Page 136 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Page 12 FEATURES Rat's Web International students rounded by quotation marks like Advantages; Same as Altavista, has sponsor film festival BV ANN!!: BUTLER this: "police corruption. " Staff Writer cool commerciaJs, allows ability to If I want to make sure I don't see ten most popular pages in that Hey, WMC students! Are you April 6 : You will have to Welcome, my little wanna-be get pages from an unwanted topic, category. stressed, tired or even exhausted chose between LaBelle Epoque web surfers! Last time I gave you then Ijust add a minus sign and the Performance: Returned 42,000 by your studies? Take a break , a Spanish film showing an ide- a brief introduction about how to topic I don't want. For example, if sites, of first 30 I found six moder- and come to discover Spanish alized view of the 1930's, and get on the web, and this time I'm Idon't want sites about police cor- atelyuseful. and French humor and culture Auntie Danielle , a French film gonna tell you how to find what you ruption in Australia then I should Lycos (affiliated with Hotbot) - during the film festivals. If you about a cynical and cruel aunt want on the web, or at least find type "police corruption" -Austra- http://www.lycos_com have missed the hilarious com- who tyrannizes her family and something interesting. Yes, this lia. Advantages: Allows searching for edies Woman at the Edge of a hermaids.HiIlHalll04at8pm. issue's topic is search engines! only images or sounds Nervous Breakdown, or The April 15, 16 : Don't miss So, what is a search engine? That said, let's compare four Performance: Didn't tell me how Visitors, don't be sad because Danian or the story of a Mexi- Well, basically it is a database of major search engines performances many sites it found. Of the first we have more for you! can passion. thousands of web addresses that and advantages. Since we used the three pages of results, I found two' March 1: Come to the April 20: Pierre Richard users are able to search through words police corruption above, I'll moderately useful. Decker Auditorium to watch will be the most unlucky man using one or more keywords. use that exact phrase here: Like Water for Chocolate, the in the world in The Tall Blond Yahoo - Hoover Virtual Reference Desk blockbuster film based on Laura With a Black Shoe, in Decker Some tips on refining your Advantages: Categories make it http://hoover. wmdc.ed ul Esquivel's novel. Auditorium at 8 pm. searches: easy to use and find what you wish. Refdesk.htm March 9: A Franco-Rus- May 4: Finally, remember Imagine we're doinga search Performance: Returned ten sites, Your best bet is to stay close to sian movie will be shown in the to de-stress before the end of the for police corruption. If I just type five of which Ifound very useful home and use this guide provided French house. An international year without forgetting your in police corruption as is, I'll get Altavista http:// by the Library. atmosphere will be expected French culture! Come to see La any site that mentions the police or and promoted! Please call the Grande Vadrouille starring corruption, leading to many irrel- Advantages: Returns lots of links, Weird-Ass Site of the Issue: French house before coming, at Louis de Funes. It is the funni- evant results. It would be better to sometimes finds unusual links The Online Pregnancy Test xsaoo. est version of World War Il, and type police «corruption or to type Performance: Returned 2600 web March 23 : Come and re- all of the French have seen at police AND corruption which will pages, going through the first 30 I index.html member your spring break va- least once! return pages which contain both found about five only moderately Works for both genders! Check on cation with the comic French words. However, if I just want useful. a Monday after those weekend or- film French Fried Vacactions , Don't worry, the films are sub- pages that have the entire phrase Hotbot (affiliated with Lycos) - gies! Not to actually be used in one of the funniest and most titled in English. then Ishould type in the words sur- place of a pregnancy test. popular movies from France's Splendid Team. Classified A Simple Plan is dark, disturbing, excellent Help Wanted WMC stays out Late Lifeguards/ Pool Managers the start of the taping, they were Summer Months, FT I PI" BY SARAH RADlC!!: snow-filled wilds of Vermont. The BY MIKE PuSKAR told to practice our applauding and An Editor Training Available savage emptiness of the landscape did,sareve~\~ql; the man 1 c1eaning BaJtimore Area & All What would you do if you is a perfect backdrop for the emp- In an effort to unite WMC the floor (talk ab;:,~t aching hands Surrounding Counties found a million dollars? Everyone tiness of the protagonists: ordinary alumni in a fun way, RandaJI Rytter, after the show). ORO Pools 1-800-466-7665 wants easy money to solve the people living lives of quiet despera- assistant director of Alumni Affairs, The atmosphere aside, one