Page 145 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 145
COMMENTARY Thursday, Aprill, 1999 - Page 5 Letters to the editor Has freedom of speech up the Nazis,just because they are ment. how racist, classist, and ultimately to strip offenders of aid if they feel gone too far? Nazis, then the government can shut When people with their ideas useless (in terms of any good that that it is warranted. you up and Jock you up, just be- become as extreme and foolish as, could come out of it) the provision Now, a blanket provision is in ef- Dear Editor. cause of who you are and what you let's say, the Nazis or other despi- fect that would take federal aid away I am writing this letter in re- believe," cable groups, then those individu- is. The provision is ~;st in that, sponse to the "Hate Crimes and Maybe his motive for making als should have no room in OUf while only 12 percent orik popula- from heroin-dealers and occasional pot-smokers in be- and everyone Their Consequences" article that that statement is a paranoia of or an world. tion and 13 percent of drug offend- tween. appeared on the March 4, 1999, is- extreme resentment for the govern- They need to be shut up and ers are black, blacks make up 55 per- sue. As to what type of response it ment. My response to this quote, locked up for just being who they cent of drug convictions and an over- Furthermore, the law does not is, however, I have yet to define however, is a simple "Are you are and what they believe. whelming 70 percent of incarcera- even begin to address the worst drug problem of all on campus, underage tions. (Statistics from the Sentencing drinking. They need to be locked up just for being Ron Mojica Project) No one is going 10 lose students who they are. Police target inner-cities where for doing a keg stand. Are new drug laws they can see blacks and other minori- Why lake away a student's loans myself. discriminating? ties make crack deals on street cor- for taking a bong hit, then, when that f***ing kiddin' me?!?," which ners. is no more a sign of a drug problem First, I would like to state that could very well be fueled by my They don't bust too many white, than bonging a beer? this letter is not to devalueAndrew own biases and paranoia as a mi- You, student, are being used as a suburban cocaine abusers. If you think that this provision is Ryan's article. Clarifying the dis- nority. political tool. What's worse, your The provision primarily affects crazy, support Rep. Barney Frank's tinction between the real world and The government does have the federal loans are at stake. students oflow to middle class back- H.R. [053. It's a bill that will over- the not-so-real world of Western power and the sneakiness to do such Unfortunately, you probably grounds. Rich students do not need turn the drug offender provision of Maryland College is a helpful in- things, to suppress who they feel are don't even know what I'm talking federal financial aid. the Higher Education Act of 1998 sight for many students. There are nonconformists just for the simple about. those who feel that the realm out- fact of them not running along the The Higher Education Act of side these rolling hills and historic conventional grains of society. 1998 includes a provision that denies I'm trying to prove that this provision is brick edifices is not as fostering However, as rational human be- and secure as what's inside. ings, we should give the govern- loans to students convicted of a drug bad politics. offense for periods ranging from one The issue that bothers me, how- mentthe benefit of the doubt in dif- ever, is the main point of the ar- ferentiating who are the firebrands year to indefinitely. The only way around this provi- Call your representative at (202) Also, they have more access to ticle. He explains that denying the of good from the bringers of mal- sion is to participate in rehabilitation treatment programs. 224-3121 and ask him or her to co- hate group a voice on campus ice. Individual thoughts in our for which guidelines have yet to be So, the provision discriminates sponsor the bill. could have more impacting reper- world are essential and should be named. based not only on race, but also on cussions in the real world. He You can find more information fostered. When these "original" You might be saying to yourself, class. states that our own individual be- about Higher Education Act reform ideas begin to exploit others or "Fine, drugs are bad. Punish those The previous positions can be liefs and values could be, in a way, at or sign a petition threaten other individuals, however, dope fiends." You might be missing argued either way, if you really want "censored" by the campus safety at www Raise YourVoice com. that is when a more powerful force the point. to be picky about it. and college administration of has to intervene. I'm not trying 10 prove anything The fact remains, though, that no To get involved on campus, con- Amer~can society, which is the I agree with the warning in the about drugs here. I'm trying to prove other class offender has extrajudicial tact me at x8389 or email me at government. article of individuality being sacri- that this provision is simply bad poli- penalties placed upon them for a situ- He even writes, "When the ficed or suppressed by a higher es- tics. government