Page 161 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 161
COMMENTARY Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 5 Letters to the Editor SO/CA Update Secondly, I want to do some effort hasn't gone unnoticed. Ican hind the rule. And the "doggie bags" Adam assuring The petitioning and de- also assure you that student input When I asked about the paper I am writing this letter to inform bate hasn't reversed the decision. will be present in any decision ren- suggested? Glar is an all-you-can- and assure the student body. It would be a little unreasonable to dered involving the student body. cup incident Dean pointed out, eat buffet-style restaurant. When where a student was denied taking First let me do a little inform- tear up 30+ "peer mentor" con- The SGA has been assured that we was the last time you went to a buf- ing for those of you who haven', tracts this late in the selection pro- will be in the loop from here on out. a little bit of soda in a paper cup, I fet, and they allowed bottles of their was told a paper cup is not a fruit heard about this or read the three All three facets of this college or ice cream and, therefore, cannot soda or dishes of their food to be They articles in The Phoenix .. Over the What we did get out of this is must work together in an effort to be taken beyond Glar boundaries. taken oUI of the restaurant? you can expect you to eat what past month, I have been working something that this college hasn't make the best possible programs Iagree that the one fruit/one ice there and come back later for an- diligently on resolving the SO/CA seen in a long time; a student body and experiences that set Western cream per person per meal is a lim- other meal, which is the same rea- problem. The first argument was who cares about something, and an Maryland apart from the crowd. I ited choice, but if the Glar workers soning behind Glar. brought to me by my former SO, SGA who has the guts to stand up want to thank the student body for were left to their wits about which Personally, I haven't heard stating that the two positions were and do their job by representing your support and assure you that items would pass, then each meal about the student who was harassed going to be combined this year. them. the SGA, at least while I'm around, would have different allowances about removing a bagel from the I heard many complaints about If you think it's a normal occur- will make the voice of the students Glar premises. There have been the lack of student input and exclu- rence for a student to speak on an heard. according to the person working. cases, however, where people have quite a size differ- Sure there's sion of the candidates who haven't issue at a faculty meeting, you are I also wan! to especially thank ence between a 747 and a farm trac- been taking whole bagel bags or got the time 10 devote to the "peer wrong. I have been told that it Dean Horneff, Provost Coley, Dean tor, but what about an ice cream, ·filling their backpacks with ice mentor" position. As a member of hasn't happened in about fifteen Sayre, President Chambers, and slice of pizza, and a filled pita? One cream sandwiches, taking them the SGA, I am responsible for voic- years. Terry Dalton for their patience and lunch you might be allowed two back to their room, and stashing ing the problems and concerns of I want to assure the student for their desire to establish firm noth- the student body. This combination body that the faculty and adminis- communication between students, pieces of pizza but at dinner The one them in their microfridges. These ing larger than a muffin. didn't have just a few people up- tration have heard our voice. They faculty, and administration. fruit/one ice cream rule gives con- are the people who need 10 be set, it had a lot of people upset. understand that we are upset be- sistency from meal to meal on what watched to not spoil it for the rest of us. To find out just how many, I cause we weren't involved in the' Thank You All, petitioned the student body, acquir- decision making process from the is allowed auf reason for the strict The Glar people can't be every- Another ing 737 signatures that state the stu- beginning. We brought many prob- Jeremiah Kelly, Freshman Class rule is that, in the past, there have where all the time to pick out the dent body concern over this issue. lems about the merger to their at- President been some extreme thefts of food. individuals, so they have to watch It was brought up at the All Col- tention. Be glad you are allowed to even the whole of the students who eat lege Council meeting last month, This is a new era for the SGA take your backpack into Glar in the there. The strictness of this one cream rule helps their au- starting a debate that required an of WMC and a new era for the re- first place. fruit/ice and consistency in follow- thority emergency meeting a week later. lations between the faculty, admin- See those cubby holes on the ing orders from their boss. The arguments were hashed out, istration and the student body. wall directly to your left as you and both sides were heard. I was I have proposed a Student Ori- Response to Glar walk into Glar? Back in the day, Rich Suchoski invited to the Faculty Meeting by entation Advisory Board consisting there was a wall of them blocking Provost Coley and Terry Dalton (a of a broad representation of the stu- Criticism the entrance to the dining area. Stu- Those who want to express their representative from the faculty for dents involved (old SO's, Peer In the last edition of The, Phoe- dents had 10 drop off their back- views and have ofree lunch should the Faculty-Student Relations Mentors, freshmen from this year nix, I found Adam Dean's commen- packs before going in 10 eat. Thi~ go to the Food Committee Meet- Committee) to speak about this is- and next), faculty, and administra- tary "Is Common Sense at Work in was to cut down on the number of sue. I was unsure how the faculty tion. This Board will readdress this Glar?" a little disconcerting. While ice cream, fruit, sandwiches, sodas ings. The next meeting is Thurs- would react to some Freshman kid issue after first semester next year, doing his "research" for the article, (smuggled out in water bottles and day, April 23 at noon in the coming in and telling them that the involving the students' input from I wonder if he talked to Jeff other open containers, also a cur- President's Dining Room. Call Jeff student body disagrees with some- the very beginning. Calihan, Glar's front-of-the-house rent no-no in Glar), and the like Calihan at x733 for more informa- thing they have done. I can assure you that our active manager, who knows the logic be- being taken out of Glar.
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