Page 142 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April I, 1999 - Page 2 NEWS Griswold Zepp Continued from page 1 JSU offers a 'Taste of Judaism; Department, was inspired to start such a pro- audiences to give them hands on experience gram because across the county, state, and with the theatre world. Finally, Sara Gruber for the Performing Arts, highlights bulgars. nation the funding for the arts in public and Meghan Townsend planned to lead a one freilachs (fast circle dances with syncopated schools continually diminishes. The group's hour workshop for high school students to rhythms), and slower horas, as well as Yid- role in the community is to visit elementary, talk about various acting techniques. dish and Ladino folk songs. middle, and high schools to run workshops Do these stories convince you and your The Jewish Student Union will is spon- and deliver performances to help facilitate organization to apply? AI! full-time under- soring a Holocaust Memorial Service at 7:30 awareness and creative thinking in public graduate students in good standing are en- prn. on Tuesday, April 13, at Decker Audito- schools. couraged to apply for this award. Applica- rium in Lewis Hall of Science. The service The Project for Youth's "A Day at the tions are available in Decker Center at the includes a free showing of the award-win- Theatre" program includes workshops and Information Desk. The deadline to submit ning film "Schindler's List." performances to high school students to help your organization's application is Tuesday, build their repertoire of skills and encour- April 13, 1999 with the notification of re- age them to continue in the tradition of the cipients no later than Monday, April 27, theatre. Alpha Psi Omega is developing a 1999. traveling children's show called For additional information please contact "Brementown Musicians," directed by Erin Gail Shaivitz at x249, Dr. Colleen Galambos, Owen, that will cater to elementary school Dr. Patrick Reed, Dr. Sherri Hughes, or Dr. Tim Baylor. Campus Safety Blotter Above: A musician for the Charm Cily Ktemrer Band plays a traditional Yiddish -On 3/4 at 5: I I pm DoCS documented a consumption on the 3rd floor of Albert Nor- /olksong. property crime caused by reckless behavior. man Ward Hall. Right: The attendees were lead in a freilach. which is a fust.circte -On 3/5 at 12:23 am DoCS documented a -On 3/8 at 12:0 I pm DoCS documented a syncopated rhythm. dance with a theft on the exterior of Hill Hall. medical report but did not render treatment ·On'3/5 at 5:14 am DoCS towed a vehicle at the Understage of Alumni Hall. The WMC community got "A Taste-of blocking traffic on the Whiteford Parking -On 3/8 at 3:25 pm DoCS documented a Judaism" last week when they attended a Lot. medical report and transported to CCGH. program celebrating Judaism in the Forum. -On 3/5 at 8:53 am DoCS documented a -On 3/8 at 3:42 pm DoCS documented a Sponsored by the Jewish Student Union, medical report but did not render treatment medical report but did not render treatment. the program included a performance by the + the kitchen of Englar Dining Hall. -On 3/9 at 11:30 pm DoCS documented a Charm City Klezmer Band and a tasting of -pn 3/5 at 9:22 am DoCS documented a theft medical report but did not render treatment traditional Jewish foods. ~ the 2nd floor of Elderdice Hall. at Daniel MacLea Hall. The food, including potato latkes and . ~n 3/5 at I:58 pm DoCS towed a vehicle -On 3/10at 8:06 a.m DoCS documented fail- kuegels was provided by a Baltimore area Correction ~Iocking traffic on the Rouzer Parking Lot. ure to comply on the Gill Parking Lot. caterer. t n 3/5 at 5:41 pm DoCS towed a vehicle -On 3111 at 6;25 pm DoCS documented a Klezmer, a form of dance music brought In the March 4 story titled "Prelaw so- women attor- of three '. Ilane. r