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NEWS Thursday, April 1, 1999 - Page 3 Minority Students Continued from page 1 However, only one Asian stu- hope the program continues to be Latino Alliance. What to do On Saturday, the prospective denl attended. ''The invitations that successful as we move into a new Next year, Almandrez hopes to in April students had a discussion with the we sent out did not include any pic- century." begin an annual diversity confer- college deans, attended a gospel tures of Asian students. At that time, Not only is increasing minority ence on campus to promote April 1 -15 music class taught by lecturer Eric the new Asian Community Coali- enrollment a priority at WMC, but multiculturalism in the new millen- Byrd, and went on a scavenger tion was not formed, and that may promoting multicultural awareness nium and initiate a community- Kathryn E. Wentz Student An hunt to get to know the campus. have been why Asian students did on campus is important as well, said wide effort to make diversity a pri- Show, April 14 through May 7, The weekend continued with a not attend," Almandrez said. "If this Almandrez. ority. The Rice Gallery,free social hosted in the Black Student trend continues in future years, it The Office of Multicultural Ser- Almandrez would also like to Opening Reception-Wednes- Union clubroom on Saturday night might go back to being an African- vices has sponsored and helped build coalitions among groups that day, April 14 from 7 to 9 pm. and concluded with an emotional American weekend." fund events promoting do not normally work together, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, rap session of current minority stu- Almandrez hopes the weekend multiculturalism this semester, as such as the Black Student Union and More bX WMC Art Majors dents on Sunday, Almandrez said. also encouraged the prospective well as offering personal and aca- and Greek organizations, and in- Rice Gallery- Hours are Monday The Admitted Student's Day, open students to talk about WMC to demic advising to all students, said crease diversity programs at WMC. through Friday, noon to 4 pm. to all accepted students, was held younger students who might apply Almandrez, who replaced former Almandrez said she can't tell later in the day. here in the 'future. "We hope to director James Felton in November. whether much progress has been The Dining Room, April 15, 16, The minority student weekend bring in not only more diversity, but According toAlmandrez, her job is made on campus in promoting 17,18,8 pm.and 2 pm.on 18th, has expanded since last year when a link for recruitment," she said. to "promote cultural sensitivity" multiculturalism this year because Dorothy Elderdice Studio The- only accepted African-Americans Almandrez said that the week- and "affirm minority students and of her short time here. However, atre in Alumni Hall, $5for adults were invited. Almandrez said the end was very successful, although nelp them learn." she hopes that she can see progress and $3for students, seniors, and reason for the expansion was to she would have liked more students Almandrez works with minor- by the end of the year and will con- the WMC community. bring in more students of color. to attend in future years. "We have ity organizations on campus includ- tinue to promote multiculturalism WMC Theatre presents a funny There "has been a lot of focus on already yielded half of those who ing the Jewish Student Union, and diversity at WMC. and touching theauical tour-de- African-American students, but we attended, I was pleased with the Sounds of Silence, the Black Stu- ''There is always room for im- force written by A. R. Gurney * want to expand the group of people numbers," she said, noting that ap- dent Union, the Asian Community provement," she said. Directed by Sara Gruber, WMC [minorities] coming to WMC in the proximately seven or eight partici- Coalition, the Multicultural Stu- student fall," she said. pants have decided to enroll. "I dents Association, and the Hispano- Iota Phi Theta seeks charter on WMC campus Jacqueline Schwab, April 5, 7 Lounge, free pm, McDaniel Yale Gordon Residency Program BY AMANDA CLINE of something that has been histori- Dozier and Smith do not intend for with world renowned improvisa- SlajJWriler "I don't see anything wrong cally been a racist organization. the fraternity to discriminate with it. I think it's good," said Mike tional pianist Jacqueline Schwab When taking a glance around When Martin Luther King was against any race. "We'd be a racist Blundin, ajunior Phi Kappa Sigma in a program of American popu- campus, how many minority stu- killed, many Greek organizations organization if we didn't offer it to member. lar song from th_e 20th century. dents do you see involved in Greek were excited about it. They cel- anyone. We're not a racist organi- "It sounds great," agreed Rob life? The answer is merely a hand- ebrated his death, and for me to be zation at all," said Smith. Taber, a junior Sigma Phi Epsilon Common Ground on the Hill ful-a fact which John Dozier and a part of something thai celebrated "We allow people of all races, member. "All fraternities exist for Spring Concert, April 9, 7:30 Richard Smith are committed to Martin Luther King's death would colors and creeds. but you have to reasons. We get along with any fra- pm, Alumni Hall, $IOforadults, change. They are members ofMor- mean I was being a hypocrite to understand that it's about building ternity on campus as long as they $8 for seniors, $2 for ages J 3- . gan State's chapter of Iota Phi myself." the black community. We do have intend to uphold Greek ideals. 