Page 144 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April 1, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS WMC students compete for Irene Ryan Award Honor Code proposal Continued from page J sen ted to the faculty by SGA members Aaron eastern regional schools including Penn- competition," he said. Corbett, president; Matt Gribbin, vice-presi- sylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Forman feels the competition went well. He dent; and Dana Jacobson, secretary; outlined Maryland. . believes that it was tough making an emotional points of disagreement the SGA round with The Irene Ryan Awards are a regional connection with the characters he was portray- the original August 1998 report. The SGA's competition where student actors compete ing but received compliments from two of the suggestions and amendments to the original to win scholarship money. The compett- . observing faculty members. Forman plans to report include assembling an annual SOA non involves preparing two contrasting have a career in film and theater and feels the committee to assess the academic integrity pieces including a monologue and a scene experience was close to what he will expert- maintained in classes to offer as feedback to that can range from comedy to drama. The ence in future auditions. faculty, the reporting of academic violations purpose of the two pieces is to show the Erika Roskowinski, nominated by to the Faculty Affairs Committee, and imple- judges the range of ability the actor has. adadadjudicatures for her outstanding perfor- menting an Honor System education pro- Conner. who performed a monologue mance in Loose Ends, performed a comedic gram at the orientation for first-year students. from the one-act play Dolores and a scene monologue from Is There Life after High School . Although (he SGA's proposal primarily from the play Caesar and Cleopatra, and an untraditional scene from Medea portray- pointed out the areas with which it was in made the semifinals. It is believed that ing the sexual manipulation of another charac- agreement with the faculty report, while of- Connor is only the second actor in WMC ter. fering changes in wording or additional con- history to do so. Roskowinski said she felt honored to have ditions or actions which should be taken, the Conner is planning to pursue a career been nominated by the adadadjudicatures. SGA report pinpointed two significant in acting and is looking at several acting "Out of 220 different schools, three differ- changes in the Honor System. schools, including New York University ent people are nominated from each school. First, the SGA report strongly disagreed and University of California Los Angeles There are so many people, that it was very nice with the original report's statement that "the for graduate school. to be considered good enough to audition for Honor Code should include a strong recom- Conner said that competing was defi- this scholarship." mendation that faculty proctor exams." The WMC theater students Laura Conner. Collin Forman. and Erika Roskowinski were nitely.a good time. "I was very intimidated Roskowinski described the competition as SGA believes that "professors should take nominated 10 compete for the Irene Ryan because of the number of talented people nerve racking. Her advice to future comperi- proactive steps to prevent the temptation to Awards. there, but I feel that it was a good expert- tors is to pick a strong serious monologue and cheat," rather than proctoring exams, which ence, and Ileamed a lot," Connor said. "I a more comedic scene. This shows a huge con- they believe is unnecessary. BY CATHY PENOORF Staf!Wr;ter saw a Jot of talent, and it helped me to trast, showing your judges what you are capable The second point which differs greatly grow as an actor. It was my first experi- of. A good convention between your monologue from the original report is an addition to the Three WMC students nominated for the ence doing something of that nature, and and your scene, like a prop carried through both Honor Code pledge signed by students on lreneRyan Awards recently competed for the if I was to do it again, I would know ex- or a partner acting as a set piece for one. And all exams. The SOA suggests altering the award at Juniata College in Huntington, actly what to do." importantly. gauge your judges. original pledge, "I have neither given nor re- Pennsylvania. Collin Forman, who did a monologue Roskowinski is not planning a career in act- ceived unauthorized aid on this piece of The three WMC students nominated for from Domestic Violence and a scene from ing but likes it and finds it fun. "It's something work," by adding the phrase, "nor have I tol- their theatrical talents include Laura Conner, A Lie of the Mind, claims he was surprised I feel I can do well, and I enjoy it," she said. erated others doing so." The addition of this Collin Forman. and Erika Roskowinski. to be nominated for the competition. "I Roskowinski likes working in the area of phrase stands to greatly change the meaning Conner and Forman were nominated by the was beside myself when I found out, and makeup and hair design, and she has already of the Honor