Page 141 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 141
Thursday, April 1, 1999 Renowned Indian Dancer SGA members present performs in Big Baker Chapel new Honor System Dr. Mallika Sarabhai, recog- proposal to faculty nized as one of the world's best Indian classical dancers, performed observes but does not address the an ancient classical dance style in BY ERIN HOWARD faculty. Therefore, the SGA's pro- News Editor Baker Memorial Chapel last week- posal at the faculty meeting was end. As many Western Maryland unprecedented. According to Dean Dr. Sarabhai, is the co-director College students prepared to leave of Student Affairs, Dr. Philip Sayre, of the renowned Darpana Academy for Spring Break, members of the students have only spoken at a fac- of Performing Arts in western In- Student Government Association ulty meeting on one other occasion dia. She also danced at the recent prepared to address faculty and in his fifteen years at WMC. opening of the Smithsonian's ex- administrators regarding changes The proposal was well received hibition "Devi: The Great God- to the Honor System at last month's by the faculty, and the students dess." faculty meeting. were applauded upon completion Her dance demonstrated In recent semesters, both faculty of the presentation, according to Bharatanatyam, one of India's an- and students have raised the ques- Sayre. "The students won the fac- cient classical dance styles which tion, "What kind of Honor System ulty over. They were impressed by originated in the southern temples do we want at WMC?" This debate the attitude the students expressed," more than 2,000 years ago. Origi- prompted the formation of the Ad he said. nally a solo style for women, it is. Hoc Committee on the Honor Sys- A response to the student pro- now performed in groups by both tem, which issued a report on the posal was promptly planned. A men and women and is one of the Honor System/Code in August joint committee composed of mem- most popular forms of classical 1998. This report incited further bers of the Student-Faculty Rela- dance. debate and eventually the compo- tions Committee and the Ad Hoc Each gesture of the hands and sition of a second report written by Committee on the Honor System feet in the dance holds meaning. theSGA. met on March 11 to reconcile the and Dr. Sarabfiai equated it to Three members of the SGA pre- differences between the two re- American Sign Language. sented a proposal of recommenda- ports. Discussions concerning tbe The event was sponsored by tions and actions compiled by the language of the reports are still on- several academic departments, The SGA in response to the August going, according to Sayre. How- Greater Baltimore Temple, and 1998 report at the March 2 faculty ever, he did say that he hopes there Common Ground on the Hill. meeting. will be a campus wide referendum But Dr. Sarabhai is more than a Traditionally, students are not regarding the issue before the end accomplished dancer, she is a permitted to attend faculty meet- of April. highly-respected activist on social ings, with the exception of one rep- The proposal, which was pre- issues, especially the struggles of resentative from The Phoenix, who Continued on page 4 women in India, as well as envi- ronmental concerns. Her dance of- Admitted students ten explores these issues, too. "She combines consummate ERIN OWEN weekend aims to increase artistry at the highest level with an Mallika Sarabhai danced at WMC the evening before her performance at active concern for the welfare of the Smithsonian exhibit opening. minority enrollment all human beings, especially those Dr. Sarabhat's visit to Westminster. acter Draupadi in the stage and film most disadvantaged," said Greg Besides directing Darpana, a versions of Peter Book's "The JENIFER SIRKIS Hispano-LatinoAlliance. All three Alles, WMC associate professor of leading teaching institution for Mahabharata." She also appeared News Editor organizations promote philosophy and religious studies, classical, folk, and contemporary in 10 other films in India and cur- As part of an ongoing effort to multiculturalism on campus. who has recently done work in In- dance, theatre, music, and pup- rently hosts "The Story Teller" on increase minority enroilment, a Prospective students were able dia for the Bhasha Research and petry, Dr. Sarabhai is perhaps best Indian television. Minority Student Weekend was to see minority students who are Publication Centre an~ coordinated known outside of India as the char- Courtesy of Public Information held last weekend to encourage happy at WMC. "The student hosts Griswold Zepp award admitted students of color to attend took participants an accurate por- under their wing Inside funds WMC volunteers The weekend was held to "bring trayal of what WMC is like," and gave them WMC. "The encourage (•• lrrl"rg,,£I,; more diversity and said Grace Almandrez about said. sugarcoating weekend the was higher education," not monetary support for innovative Almandrez, director of school." Pro and Con: Politics and StaffWriler prayer in public schools. Ben Could your organization better volunteer experiences conceived multicultural services. Currently, Almandrez also hoped to show Decker and Megan Martin look serve Western Maryland College by Western Maryland College stu- the campus is only ten percent mi- prospective students that WMC's at the issue. and the surrounding communities dents. Seven awards have been noriry, and minority students in minority students are "a family" ,Wi'iii fA if it had more funding? If so, your given to recipients over the past high school may be discouraged of because she knows it might be "dif- to WMC ficult for minorities because years with three of the most recent from attending coming organization is encouraged to ap- recipients-ASAP, SERVE, this, Almandrez said. WMC." She wanted to show that Rich Suchoski presents part ply for the Griswold-Zepp Award STAY-continuing to produce Sponsored by The Office of "w.e will support them," she said. three of his special investigation: in volunteerism. This award was meaningful service 'and social Admissions and The Office of Almandrez said that 130 stu- Where does ttie money go? This established in 1990 to honor Earl projects at WMC and in the sur- Multicultural Services, the week- dents who identified themselves as issue's focus: the Bookstore, Griswold and Ira Zepp, two dedi- rounding communities. end gave prospective WMC stu- multi-ethnic on their admissions Sports 15 cated faculty advisors to the SOS/ The Alpha Psi Omega Project dents the opportunity to see and get applications were invited to attend. Hinge programs in the 1960s and for Youth won the most recent a feel for college life. The students Sixteen students decided to attend Scoreboard: Get the slats on all I970s. award in 1998. This organization. stayed in the dorms with members the weekend, which was under her your favorite Green Terror play- The primary purpose of the originating from WMC's Theatre of the Black Student Union, the goal of at least 30 people. Griswold-Zepp Award is to provide Continued on page 2 Asian Community Coalition, or the Continued on P?ge 3
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