Page 65 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 65
COMMENTARY Thursday, November 20,1997 - Page 5 Letter to the Editor Throw Away The Butts To the Editor, lot more serious when you are us- I am writing in response to ing old equipment to deal with pos- Adam Dean's November 6th edi- sibly volatile or dangerous sub- ----~IMaggie Kimura ..,---- torial "Lewis Hall Construction: stances. Students can be put in dan- Are Resident Students Being Lost ger when gas pipes get weak or in the Shuffle?" hazardous materials arc spilled due Let's be honest folks. You've dirty room, right? So why would First of all, Dean argues that the to rust or cracking. seen it, I've seen it, we've all seen anyone want to learn in a dirty yourself and throw something college has ample classroom space Thirdly, Dean makes an absurd it. What have we all seen? THE place? away. So where does that leave us? as opposed to the horrible lack of analogy that Lewis is like the White BUTTS!!!! They line the side- Picking up butts makes the National Smoke-Out Day on No- dormitory space. House, which although 200 years walks, they decorate the outside of maintenance's job harder, and it vember 20th? Or does it leave me Hello, have you ever had a old is still in use. Decker Center, and we just can't distracts from more important class in Lewis? Maybe you got it First of all, the White House is get rid of them. things for them to do. Sure, pick- to argue with myself? mixed up with the newly renovated renovated every four years by the Where aren't they seen? In their ing up butts is a dirty job and no I can't telt you all to quit; in facr, Hill Hall, where many of your hu- incoming President and has once it's your job to quit, not mine. manities classes are held. been completely gutted. From what I've seen, as a Bi- Secondly, the White House has "If someone is indulging in the smoking habit, I am sure that that ology major who has a majority of had several additions since its my classes in Lewis, there is no building so long ago. person is responsible enough to throw it away in the proper place. huge abundance of space. Finally, the White House isn't It doesn't take much to pick up after yourself and throw something Many of the classrooms are used as a classroom everyday, with used all day long, with professors hundreds of students doing chem- away." often having !O wait to get into istry and biology experiments in it. rooms when the class before runs So, no, Lewis is not like the White proper, final resting places ... the one wants to do it, but if the cam- over. House. sand piles on top of the trash cans. pus is to look at least presentable, I am someone who would like Several of (he classes are also Finally, the main theme of People, use them!!!! It's not hard then why not? to see the original color of the held in the chemistry library, Dean's article is that the college has to do. Just crush your cigarettes If people aren't willing to pick bricks on the walkway !O Decker the having to peer through without which seldom has enough seating, its priorities wrong for building the and then pick it up, and put it in up after themselves, then why cigarette butts. or in 314, which any science ma- new Lewis instead of diverting the trash or on top of the trash can. smoke? "Its relaxing," people say, Sometimes I wonder if this jor will tell you is one of the most these funds to enlarge dormitory It's not that hard, folks!!!! or "It's cool" (if anyone can think campus is committed to looking its uncomfortable classrooms on cam- space. It is not that I hate smokers, but of a better reason, e-mail me at best all year and not just on Cam- pus because of the bleacher-like Well, the plans and fund rais- I hate the fact that Western Mary- mjkOOl.) pus Clean-up Day or the day after seats that date back to the build- ing for the new science building land College is littered with the If someone is indulging in the National Smoke-Out Day. Are you ing of the halL have been going on for years. They paraphernalia of a smoker. smoking habit, I am sure that per- up to the challenge? It makes the campus look dirty son is responsible enough to throw and shows disrespect towards the it away in the proper place. It Maggie Kimura is a junior "No one laments the loss of so many trees school. No one wants (0 live in a doesn't take much to pick up after history major. as much as the science majors who have studied in depth the effects their loss will have. " Secondly, Dean argues that the are a part of a plan to improve the existing biology and chemistry labs campus and its facilities in the long and classrooms are sufficient as run. long as "equipment in these labs is We can't just halt all of our long properly arranged." term goals for the science program This statement is absolutely absurd. and the campus because one year It makes it sound like the biology the college admitted too many stu- and chemistry departments are at dents. fault for the problems with lab size It is unfortunate that students VISitour stores in one of the foDowing and condition because they have have to live in triples, but that is areas for holiday employment opportunities: their equipment arranged badly not the fault of the science program. Many labs, especially upper Just because the college mad level biology and chemistry one mistake doesn't mean that we • Washington DC • Maryland courses, require that students use should make another one by not • Nom Carolina • Delaware equipment and machines that are building something that would bulky and these machines do take greatly benefit our school. up a lot of space, but there is noth- Besides, by the time plans Check oul these holiday job opportunities: ing the science departments can do were ready and the construction of Hecht's and Strawbridge~ have the perfect opportunity about that. the new dormitory spaces would be Science majors would not be completed, the people now living fot you while you're home fOT the holidays! prepared to deal with graduate in triples would probably already On-Jhe.spollnterviewsl school or any other type of lab work have graduated. when they graduated if they did not The solution to the overcrowd- • Evll·time, Part-time Day and Part-time Evening Schedules Available have the opportunity to use these ing problem is simple, if you don't machines. have enough housing, don't admit HiliiI btubebm • Hliftitbtuiu,,m How should they arrange their so many students. equipment better? It's not like you And guess what? If we build can just throw sensitive equipment new dorms. we will also have to get As a seasonal employee at Hecltt'slStrawbridge's, you'D go back to school with your into a closet somewhere, even if rid of trees, which you seemed so pockets full of extra cashl VIsit us now, or apply during your Thanksgiving break and they had a closet big enough to hold concerned about losing. sian working as soon as you would like, or when your winter holiday begins. them. Trust me, no one laments the Another problem with the labs loss of so many trees as much as is their poor condition. I doubt that the science majors who have stud- Competitillt pay • Generous merchandise discounts • Prt-plamrtd schedtJls many of the labs in Lewis have ied in depth the effects their loss Positions vaty by location. EOE been renovated since it was built, will have. leaving many of the rooms in a sorry slate. HECHT'S strawbridgels Yes, it is a burden to be cramped Sincerely, during labs, but problems can get a Michelle Quigley
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