can shut up and lock tablishment such as the govern- I will do so by pointing out just ation that has already been addressed. have the power Judges already Discovering Westminster Post break syndrome Lisa Dale- VanAuken Kristen G. Fraser takes a makes suggestions for ture. Those slides can be pretty in- We even met friends wandering humorous glimpse at Pressure Insomnia." The victim timidating. like us, and to sleep. Any- finds it impossible .bored students. These two landmarks are part of around on the sidewalk of the town college students' illnesses . time that their head hits the pillow, the streets we skipped the city, but they are only small together for a while. another paper comes to mind, and Here are some ways I've heard parts. There are things to do in The point is, we went out there As the tans from Spring Break sleep eludes. our campus described: the quaint Westminster, and you don't even and found things to do instead of begin to wear off and everyone's This version has the common campus of West em Maryland Col- need a car. whining in -our rooms about how body clocks come back to "WMC occurrence of regular stress attacks- lege, the secluded scenery, the Sometimes, you don't even need Westminster is a city of more cows time," the phenomenon sets in. fits of screaming while running up friendly-small town, atmosphere, money. than people. Every year as spring approaches, and down residence halls. pleasant. Last semester a friend and Ide- Given, Westminster is not the students across the country sink If you show any of these symp- Let's face it. This is a small cided to go into town to see what most culturally diverse town in into terrible habits. campus. And the thriving "city" of would happen. We had a great night. America. Perhaps the most open What is this phenomenon, you toms, don't fret. You are nonna!. I that you go to recommend don't cultural aspect of the town is the say? Some call it spring fever. Oth- Smith House though. But, there are There are things to do in Westminster. And overabundance of Chinese restau- ers still call it senioritis. I'll label a few things that will help. Break Syn- "Post Spring SLEEP!!! It won't you. you don't even need·a car or money.' rants. And while I have no desire to it simply And it effects our campus Though, as mentioned kill above, drome." become the WASPy poster-girl for in many strange ways. sleeping does not rest well with Westminster seems to be the per- We found an adorable cafe which the culture of the city, I would like One of these symptoms is professors who insist on class at- feet small town to complement our was on the verge of closing. to say if you really want something something J will term "Alarm tendahce. small campus. The storekeeper let us in any- to do, you'll go looking for it. Clock Ignoramus." This illness Here's another idea. Do your In general, Westminster is one way and gave us free coffee. We I'm not saying 10 expect to run rampant now. early!! right seems papers of the greenest cities I've ever seen. chatted with the guitar player for a miracles, but go out one day and Here is the scenario. Your average record for shortest Breaking the time to time required Driving down the winding roads, while and then left. you might find something you like. student does not hear the alarm write a paper might work for the through the stretching fields, I We went into all sorts of quaint clock, or if they do, they tend to Donn Olympics but does not usu- don't think any of us would hesi- automatically hit the Snooze but- ally win you medals with any of the tate to wonder "Where are the city ton. It has also been documented professors of WMC. blocks, the corner fruit stands, the Let's face it. This is a small campus. And that professors do not accept this Lastly, drink lots of fluid. And all night cafes? Where is the city?" the thriving "city" of Westminster seems to phenomenon as a lateness excuse. not just orange juice. I am referring There is a city in Westminster, Sometimes, a chemical imbal- but it's hiding. If I hadn't gone be the perfect small town. ance in the brain sends a signal to to cappuccino, Jolt cola, and every searching for it, I would have never other variety of caffeine. You're found it. I would have guessed the little shops, with cozy, cluttered Or don't. the body that the body should not only in college once. Heightened becomes go to class. The body compared library is one of the best places to shelves and interesting people. For some people, Westminster paralyzed, unable to attend a lec- heart rate is nothing already outlined. to the grave illnesses go for fun because Westminster And despite all the rumors about just won't work. But for some it ture. Also, this is an unacceptable Come on WMC! You can make night-life makes one snore, the rudeness of "townies" towards will. excuse for all professors. it. Only a few more weeks until And maybe I would have college kids, I found that everyone So give it a try. Also, we have the opposite settled on the park at the high I met was pretty polite, even amus- sion of this illness. I believe ver- classes are over, and then, it's fi- the nals time. Don't forget to take your school when I wanted some adven- ing. technical name for this is "Stress vitamins.
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