Page 138 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, ,Marfh 4,1999 - Page 14 SPORTS Porn Pon Dance Squad entertains WM C sports fans on-one help with learning new moves and BY LAURA KELLEV developing better skilJs. Managing EdilOr Their main focus this year has been to These girls dance at halftime, cheer, and obtain their goal of professionalism. In past support athletic teams, but they're not the years, Russell says, the team has been known cheerleaders, as a "joke" due to lack of expectation and Who are these girls? They're Western professionalism by the team. - Maryland College's Porn Pan Dance Team. The squad took an initial step in achiev- The team currently consists of 10 mem- ing professionalism by adopting their con- bers from every class standing. They perform stitution and developing a demerit system. during football game halftimes in the fall and The demerit system assigns points to in- basketball halftimes in the winter. stances like being tardy to practice and not Co-captain Michelle Bernhardt describes coming prepared to a game. When points the team as energetic and cute. Other' words accumulate, different consequences occur. like fun, hardworking, and motivated are also Both were designed to ensure real dedi- used to describe the team. cation and commitment by the team's mem- Laura Russell, the team's adviser, de- bers as well as the seriousness of the squad. scribes the difference betweencheerleading Ellis and Vizzi believe the new structure and the dance team. is one reason for the team's improvement. "Cheerleadings sole purpose is to cheer Ellis says, "We have come along way since while the team is playing and get the crowd the fall. Our quality has really matured." involved while doing stunts. The Porn Dance Vizzi comments that, "Our reputation has Team performs a routine during halftime as changed. They [spectators] believe we have entertainment for the crowd," Russel ex- improved and have potential. We have more plained. .fans than we have ever seen before." COURTESY OF REUNION PROGRAMS OFF[CE According to the dance team's constitu- "People are always asking me when our The WMC Porn Pon team likes to describe itself as "energetic, cute,jun, hardworking, and tion, their purpose is to provide support and next performance is," says freshman mem- motivating." recognition for athletic teams and other ber Jessica Jones. Senior basketball school groups as necessary. ''The squad has a great reputation. We are Their routines are developed and taught respected and hardworking. We are looked good-byes by sophomore captain Brooke Vizzi and up to because we are able to balance our aca- Continued/rom page 16 sophomore co-captains Amy Ellis and demics and be leaders," Ellis says. Bernhardt. Even though support from the college is Paddy ended up finishing his career with jor, music composition. Three years later, style. Paddy had career totals of 87 points, Kash was at preseason training ready to give' 54 rebounds, 27 assists, and 15 three-point- basketball and himself a second chance. According to the dance team s constitution, their Due to many time conflicts that Kash had purpose is to provide support and recognition for Kevin Buckley, perhaps the quietest per- with his music playing, he was unable to fin- son ihave ever met, is the "lone senior," in 1-ish seasonl't,r,i!-~#1~ tpam. Fierh'll's the athletic teams and other school groups as necessary. that he is the only one who saw absolutely highlightofthe year for him was the steal he no playing time this year. During one pre- had against a Division I guard at American season pick up game, Kevin tore his ACL, University, where he went from half court The captains put together different moves improving, they still feel that they lack com- which sidelined him for the season. He sat and converted the layup. from watching dance competitions on ESPN, plete backing. and watched this season's team win only four Coach Zoulias noted that "Kash's contri- past experience, and ones they developed on As of now, the team is not guaranteed games, which was a repeat of his freshman butions to the team and the college through their own. practice space. They can only use the dance year, where he sat and watched the team this year's racial problem will never be fully Ellis transferred to WMC in the fall of studio when it is open and are forced to cut come to the same record. appreciated." 1998. With eight years of past cheerleading their practices short some days for an aero- "Kevin has been an important part of the Although this season only produced four experience, she decided to join the dance bics class. program. He played an important role of wins and things got a little rough at times, team after she received good recommenda- Vizzi is also in favor of receiving credit coming off the bench for Will Marshall, and these four individuals personified hard work, tions from her friends about the squad. for their work. "We have an advisor and are was able to ignite the team. 'Buck' was a dedication, persistence, integrity, reliability, The team does not compete in competi- given money. We are a team and are taught very clever and intelligent offensive player and loyalty by keeping everyone together. tions with other colleges. Vizzi says this is like a class and practice just as much [as ath- who had one of the quickest releases we've The season may be over, and it did not tum due to lack of time and full support from the letic teams]," says Vizzi. seen in a while," said Coach Zoulias. out the way we all had envisioned, but the squad. Ellis agrees that some form of credit After three seasons of hoops here, Buck character of a man is not measured in wins Both Vizzi and Russell believe the team should be received. She feels that they com- totaled 2 J 6 points, 82 rebounds, 41 assists, and losses. is not of competitive nature. "It is open to bine athletics, long hours, and theater into made 33 three-pointers - a 36.6% average' From the entire team, we would like to anyone with dancing ability and anyone will- one. - and shot 42.7% from the field. thank you for your tireless efforts on the bas- ing to be part of a spirited group," says Vizzi. It is difficult to obtain gym credit, as some Prakash Wright was a member of the JV ketball court and your exuberant leadership The team held tryouts at the beginning varsity athletics do, however, because the team here his freshman year, where he re- abilities which reflect on each of your sub- of the football season and decided to hold dance team is considered a student activity ceived a lot of playing time. During the same stances of character. tryouts before the basketball season to en- and not part of the athletics program. year, the varsity team suffered through a ter- So from us all, we wish you the best of courage new members. The Director of Athletics, Dr. J. Richard rible year with only four wins. Kash, as he luck with any future endeavors that you are Their constitution complements Vizzi's Carpenter, says that the squad should remain remarks. The constitution says that any stu- a non-varsity sport because there is no NCAA is known to most, then decided not to play involved with. Thanks guys! You are all go- on his rna- and spent his time concentrating ing to be missed. dent aitending Western Maryland College competition for it. may participate in poms as long as they are Carpenter does request $1000 out of his willing to make a commitment to the squad. budget for the squad because they are doing Vizzi would prefer the squad to be more something for the school. This money is the Spring Break '99- Sell Trips, competitive and said she is slowly seeing total budget for the team to be used for uni- progress. She says that "as long as we con- forms and other expenses. tinue to build a squad, people will continue Despite any problems or concerns the Earn Cash & Go Free!!! to see our potential to do more competitive team encounters, they still make the most out things like competitions." of their work and opportunity. Building a larger squad is one goal that "I don't need to feel that my hard work the team set for this year. Russell said they has paid off. It's irrelevant. I'm just happy Student Travel Services is now hiring campus accomplished this by making the team more with the fact that we have it [a squad]," Vizzi visible and posting fliers in all the women's said. reps/group organizers. Lowest rates to Jamaica, dormitories. "Every performance is a reward," said Mexico & Florida. The team also hopes to be able to go to a Ellis. ''To be able to go out and create a crowd camp over the summer to receive more one- response is the ultimate reward." Call 1-800-648-4849
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