Page 67 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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NEWS Thursday, November 20, l_997- Page 7 on the other end. Students given greater ing down the competition of sopho- mores and juniors Char bonnier continued to try streak computer access and ignite gusto into the crowd by challenging anyone to around the fire for a reward of$15. But the football team members per- New Hoover lab made available to haps roused the most sizzling en- thusiasm by taking over the bleach- students, Hill center hours expanded ers and starting a good old fashion The writing center used to chant of "Terror, terror!" ev EMILY STAMATHIS strictly enforce its policy of giving A.'.';.1Ii1ll1 News EdiloT Football player Tyler Grant said paper writers priority over those us- he would have liked to see even A flood of students in need of ing the Internet, but Story said that more students tum out for the bon- computer acces~ has led to heavy the line between students using the fire/pep rally, but added that "the traffic in writing centers and labs Internet for "nonacademic" pur- football team is fired-up and that's that usually occurs during finals poses and those using it for school- all that matters." JOSE IJUBA) SIQUEIRA week. work is blurring. Nowhere was school spirit more evident than in/he stands of the Terror's The idea to hold a bonfire/pep In response to this surge of bus i- "At one time I would've said winning game against Johns Hopkins rally was originally proposed by ness, the writing center in Hill Hall that Internet was less important, but Bonfire fuels school spirit SGA treasurer, junior Matt Gribbin. ap- has extended its hours computer the a lot of classes are required to use and said several students He Maggie Denman-West "It's Story explained. proached him with the idea, and lab has been opened on the second the Internet," to make that assump- hard very BY J.:NNWER VICK routine performed by the porn that when he brought it before the level of Hoover Library. tion." Features Editor squad, and the arrival and an- SGA, "everyone loved it." The Hill writing center usually Story credits the increased use ncuncement of football team mem- The football team's outstanding offers prolonged hours in prepara- of labs to this new dependence on The flames could be seen from bers. record this season has sent a surge tion for finals week, but the lab will the Internet, the parking lot of ANW as they One student, dressed as a Green of excitement throughout the cam- now stay open until 2 AM from Class of 200!. as well as the large leapt into the cold, damp air. The Terror, placed a Blue Jay decoy into pus community that hasn't seen an Sunday through Thursday on a She now does a "mental check" blaze illuminated the thick cluster the fire, while Carroll County undefeated football team since regular basis. of which students are doing inter- of students surrounding it, and re- firefighters fueled the blaze more 1951. The day of the rally, baskets In addition, the center will be net research and which are writing vealed looks of anticipation in their efficiently with trash bins full of of green and gold buttons that said, open from II AM until 5 PM on personal e-mail, and enforces a 15- faces on the eve of the battle against firewood. Master-of-Ceremonies, "Go Green Terror," were placed on Saturday. the Blue Jays. senior Paul Charbonnier, had a administrator's counters and at the The main difference between minute The limit for the latter. should extended hours On the night of November 14, harder time fueling the pep. entrance of Englar Dining Hall. to stu- the Student Government Associa- With megaphone in hand, WMC history expert and pro- the Hill Hall writing. center and make computers accessible for all pur- is that the who need them dents other labs around campus tion sponsored a bonfire/pep rally Charbonnier rallied students to join fessor of mathematics, Dr. James Hill center closes periodically poses. The extra time also makes it to heat-up Green Terror spirit be- teams for a tug-of-war. Instead, Lightner, recalls times over the past throughout the day for class use. possible for the Hill writing center fore the undefeated football team's many chose to scarf down free hot couple of years when the team had "We've already had lines of to offer its resume writing program winning game against Johns dogs and hamburgers and warm such a winning drought that "there people waiting to use computers, next semester. Hopkins. A large crowd of students their hands with cups of hot choco- was nothing to be peppy about." which we're not used to until the In addition gathered on the football practice late. While a student at WMC in the last two weeks of school," said Denman-West to the new Maggie computer lab in the field for what was the first bonfire/ Finally, two teams assembled Writing Center Administrator Vir- library, the Hoover pep rally held in about 10 years. and freshman and seniors on one ginia Story. Microcomputing Lab remains open The event commenced with a end of the rope succeeded in pull- Continued on page 8 According to Story, the English on the first floor. Resume writing program to help department received extra funding available for student computer labs are three There in order to staff the lab for extended use in Lewis students enter the job market periods of time. The student writ- Hall of Science: the Windows Lab are usually ing center employees in the basement, the Macintosh but paid by the English department, Math Lab on {he first floor, and the the extra money will be coming Biology Lab in Lewis 212, which BY EMII.Y STAMATHIS chosen based on need, but Story attempt to write their resumes alone from Information Services, Story is only open on Tuesdays and Assistanr News EdiroT predicts that there will be both day in the writing center. said. Thursdays. and evening times, once during the Career Services lost a counse- The tutors in the Hill Hall Writ- week and once on Saturday. lor because of a budget cut, so ing Center have always worked The resume help sessions were Arnie is the only person currently with students on writing papers that pa~t of the reason that extra Satur- offering help with resumes. With will help them succeed in college. day hours have been added in the everyone from freshmen to gradu- However, starting next semester, Hill center, but students who want ate students to alumni in need of the writing tutors will be able to to type papers or access the Inter- help, it's very hard to get an ap- provide help in writing the docu- net won't be excluded from the lab pointment with Arnie. ment that's crucial to success after when resume sessions are taking She is usually booked through- graduation: a resume. place. The help will be offered as out the day in order to accommo- Eight of the current writing tu- students need it. date everyone needing help. "She's tors chose to receive the optional According to Story, the original doing the job of two people," four-hour training session, accord- idea for the program came from Nalevanko said. ing to Virginia Story, administra- Director of Career Advising Karen In order to help as many people tor of the writing center. Aft e r Arnie, who was unable to be as possible, Nalevanko said that the session from Career Services, reached for comment. sometimes students are encouraged which currently offers resume help, Arnie proposed the idea to Dean to submit rough drafts of their re- the writing tutors will be qualified Philip Sayre because she saw so sumes, then Career Service sends to give students specialized tips for many students working on their re- them back with suggestions and writing effective resumes. sumes in the writing center, and felt comments. Junior Cate Trego, who has that "they had no guidance or as- Students seeking resume help been a writing tutor for a year, is sistance," Story said. aren't the only ones who will ben- one of the students who chose to The end of the semester and efit from the new program; the re- receive the training, which will be Senior week, are both particular sume tutors will be receiving pay given over Jan term. times when students try to write increases. Both Story and Trego "Our goal is basically just to their resumes in the center without said that the increase won't be ma- help people build their resumes," any help, Trego observed. jor, but the tutors will be compen- Trego said. On a personal level, According to Maryann sated for their special skills. Trego is open to "anything that can Nalevanko, office manager of Ca- Trego said that the training will expand my tutoring abilities." reer Services, resume writing has .come in handy when she has to Beginning this spring, there will always been a part of their job. write her own resume, and she also be designated hours in the Hill cen- They advertise this service with sees benefit in the fact that she can ter when "on-the Spot" help will posters, flyers, and by advertising note that she's had special tutoring be offered. The exact times will be in the Job Bulletin, but students still experience.
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