excessive parking violations on PELC medical report and rendered treatment at to America by emigrating Jews from their ciety hosts Renee panel Necrelli , a 1986 WMC neys," is un- -On 3/6 at 12:05 am DoCS towed a vehicle Englar Dining Hall. documented a shtetls (villages) of Eastern Europe, and Eu- graduate, was one of the three attorneys a renaissance in America -On 3/11 at II :20 am DoCS dergoing dn the Whiteford Parking Lot. medical report at the DoCS office. rope with newer bands, like The Charm City who spoke at the dinner. ~On 3/6 at 4:09 am QoCS -On 3/11 at 3:44 pm DoCS Klezmer Band, which adds its own modem Phi Alpha Delta is an international documented a theft from documented the defacing twist to the traditional music. The six-mem- prelaw honor society at WMC, and the the Basement Com- of Garden Apartment ber group, which has performed throughout president is Janet Keymetian. The Phoe- muter Lounge of Building 2 on the the region, including The Kennedy Center nilr. regrets the errors. Decker Student middle stairwell Center. on the 2nd floor -On 3/6 at caused by mali- 12:41 pm cious behavior. FREE TAX HELP DoCS docu- -On 3/12 at mented the 7:23 am theft of a motor DoCS docu- FOR WHOM: For Students and Other vehicle on White- mented a theft on the 3rd floor, north side Low to Low Moderate Income Taxpayers of Rouzer Hall. -On 3/14 at II :39 pm DoCS documented unauthorized access to WHERE: Western Maryland -On 3/6 at 4:55 pm DoCS documented reck- college facilities at Rouzer Hall. less behavior on the Bair Stadium Parking -On 3/15 at 3:30 pm DoCS documented un- College Gold Room B Lot. authorized access at Rouzer Hall. WHEN: -On 3/6 at 6:50 pm DoCS documented a ' -On 3/18 at 9:06 am DoCS documented a medical report and rendered treatment at vehicle accident on the Englar Parking Lot. Tuesday Thursday Saturday PELC. -On 3/19 at 11:59 pm DoCS documented a 7-9pm 7-9pm 12 pm - 3 pm -On 3/6 at 10:35 pm DoCS documented an theft at PELC. alcohol violation for underage possession! -On 3121 at 12: 15 am DoCS documented consumption in Rouzer Hall. failure to comply at Rouzer Hall. February 16 February 18 February 20 -On 3/6 at 11:44 pm DoCS documented an -On 3/22 at 4:45 pm DoCS towed a vehicle February 23 February 25 February 27 alcohol violation for underage possession/ blocking traffic on McDaniel Lane. consumption on the 3rd floor of Rouzer Hall. -On 3124 at 6:28 am DoCS documented a March 2 March 4 March 6 -On 3n at I :25 am DoCS documented an theft on the 3rd floor, northeast side of Rou- March 9 March 11 (Spring Break) alcohol violation for possession of alcohol zer Hall. March 23 March 25 March 27 in a public area on the 2nd floor back hall- -On 3124 at 10:55 am DoCS documented a way of Blanche Ward Hall. property crime at the Hoover Library Com- March 30 April 1 April 3 -On 3n at I :25 am DoCS documented an puler Lab. April 6 April 8 April 10 alcohol violation for underage possession! -On 3125 at 2:01am DoCS documented an consumption in Blanche Ward Hall. officer's report on the 3rd floor of Rouzer ·On3n at 1:42am DoCS documented aresi- Hall. By appointment only dence hall policy violation in Blanche Ward -On 3/25 at 2:49 pm DoCS documented a Hall. property crime on the 4th floor, north side of Please call Mike Gaston x8252 (on campus) or -On 3n at 1:51 am DoCS documented an Rouzer Hall. alcohol violation for underage possession! -On 3126 at 2:30 am DoCS documented im- 410.751.8252 (off campus) to schedule an consumption at the main entrance of Blanche proper conduct at Daniel MacLea Hall. appointment. Ward Hall. ' -On 3fl6 at 2:35 am DoCS documented an -On 3n at 2: 11 am DoCS documented an alcohol violation for underage possession! alcohol violation for underage possession! consumption on the Elderdice Parking Lot.
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