Page 137 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 137
SPORTS Thursday, March 4, 1999Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Page 13 Despite excellent regular season, Commentary: Spring wrestlers lose title to Ursinus is in the air, wrestling is in the gutter up and do something that actu- BY CHRIS ANASTASIA ally is for the good of the game 5taffWrirer and not just for your own check- Though the cold wind blows books. outside my window, I still can't And speaking of for the good help but feel that summer is on of the game, isn't it nice that the way. One reason I feel this Roger Clemens got traded to the way is because spring training Yankees so that he finally has a has begun. Nothing says sunshine chance to win the World Series. and summer more than pitchers ljust hope he doesn't get tired of and catchers reporting for work. the pressure there and decides to In New York, Atlanta, and Los tank two seasons in order to be Angeles the hope of another pen- traded. Oh, wait, this isn't B05- nant chase grips the city and its ton. fans. On another note, in a recent This is not the case in Minne- study by Indiana University, the sota. There, the ooce proud Twins WWP's Monday Night Raw are now relegated to the bottom show was sighted as having only of contention year in and year 38 minutes of actual wrestling in out. The mighty team that won a 2 hour show. The rest of the the World Series in 1987 and shows were apparently filled Andrey Brenner prepares /0 pin his opponent. COURTESY OF SPORTS INFORMATION 1991 is no more; in its place, a with, among other things, crotch skeletal crew of bas-beens and grabbing. If this study was done as did Junior Scott Taylor (197). all but the first 15 BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI time, wrestling never-will-bes that view the off- on baseball, the results would be Junior Charlie Conoway (184) Sports Editor seconds of the match with a con- season as another opportunity to strikingly similar. In an average won his first title after placing sec- cussion. dump salary in a last ditch effort The Green Terror wrestling Pedalino was assessed six pen- just to stay afloat. baseball game, the amount of ac- team had a brilliant regular season, The wrestling team alty points in the match, all of This is the present state of tual baseball is marginal to the time of the event as a whole. And highlighted by winning their sec- which were extremely controver- baseball. More and more teams as for the rest of the time, its filled ond straight Centennial Conference fell just short of sial. are closer to the Twins then they dual meet title. repeating as Sophomore Rodney Stine are the Braves in terms of rev- with useless activities, including Unfortunately after this great (133), last season's champion at enue. The small markets of Kan- crotch ... adjusting. Go figure. of wrestling, Speaking season, the team fell just short of conference 118, also placed second. sas City, Montreal, Cincinnati, lot of the negative publicity with a it's repeating as conference tournament tournament Senior Josh Ellin (157) and Milwaukee. and Detroit are hard champions. pressed to compete for talent with gotten recently, I think I should ...lUt:S'ii1u~IWl:)Jl'~e1BhE'Mth
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