Page 135 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday.March a, 1999-Page 11 60 Seconds Investigation: Where does all the What's your favorite way to warm up (Glar) money go? in the cold weather? Part two in a series examining WMC's finances and administration BY RICH SUCHOSKI The last Adventure on Tuesday, toppings or desserts are available. Dislribu/ionManager February 23, provided students Major holidays such as Thanks- "Keeping nice and cozy with the opportunity to try veni- giving and Christmas, also give rise with the new girll just Students have many complaints son, many for the first time. There to a different layout. One of the met." about the cost and the quality of was definitely more than $7 of meat additional efforts introduced this where Scott Trainer dining at WMC. They question the alone on everyone's plate, not to year is the Taste of Home, favorites the lime taken to prepare value in going to Glar and having mention students' Glar prepares Business/Economics '01' to use an entire meaJ only to eat a the venison and the intricate cara- from home. dessert orto get a piece of fruit, nei- mels on the desserts. Glar also buys only the best ther of which cost $7. Besides, where else can you quality and freshest ingredients to Some students also have meals find saJad, fried calamari as an ap- make aJl the meaJs. Dolid never left over on their card which don't petizer, buffalo steak for an entree, compromises quality standards to carry over to the next semester, plus dessert for $7? buy cheaper foods. leaving the student feeling cheated. The regular meals are given the This was illustrated by the pre- One big concern is that with the same effort as these catered events, vious Steak; and Shrimp Night. recent addition of the fourth meal. keeping the students as first prior- Having 16 to 20 shrimp per pound many are wondering whether they ity. is the standard at this event. get their money's worth for the According to Dining Services Sysco, one of the suppliers to amount of food that they receive. Chief Alan Dolid, "Every day, Sodexho, could not get these They question the logic in giving breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all shrimp and suggested the smaller one of their $7 meals for a small viewed as catering for 800 to 1000 21-25 shrimp per pound as a re- fountain drink, chips, fries or on- people." placement. Sodexho said that stu- ion rings, and an entree which they Eating within the same four dents would never know the differ- can buy for usually less than $5. walls for every meal tends to be ence. When examining the price gap boring, and the perception of the Dolid rejected this line of think- in the fourth meal, one has to con- food suffers as well. The same ing. saying that the decreased size sider the overhead involved. For thing happens to most people eat- would make the shrimp look "Cuddling up in a nice, one, there is the additional admin- ing at home. It is simply necessary cheaper and ultimately give a worse in order to give the extra warm blanket, with a cup istration of food at night. to eat somewhere else for a change perception to the food. choice and food preparation. of scenery All this is made possible of cocoa and a movie. " Other things needing money in- One of the ways Glar finds to under-use of the meal plans: by the "ex- Laura Raab clude: the extra costs of lighting, beat the boredom are special events tra money" of the fourth meals, BusinessAdministration heat, and man hours for more em- which happen all throughout the buying only a banana with a meaJ, ployees. year. The" annual events include and unused meals at the end of a Some16f'th~bxtra money gen- Casino Night, near Halloween, and semester. All unused money is re- erated by under-use of the meal the Beach Bash, which is scheduled distributed back to the students in plan is used to provide students to happen March 10. different ways. with an opportunity to try some- There are also "theme dinners" Alan Dolid loves to talk with the thing new, such as with the Adven- planned out for at least once a students directly about specific tures in Dining program. For the month. These include Steak, Mex:i- concerns. He can be reached at price of a meal from the meal plan, can, Chinese, Mud, Licorice, and "Fm from Ontario. What x732 or by sending an email to cold?" students have the opportunity to try Pez Nights where there is a special special dish. table near the trays where a catered Eric Srind' Amour ArtIBusiness Soul food dinner is a success Administration '01 BSU treasurer and dinner orga- The dinner also provided enter- 8Y JOAN FAULKNER nizer Carl Taylor says that, al- SlajJWriler tainment that included readings though the dinner has only been from Carl Taylor and Lynnell Do you dread that walk up to around three times, "The whole McLean, and a surprise duet by Gtar on the weekends, when the idea of eating together on Sundays Kash Wright and Raphael Taylor "Stay inside with lots of food is even less than adequate than is an African- American tradition." caJled "Before I Let You Go." Tough. He adds that "Sundays, Over sixty people turned up for heat, and if that doesn 't it is on the weekdays? gone to the rily, is when they get together prima- the event. have You should and work, maybe a little' "Soul Food Dinner," on February that promotes togetherness and ex- cuddling with that special 21 for homemade food served up family." plains Attendee Julie Biddinger "any that she went because somebody. " with a generous serving of African- For a student price of just five organization where the students are Chuck Vassar American culture. dollars, you could fill your plate going to put this much time into History '99 The food was prepared by the with a variety of foods native to the cooking the food, I think. that they best of cooks: the family and Southern area of the US. definitely deserve to be supported." friends of those involved. Foods included: collard greens, So next time you go out to Glar This event was the third annual pineapple turnovers, sweet pota- on a weekend, don't complain "Soul Food Dinner." It was spon- toes, mashed potatoes, baked maca- about the food. sored by the Black Student Union, roni and cheese, fried chicken, tur- Get involved in events like "A HLA, and Multicultural Student key, yams, biscuits, and much, Soul Food Dinner," and take advan- "Close my eyes and Association. much more. tage of good food and a fun time. pretend I'm a groundhog, and I don 't see my shadow, Useless -Trivia!!! therefore spring will be here soon!" Before it merged with Metro Goldwyn Pictures and adopted Leo the Lion as the trademar Stacy Dobres or the newly-formed Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the symbol of Metro Pictures was a parrot tha Psychology '00 ossed the company names onto the screen, letter by letter. The gentoo penguin can swim at speeds up to 17 miles per hour. There are about 180,000,000 licensed drivers in the U.S.
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