of problems of their life. tion and unhappiness under the organized a trip to New York City the best things about being in the EXTRA INCOME FOR 198 The idea that Money = Happi- peaceful veil of small-town for 82 WMC community members audience is that old Letterman clips Earn $500· $lCXXl weekly stuffing ness is, after all, at the root of the America. to be in the audience of The Late were shown where commercials envelopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 with SASE 10 American Dream: if you make Hank, the main protagonist, is Show with David Letterman. would be for home viewers. The enough money, you too will attain a college-educated accountant re- The trip was sponsored by longest break came during the setup perfect bliss. Anyone who believes duced to working at a dead-end job Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and of Jewel's music equipment. It was that should go and see A Simple in a feed mill, who looks down on Snapple Iced Tea. Participants in- interesting to see how it was done Personal Plan. They will be released from Jacob and Lou. It is easy to look cluded 82 students, various alum, in such a short amount of time. PREGNANT? their naivete very quickly. down upon these characters, but Associate Dean of Student Affairs FREE CONFIDENTIAL A Simple Plan has a simple superb acting brings out the under- Henry Reiff, President Robert Before the show's TESTING premise. Brothers Hank and Jacob Chambers, and several others from TESTING & CARING Mitchell (Bill Paxton and Billy Bob the Public Information Office, who taping, Chambers COUNSELING Thornton), along with Jacob's Greed, betrayal, participated in the February 18 tap- HELP CALL 1-800-521-5530 friend Lou (Brent Briscoe), acci- hope, violence, and ing. joined his fellow ONTINUE EDUCATION AND dentally discover a crashed airplane Approximately 30 alum who Terrorsfor lunch at CAREER carrying two things: a dead pilot the twisted ties of were currently residing in New HE NURTURING NETWORK and a duffel bag stuffed with nearly family relationships York sat in on the taping for the the Harley Davidson 1-800-866-4666 $5 million in cash. February 19 show. Cafe. Several A choice Our Jake Travel keep the money must be made - to are all central Gyllenhaal show featured Sky. Magic administrators and or to tum it in to of October the police. themes in this Johnson, and Jewel, who was the SPRING BREAK '99 alum posed on a STS is America's #1 Student Tour Jacob and Lou want to keep it; Fargo-esque portrait focal point for many of the younger Operator Hank holds out as the voice of males on the trip. Harley. Don't book with anyone else until you morality until he starts thinking of despair. Before the show's taping, talk to us!!! about his pregnant wife and their Chambers joined his fellow Terrors Cancun and Jamaica from $399 Panama City and Daytona Beach from unborn child and her college edu- for lunch at the Harley Davidson It was unfortunate, as with any $119 cation. stated humanity in everyone. Cafe. Several administrators and highly anticipated event, that the Student Travel Services Why not keep the money in se- Thornton's character, marginalized alum posed on a Harley as a me- taping was over so quickly. But the 1-800-648-4849 cret until the plane is found and and underestimated, emerges as the mento of their time there. Terrors had to catch their bus. wwwstslrnvelcoro then divide it up equally? Nothing true moral center of the film. While standing by in a hotel In that last bit of time, the GET THE HELL OUT OF could be simpler or more foolproof. Greed, betrayal, hope, violence, ballroom, the aJum were informed group split up, some going shop- HERE! Hank's acquiescence begins a and the twisted ties of family rela- that not everyone was going to be ping, some eating, and others sight- !Mexico, the Caribbean or Central slow descent into hell for the three tionships are all central themes in able to wear their. custom Green seeing. America men. Complications develop, mur- this Fargo-esque portrait of de- Terror t-shirts because the produc- The second taping didn't go as $199 round trip. der and deception become a way spair. ers didn't want the audience to look well as ours because three of the Europe $169 one way. of life, and the "simple plan" spi- A Simple Plan combines solid fake. Perhaps this lack of confor- New York aJum were drunk and got Other world-wide destinations rals out of control in the quest to acting with a densely-packed, well- mity is why viewers couldn't spot kicked out of the theater. The other cheap. protect the money at any cost. written story to produce a spare, anyWMCers. 79 participants enjoyed the trip, Book tickets online ASimpie Plan is a dark psycho- powerful little movie that will lin- While everybody was seated in whether or not they could be seen logical thriller set in the stark, ger in your mind. the Ed Sullivan Theatre, awaiting on the television screen that night. or 212 219-7000.
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