18, free for children under 12 ; Theta, a black fraternity which the The lack of unity among black white fraternity brothers [at the There's no point in denying people and the WMC community. two students are in the process' of men on campus also inspired Morgan State chapter]." access to being Greek," he added. Commo~ Ground on the Hill • starting at WMC. Dozier to try to bring Iota Phi Theta The emphasis on building the For Dozier and Smith, main- Spring Concert with Sankofa ) With five social fraternities cur- to WMC. "Black men here aren't African-American community taining the ideals of Greek organi- Dance Company, Baltimore- rently in existence on campus, one really together. We're in these other comes from the lack of attention it zations will riot be aconflict. In the based African-American Dance might wonder why there is a need organizations that don't cater to the receives from society, according to future, though, they intend to up- and Drum performers, and to form another. Dozier, a sopho- needs of minority students. Wejust Smith. "The reason we looked for hold an even greater principle WMC Gospel Choir. more Political Science major, cites wanted to bring this up here and be a historically black fraternity is be- within Greek life - racial unity. one of his reasons for joining an a part of something that we could cause we wanted something that Said Dozier, "When we' receive Candlelight Vigil for Rape off-campus black social fraternity call our own. I don't think there could relate to us and that we could colonization status at WMC, we Awareness, April 6, 7 pm, Baker is the discouragement he received would have been a point of bring- give back to. The black youths will not have a problem throwing Memorial Chapel,free. from other fraternities to join them. ing another fraternity that was aren't a main priority anywhere." things in conjunction with other The fourth annual Carroll Smith, a junior sociology ma- mostly white to this school." Members of existing fraternities fraternities. We want to unite all County program sponsored by jor, acknowledged a historical Although the organization is at WMC seem to share the enthusi- Greeks as one - black or white. WMC's Social Work depart- aversion to joining an existing fra- primarily targeted at gaining mem- asm for bringing a diverse organi- We won't be separating ourselves ment. ternity. "It's hard forme to be a part bership from minority students, zation to campus. from anybody." Students sponsor rape Carter Camp, April 8, 6:30 pm, Hill Hall I08,free. Carter awareness activities Lecture featuring activist. Camp, Native American The fourth annual "Bring It Out County. WMC social work students Holocaust Memorial Service, of the Dark" Candlelight Vigil for began sponsoring the activities four April 13, 7:30 pm, Decker Audi- National Rape Awareness Month years ago when it was learned Car- torium in Lewis Hall of Science, will be held from 7-9 pm, on Tues- roll County did not have an offi- free. day, April 6, in Baker Memorial cial program, Colleen Galambos, Also features showing of award- Chapel. The vigil, free and open to assistant professor of social work, winning film on the Holocaust the public. is cosponsored by the said. "Schindler's List" Social Work Department and Social The vigil program also will fea- Work Club ofWMC and the Rape ture a "stone throwing" healing cer- Books Sandwiched In, April 15, Crisis Intervention Service of Car- emony or liberation ritual. "Me and noon, McDaniel Lounge,free. roll County. A Gun," by Tori Amos will play Featuring a review/discussion In conjunction with the vigil, a during the healing ritual. The song with Henry Reiff, associate dean display of poetry and artwork cre- describes Amos' feelings as a rape of academic affairs, of "A Man ated by a sexual assault survivor survivor herself. in Full," by Tom Wolfe On March 28, WMC Unity held their first annual Easter will be on display in Ensor Lounge. Also, the program includes per- Participants can bring a bag Extravaganza. It was a day packed full of activities and fun for area Speakers include a social worker fonnances by a WMC student so- lunch. Drinks are provided. children. These children are part of service programs on campus that are who works with victims in the hos- loist and the WMC Gospel Choir. conducted by a number of differem affinity groups and sororities. Among pital emergency room and a Car- Black and blue ribbons, symboliz- the groups that participated were S. T.A.Y., Big Sisters, TACI. lind Alpha roll County family services coun- Jack Kelley, April 15, 8 pm, Nil Omega. The children enjoyed themselves. and the groups received a ing the vigil theme, will be distrib- McDaniel Lounge, free. sense of accomplishment by bringing together campus and community. selor. A letter from a rape survivor uted. Ribbons also will decorate USA Today foreign correspon- will also be read. Throughout the ofternmm, the children participated in an Eastes trees near the campus library dent Jack Kelley egg hunt, coloring evil test, and relay g.ame~·, They also had an opportunity The vigil is part of the students' throughout Rape Awareness Lecture and question and answer ro visit the Easter Bunny and have their faces painted. Prizes, candy, and annual sponsorship of Rape Aware- Month. session. snacks were provided. by se~vera{ tocat busine:~es. ness Month activities in Carroll Courtesy of Public Information Courtesy of Public Information
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