- Chris Taugher '02 cepted and inevitable. If the videotapes had night monologues, political bickering, and censed chemicals. Matthew Thomas '01 not been released through the normal chan- dirty jokes have created new meaning for Emily Wilson '02 nels of CNN and MSNBC, the tape could tackiness and disrespect towards public of- Kevin Worley '00 Campus Safety makeover MikeYestramski'Ot have mysteriously appeared on Hard Copy ficials. The Phoenix jury is still out on the or in some other version of tabloid televi- Freedom of choice underlies any other Distribution new Campus Safety vehicles. They have Rich Suchoski '00 sion. issue. The right of the American people to spent a lot of money improving their im- Many people express a concern that an know the full details of the wrongdoings of Graduate Assistant excessive amount of attention has been de- President Clinton or to choose to refrain from age, money students perhaps believe is Vince Chesney misdirected. However, maybe a more voted to the scandal, and though this may be those details is more important than concern Adviser true, there is a simple solution. Any person for protection of the president. The day that professional looking department will Terry Dalton could choose to refrain from viewing the Clinton decided to choose indiscretion over mean that students treat them in a more coverage of the Clinton testimony. By re- appropriate presidential behavior was the day professional manner. The Phoenix is published biweekly. The leasing the videotape, the American people he lost the right to have his problems kept opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- private. resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fee- Clinton Impeachment Not for the Best utty, or the administrators ofWMC. Tbe paper welcomes free-lance submis- sions on Macintosh disks in most word pro- He is the only American President who will Chris Taugher argues against ing $40 million to prove something the public cessorformats. Theeditorreservestheright be remembered more for his mark on the white President Clinton being knew six months ago is ridiculous. to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to blouse than on the White House. If this was impeached. Personally, I question the integrity of publish as space permits. All submissions Jeopardy, the question would be, "Who is Wil- Monica Lewinsky. What has been her motive (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become liam Jefferson Clinton?" Another question that the whole time, besides providing Jay Lenoand the property of The Phoenix and cannot be needs to be answered is, "Should the President Mr. Clinton may be morally weak, but he didn't Conan O'Brien with countless hours of mate- retumed. be impeached or not?" Isay no way. infringe on any of our rights. Adultery is not rial? Please include a name and phone num- President Clinton should be punished by an impeachable offense. "Taping conversations and saving semen- ber for verification. Names will be with- super censure. He should apologize for what Impeachment is not only the wrong thing stained dresses is not something women in elicit held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- he's done (which he has) and pay a fine. Ifit is to do to Bill Clinton, out it is the wrong thing [sic] affairs do," says Andrew Ferguson, Time Chief. It's absurd to try to impeach a president just because afew people ... okay, maybe a The Phoenixdoes not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orien- lot of people, don't like his character. tation, national origin, condition of handi- cap, or marital status. found that he committed perjury, he should to do to the country. Who knows how the Magazine. If she wanted to get into the na- serve some jail time, like any other American American people will react to such a radical tional spotlight. she's certainly done that. Now, citizen. He's not above the law. happening? No matter what Ken Starr says, it is time to move on. Mail to: These allegations and reports have gone on you can't deny that while President Clinton was President Clinton is no saint. He lied un- The Phoenix long enough. The President should pay for his said to have his "pants down," the economy der oath and committed adultery. Should he WMC, 2 College Hill actions so that the Senate and the country can grew steadily, violent crimes decreased in num- pay for his wrong doings? Definitely. Should Westtninster,MD21157 return to business. ber, and the deficit ceased to exist. he be impeached for his mistakes? No way. Bill Clinton is not the only President to have What has the Ken Starr report achieved any- The President should apologize, pay a fine, (410)751·8600 had relations with women other than his wife. way? Tell us what kind of underwear Monica and possibly serve some jail time. it's absurd (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 We've all heard stores of George Washington. wears? Or was it to prove the President had an to try to impeach a President just because a FAX, (410) 857·2729 Thomas Jefferson, and John F. Kennedy. affair? few people ... okay, maybe a lotof people, don't E-Mail: It's not as if the President put our country Ithink by the time the fifth or sixth woman like his character. America doesn't need to be injeopardy. Mr. Clinton may have made some accused the President of having sexual rela- bombarded with late-breaking specials of af- personal mistakes, but he didn't reveal any ter- tions with them, iheAmerican people realized, fairs anymore - we have a home-run race to rorist secrets or military codes to any interns. "Hey, maybe Bill did cheaton Hillary." Spend. watch.
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