Page 66 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 66
Thursday. November 20, 1997 - Page 6 NEWS NASA tests atmosphere from atop Lewis Hall of Science how to run the system. BY NIKKI BELANGI':R SeniorWrirer In a small dark room directly underneath PHASERS is the computer and other ma- It looks like a large tripod with a silver chines where the students and Guerra col- cone attached to the top pointing up to the lect their data. In the far corner is the wind- sky. That's the first thing you notice. The ing metal staircase that leads to the roof and second is the amazing view of Western Mary- the device. land College and Westminster. PHASERS operates through "laser pulse Few people probably know about the [that] are 'fired' into the atmosphere where strange tripod on top of Lewis Hall, although they interact by scattering off molecules, it's been here for over two years. It's been aerosols, and clouds" according to a poster featured in several worldwide trade journals describing the device. Some of this radia- and in many articles locally. It's one of the tion is then collected by the telescope and reasons prospective students drawn toward fed through the data system. The radiation physics and science may also be drawn to- is in the form of light which is analyzed by ward WMC. And it's the only one in the the students and Guerra. They also see how world. the different layers of the sky move. It's name is the Prototype Holographic NASA is interested in PHASERS Atmospheric Scanner for Environmental because this is a way of testing the new tech- Remote Sensing or PHASERS. It consists nology without spending billions of dollars of a laser, telescope, and a data acquisition on a device that may not work. Once the system. There is also another device testing data collection phase is over here, NASA will the atmosphere at Utah State. JOSE (JUBjI.) SIQUEIRA send the device in a plane to test it in air. It "We are testing a new type of technol- PHASERS has been on top of Lewis for over two years, but few students even know it's there. may then be put in a shuttle, and finally in a ogy for NASA which will do atmospheric satellite. testing," Dr. Dave Guerra, physics profes- have been working on the device for five design it at different schools. Dr. Tom Wilkerson from Utah State was sor, said. Guerra and several students are years. One student at WMC who has recently recently visiting WMC and Guerra. collecting data to understand what is hap- "NASA's interesting in teaching people become involved is freshman Chris Cullison. Wilkerson, one of the scientists who worked pening to the planet, such as studying the things, training scientists," Guerra said. He decided to team up with Guerra because on the original design at the University of greenhouse effect. The students gather data WMC has become involved in one of the Guerra had shown the device to Cullison as Maryland, wanted to bring back some of the a few times per week, depending on the training programs for scientists. Long after a prospective student. data and discoveries to Utah to enhance their weather. the project is finished, the device will stay "It's a good start to get into physics in project. "WMC and Utah are part of the in- NASA, through Geary Schwemmer who to provide other students with the chance to general," Cullison, who plans on being a ternational community doing these laser holds the patent, decided to put the device at learn hands-on. physics major, said. Although he is just studies," Wilkerson said, adding that he's WMC because Guerra worked at NASA on Students have been involved in the watching and learning for now, next year happy to be part of the community. the project before coming here. Scientists project from the beginning with helping to Cullison will be able to show new students from campus. Campus Safety Blotter -On 10/25 at 2:00 p.m. two disorderly nonstudents were removed tiO~~~~~~~~~'650p.m.inANWDoCS -On 10/25 at 4:36 p.m. at Bair Stadium a treated a student for an injury. student was documented for reckless driv- -on 11/12at 10:17p.m. DoCS paramedic ing. an injured employee to CCGH. treated a nonstudent for chest pain and -On 10/31 at 10:00 a.m. in MCD DoCS -On 11/6 at 9:03 p.m. at ~A Ave. trouble breathing. Patient transported by took a report for malicious destruction. DoCS to Carroll County General Hospital -Oa 1111 at 12:15 p.m. at Bair Stadium at her request. documentation was made for proscriptions -On 11/13 at 5:50 a.m. atPAAve. houses of conduct. DoCS EMT responds to a call for an ill stu- -On 1112 at 7:40 p.m. in the PELC DoCS dent. took a report for telephone misuse. -On 11/13at 1:45 a.m. inANW Quad two -On 11/3 at 9:35 a.m. in MCD DoCS students are documented for possession and paramedic evaluated then transported an in- ing Hall DoCS transported an injured em- use of Class C fireworks. jured employee to CCGH. ployee to CCGH. -During the reporting period 3 students -On 1114 at 11:09 a.m. in the Dining Hall -On 11/8 at 11:17 p.m. inWH DoCS took were cited in separate incidents of alcohol DoCS paramedic evaluated then transported a report for destruction to a fire extinguisher. policy violations. NEED CASH? CLASSIFIEDS TELEMARKETING SPRING BREAK '98 J 3Y[ar~ ~our calendars and open Sell Trips, Earn Cash & Go Free!'! Stu- Internet Publishing firm in dent Travel Services is now hiring cam- Westminster needs pus repslgroup organizers. 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