Page 140 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 140
Wanted: sports writers, photographers, and editors Call x8600 Volume XIX, Number 3 Lady basketball falls to Muhlenberg in playoffs (2.0), ranking fifth in scoring (15.0), and seventh in rebounding (7.7). The women's basketball team "This was a great season," said fell to Muhlenburg 57-44 in a Cen- senior Michele Jarman. "It's hard tennial Conference playoff semifi- to comment about the last few nal, finishing their season with a games; we stepped up, yet we record of 17 wins and 8 losses. couldn't gel the job done," she Muhlcnburg held the Terror to said. their lowest score in 35 games as Junior Sommer Chorman the Mules went for their third agrees. 'We had a good season, and straight league title. The season we were successful, and we ended similarly to last year, when worked well as a team," said the Terror fell to Muhlenburg in the Chorman. "I don't know what to semis 69-57. say. We played well, but just didn't Kathi Snyder finished her career get where we needed to go." with a game high 19 points and 8 "I know the kids gave it their rebounds'. She is third on the Green all but unfortunately they had a ten- Terror all-time career point list with dency to back down, and when 1,367. She also started all 99 games they 'did, a team like Muhlenburg and played in 65 victories in her takes advantage of it. You can't career, which are school records for play tentative at all and we did at both sexes. times," Becky Martin told the Car- Snyder was named to the roll County Times. "It's hard to win coach's All-Centennial Conference, on somebody else's court leading the league in blocked shots you're playing behind." Indoor Snyder takes a shot against Dickinson track wins Terror men move beyond the basketball court five gold BY SEAN POND the seniors - they cannot believe land, the first name that comes to ways has something to say that usu- COfllributingWriler that their college careers and pos- mind is Brian Tombs. He has em- ally brings a chorus of laughter medals As the ball, seemingly stuck in is over, for the sport of basketball ball player and has represented the from the entire squad. His D.C. dia- bodied the values ofa pure basket- lifestyle sibly their entire basketball lect can aJways be heard through- the air for the time, travels through last shot of the game and the last is a constant movement to improve school with first-class fashion. out the gym while questioning the Brian is known as "Mr. Basketball" coaches in some of their strategies. for the next season. BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI shot of the 1998-99 men's basket- There will be no more next sea- here on campus and has been the Coach Zoulias said, "Paddy was Sports Editor ball season; there is a sense of re- son at WMC for seniors Brian Lee team captain since his sophomore a solid contributor for four years The indoor track team took five lief, a sense of sadness, and a time Tombs, Padriac William Taylor, year. He hails from little-known here, and he really understands the gold medals home from the Centen- of remembrance and reflection. Kevin Daniel Buckley, and Prakash Wellsboro, PA, where he honed his game very well. Some day, he will nial Conference Championship As the buzzer sounds and the Wright. skills with hours of practice under make a good coach." Meet this weekend, ending up leav- team heads to the locker room, When thinking about the bas- his father's tutelage. (Brian's father Although his humorous person- ing with nine medals total. thoughts fly through the heads of ketball program at Western Mary- was his coach all through high ality sometimes makes Paddy stick In only his second year as a school.) but in a crowd, he has a very intel- vaulter, freshman Brian Vetter won "Brian was a great team leader. lectual side that labels him a think- the gold in the pole vault competi- Swimmers make new He was a solid captain for three ing man. I have had many conver- tion with a vault of 12'6 ...... seasons, and perhaps one of the sations with this - by definition Sophomore Jamie Falcone won most dedicated players we've ever - student athlete, about very the 55-meter dash with a time of7.3 records at CC champs had here. Brian did lots of little thought-provoking topics. Not only seconds. Falcone also won the 200- things beyond playing basketball," has Paddy been through the rigors meter race with a league record time BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI school record in the 100 back- said Coach Zoulias. of the basketball program here, but of 26.3 seconds. Falcone was also Sp0/"1sEditor stroke with a time of 56.76. Throughout his four years, he has also been a student in the part of the gold medal 4 X 200 re- Clemmens joined fellow Brian accumulated 882 total points, honors program while majoring in lay team with All-American Kerry The season came to an end sophomore Luke Page and se- 288 rebounds, made 169 three- mathematical theory. Wilson, freshman Thea Bayly, and last weekend ~or the swim team niors Aaron Corbett and Scott pointers - a 36.9% average - and Paddy has had an impressive Sophomore Aleya Hom. Wilson, at the Centennial Conference Hoover to break the school dished out 112 assists. He finished stretch here at WMC, but it has not - ajunior, won her third straight gold Championship Meet. record in the 200 medley relay. his career with a 9.6 point-per- come without a lot of frustration also top finished Corbett It did so in decent fashion medaJ in the 55-meter high hurdle a number of swimmers placed in as eight in the 200 individual med- game average. He recently started and disappointment. By winter and took home a silver in the triple an internship at nearby Prestige break of his sophomore year, he jump. the top eight and two school ley. Cable and plans to break into the was on the operation table having records were broken. Junior Martin Wisor also Freshman Jill Krebs placed sec- sports media field with the same both his knees seeped. He had de- Sophomore Chris Clemmens placed fifth in the 200 butterfly. ond in the 3000-meter race and luster he had on the basketball veloped terrible tendinitis that placed fourth in the 200 Kara Wnukowski placed fourth in the 1500-meter race. floor. needed to be taken care of. Fight- freestyle, seventh in the 200 seventh in the 100 breaststroke Freshman Teran Powell won the and fourth in the 100 freestyle. Padriac Taylor, Paddy, as he is ing through the pain and pushing triple jump silver medal, and sopho- backstroke, and fifth in the 100 known to the. guys, is the official himself through long practices, more Ron Filipowicz won the backstroke. He also broke the "funny man" of the team. He al- Continued on page 14 bronze in the shot put competition.
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