Page 14 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 14
Thursday, September 17, 1998 - Page 15 SPORTS L~dy Terror volleyball setting-up at 2-0 Sports Opinion: four digs, and two aces in a game where the would have looked at an 11-6 deficit, then European v. US By MIKE YESTIlAMSKI Staf{Writf!r Terror never-trailed, Bray recorded five aces, rolled over and died." four blocks, and three kills, while true-fresh- Bray secured nine kills, five aces, six tennis matches Already 2-0, with wins against men setter Jessica Rouse had 22 assists and blocks, and 18 digs while Rouse continued Elizabethtown (15-9, 15-8, 15-8) and four aces in her first NCAA appearance. her impressive freshman campaign with 24 BY SoPHIE BOULET Susquehanna (15-4, 15-7,22-20), the vol- When asked about the experience, Rouse asSIStS. Slaf{Wri1t!r leyball team is looking forward to Novem- stated, "It's incredible; it's just overwhelm- The team experienced its first potential ber, ing." setback this past weekend at the Gettysburg As a European attending the US Open With such anticipation, the Lady Terrors The girls' second win came through a Invitational, where it dropped its first two tennis tournament last week, I noticed many feel that their season will end with them hold- tough opponent- Susquehanna University. games against Moravian and Eastern Men- differences between this event and other grand slam tournaments A com- in Europe. ing not only the Centennial Conference title, The team went through seesaw battles, gain- nonite in the tournament. However, they re- parison of these events shows the differences which they co-held in '94, but the NCAA ing and losing the lead before securing the versus Division III title as well. Under direction game in three straight sets. grouped to win their next two games, and vault in the sports cultures media of America and Europe Randolph-Macon and the varying of such coverage and Washington, from sixth-year head coach Carole Malloy, The win was quite important for the Ter- themselves into a strenuous bronze-bracket sports. the girls are looking to improve upon a 7-3 rors, as Susquehanna had won the previous championship game against St. Mary's Col- Last Sunday, the US Open final was the team, which included nine freshmen last sea- four meetings. Sophomore outside hitter lege of Maryland, where they fell just short son. Honesty Drumgoole (23 digs, seven kills) felt by a margin of3-1. Bray and Drumgoole led big sporting event for CBS, probably sur- Sophomore middle hitter Brianne Bray this game showed, "[The team] had heart. in kills and digs, respectively. passing the viewing figures for baseball and football. is quite optimistic about her teammates. She We never stopped fighting. Last year's team It is very noticeable here that tennis is feels that this team is "hard-working and will Cross Country not as popular as it is in Europe where it is definitely benefit from the year of experi- practically impossible to ignore the big tour- ence [we] all gained last season." Field hockey games The Cross Country team opened its naments even if you are not a tennis fan. This year's team, having only graduated season at the Shepherd College Invita- two seniors last season, has added three quaJ- In its opening game on September 8, tional on September 12. South Carroll Garros If you go to Europe during the Roland you or Wimbledon Open, would ity freshmen to replace them, filling the team the field hockey team defeated Goucher High champion and freshman Terror Jill probably be surprised by the impact of these with youth, energy, and experience. 1-0 in overtime. Junior Kerry Wilson . Krebs took won the five-km race with a events on the French and British media. The Terror opened its season on the road scored the game-winner ..The ladies' luck, time of 21:04.3, a event record. She Even though tennis comes a distant sec- against Elizabethtown College. The girls however, turned on them as they were helped the women's team place third. ond to soccer as Europe's most popular sport, won in a dominant, straight-set fashion. Jun- taken down 5-0 by Swarthmore. Senior Mike Cushwa placed twelfth, when an international Open begins, it is cov- ior Heather Tclkach recorded seven kills, his team placing fifth. ered by all the media and people seem to watch it with great attention. In the States, it is obvious just by watch- ing the news or going to Flushing Meadows that far fewer people are interested in the sport. When you see the huge stadium half empty and have difficulty finding the broad- cast of a match, or even the results, on the television, the differences are glaring. Another major difference between the two continents becomes obvious in the at- mosphere at Flushing Meadows. At the Roland Garros or Wimbledon competitions. the public is very quiet and respectful of the game and the concentration of the players. I have been very happy to see the international French referee asking the people to sit down and be quiet during the game. In Europe you will never see people run- ning between the courts during the games or a game interrupted by flying papers. Tennis still has an elitist aspect there and you must .respect the traditions if you don't wantto be thrown out of the stadium during a match. I must admit that I have been a bit "shocked" (although I am not British) by the behavior of the American spectators and the noisy atmosphere of Flushing Meadows. The airport traffic overhead, does not help but I would never have thought that the brand new grand stand would become a giant dustbin where the referees must stop the game because of flying papers. Even some Spanish tennis fans I met were surprised by this atmosphere and some En- glish and Dutch members of the international staff of the Grand Slam tournaments thought it was very disrespectful towards the play- ers. Tennis is a sport that lakes a lot of con- centration. This is very difficult in Flushing Meadows with the public "moving. talking, and always eating," a professional told me. If you attend a game there you will be lucky not to sit on french fries or put your bag and feet on the broken glass or sandwich trail left by the seat's previous occupant. So, if you want to go to a European Open without being singled out and criticized by your neighbor or the chairman during a match, please be aware of these cultural dif- ferences and respect the tennis tradition. You will-probably be surprised by the quiet and clean atmosphere that tennis play- ers seem to enjoy too!
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