Code. WMC theatre department, while it gave me a lot of hope as an actor to have worked with Theater On The Hill designing The Honor SystemlCode debate dates Roskowinski was selected to audition by the support and to know that people think costumes and wigs. Since Roskowinski is not back to the Spring of 1997. Copies of both adjudicatures who came to watched her per- that I'm good. Acting is what I want to planning an acting career, the competition ex- reports and further information on the po- formance in the WMC fait play Loose Ends. do, and it was a great experience. [was perience is not as useful to her as to Conner or tential changes to the Honor SystemlCode Students were nominated for the awards from honored to represent WMC at this national Forman, but she still found it "a good learning can be found at www.rdiUman.comlachonl experience." achon.html. Also see related outline below. Honor Code Proposal Brought to the Phoenix courtesy of the SGA The SOA's Ad Hoc Committee on one complete semester. vention will necessitate proctoring. include these new questions: the Honor Code reviewed the Ad Hoc 2. Those who have had any pre- -Honor Code philosophy, ... the SGA feels I. Did the professor inform committee report on the Honor System vious conviction of an Honor Code viola- the philosophy should read the following: students of the applications of the Honor from August of 1998. tion. "...The student is obligated (expected was the -Code for this class? The SGA disagrees with the recom- FYI: Current Composition of the word used previously 1 to report all instances 2. How much attention does mendation that students not be required Honor and Conduct Board: of academic honor violations. This action is a the professor pay to the Honor Code and to tum in violators. There is a desire for 2 elected faculty members (from social responsibility because academic dishonor its application in the class? a purer system. Furthermore, it is the pool of 10) has a detrimenta1 effect on the grades of all stu- 3. How well and effectively SGA's belief that through consistent 2 elected students (from pool of dents in a given course ..." was academic integrity maintained in education and established expectations 10) -The honor pledge should be written in its exams, papers. and other class assign- we can achieve a well-functioning Dean of Student Affairs, con- entifety with all work, reading: "I have neither ments? Honor Code. vener given nor received unauthorized aid on this 4. Have you noticed any The SGA reviewed a report from its -Creare an Honor Code Advisory piece of work, nor have I tolerated others do- breach of the academic Honor Code in own Ad Hoc committee that reviewed, Panel .... to guide other faculty members ingso." this class? If so, please describe (no item-by-item. the August report. The as they individually adjudicate minor vio- -Feedback to faculty on how well academic names necessary). SGA adopted the report from its com- lations or determine how best to handle a integrity is maintained in the class, ... Annually, ·A faculty committee should be set mittee with amendments. The document report of a violation. the academic committee of the SGA will as- up to which all professors are required is the official SGA policy as voted on I. The Honor Code Advisory semble an Ad Hoc committee convened to re- to report all instances of Honor Code Thursday, February II, 1999. Panel's first duty is to create and intro- view the success of the academic integrity violations to this Committee even if the duce a presentation that has certain re- maintained in class. cases are not heard by the Honor and quired guidelines to the faculty on the -Orientatton and other effects to gain new Conduct Board. The details of the inci- HonorCode annually at the faculty retreat. students' adherence to the Honor Code, ... dent, the penalty, as well as the -Honor and Conduct Board compo- 2. Professors are expected to I. The SGA. along with the orienta- professor's name should be included. sition, ... should be expanded by two stu- present this to each of their students within tion program, will develop a program to present However, the name of the student vio- dents selected randomly from the stu- the first two weeks of the beginning of the Honor Code during orientation to the stu- lator should remain anonymous. This dent body with several parameters. The class. dents. extra step will ensure consistencies in parameters which will prevent certain -Professors should NOT be given a 2. The new students will then be re- sanctions. These records will be col- students from sitting on the board are as strong recommendation to proctor exams. quired to sign an acknowledgement of their lected once a year and given to the Ad follows: We feel that professors should, however, understanding of Western Maryland College'S Hoc committee of the SOA Academic I. Those who have been at take pro-active steps to prevent the temp- Honor Code. committee, which will review the integ- Western Maryland College for less than tation to cheat. We do not agree that pre- -Student Course Evaluation Fonn should rity maintained in classes.
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