Page 157 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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- a\tPhoe nl ••• Thursday, April 16, 1998 SGA representatives address faculty meeting Also, Corbett cited the fact that ing to find out," said Pool, who is BY JONATHON SHACAT the graduate program has become SeniQrWriter planning to conduct a graduate stu- more sizable and said it might be dent survey. "If they are not inter- In an event that is considered time for the graduate students to ested. there is no sense in pushing unprecedented, two Student Gov- form their own assembly. it." ernment Assembly members at- However, Ken Pool, dean of Pool expressed some interest in tended the April faculty meeting to Graduate Affairs, said he is not sure learning more about this matter announce the revision of the SGA if there will be enough interested during the faculty meeting. After constitution and address the student graduate students to form such an speaking with Corbett, he said in orientator/classroom assistant con- SGA. an interview that he understands the troversy. He said that most of the 1,400 rationale behind the SGA decision. "In Dr. Chamber's history with graduate students - an all time "They are not attempting to ex- the college since 1984, that was the high - take part-time classes and clude the graduates but to help the first SGA presentation made at a work full-time as teachers. -undergraduates. If we can find faculty meeting," according to the "Do they care for representation some way to have representation, Watched by her mother Linda Clark, Kelly Middle/on displays the Office of the President. or not? Idon't know but I am will- Continued on page 2 medica/ion she is taking /0 fight the H/V virus. At the meeting, SGA Vice ASAP speaker is a President about a change to the con- Ravens to improve Aaron told the Corbett faculty family affair stitution that would have an impact campus parking and program graduate on the class Kelly, the freshman Jeremiah president, spoke on the issue ofthe BY ERIN HOWARD serve the privacy of the faculty, Mother and daughter give personal SO/CA merger. Assistant News Editor staff, and students who are on cam- were invited to the The students a ver- WMC reached insight to living with the HIV virus meeting by the Faculty Council, a bal agreement recently with the Baltimore pus during the summer. life," telling the approximately 60 group that forms the agenda for the "If this was just to improve the BY JENIFER SIRKIS Ravens to improve campus park- Ravens spectator situation we SlaffWriler students in attendance that absti- faculty meetings. ing and roads. According to Dr. WOUldn't do it," said Seidel. How- nence is the only way to fully pro- Specifically, Corbett informed Ethan Seidel, vice president of Ad- Every I3 minutes, someone in tect oneself from HIV. Middleton the faculty that Article III of the ministration and Finance, the fine ever, he believes that collaborating specta- to provide the United States is infected with stressed to the women in the audi- constitution now reads, "Only un- points of the agreement are still with the Ravens is also an opportunity tor parking HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, ence that "We need to protect our- dergraduate students are subject to being worked out. However, it is to make needed changes that ben- according to the Centers for Dis- selves." the constitution." Previously it certain that significant improve- efit the college community. ease ControL That fact is surpris- Libby Liu, a freshman Psychol- read "all students." ments will be made by mid-July. The Ravens will help finance ing enough, but it is even more star- ogy major, felt that "Hearing Corbett said the SGA felt it was The Ravens, who use WMC's modifications and additions to the tling to learn that one in every 250 [Middleton] gave the disease a face. time to make this clarification for facilities for their summer training water tower parking area, includ- college students is infected with A person always hears statistics several reasons. SGA funding is camp, approached the college in ing 20 additional parking spaces as HIV, and the number of new HIV about HIV and AIDS, but what they only intended for undergraduate February expressing a desire to well as paving and expanding the infections is increasing every day. had to say made me think of the social activities, said Corbett, and have parking on campus for their road which runs parallel to Penn- Kelly Middleton, a young consequences one could face if they by modifying this statement, gradu- spectators, said Seidel.' Previously, woman living with HIV, and her have unprotected sex." ate students will no longer be eli- Ravens spectators have been made sylvania Avenue. Plans are also being made to pave the gravel park- mother, Linda Clarke, were invited Middleton said that she was in- gible for allocations. to park off campus in order to pre- Continued on page 2 by AIDS: Support,Awareness, and fected with the virus in 1987 at the in 1988. Her then- Capital campaign nears target Prevention (ASAP) to speak in age of 19, and diagnosed as being McDaniel Lounge last week. Hlv-poslrlve Middleton said that she spoke in boyfriend, who was an HIV-posi- order to "raise awareness about rive IV drug user, knowingly passed BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHI. "We have every opportunity to fund's target of HIV and AIDS among your own HIV to her through unprotected News Edi/or meet the conditions of the chal- $9.6 The endowment has been oversub- million Inside sex. nothing many as serious as HIV Campaign has raised $32.5 million lenge, potentially ahead of sched- scribed by $1.3 million. "This sig- Like teenagers, she Moment WMC's Defining that she was invincible and thought ule," said Dick Seaman, vice presi- of the campaign," nals the success that gifts and recorded (3.I"i"tg,i£i;' could happen to her. in committed since it was launched dent of Institutional WMC Advancement. said Seamen. one-third of this Currently, is $800,000 and pledges Approximately Living with HIV is a daily in the Fall 1996. Approximately 18 shy of reaching the figure needed fund will be devoted to scholar- Religions snubbed: Megan Mar- struggle, Middleton said. Among months remain for the campaign to to complete the Kresge ships and financial aid. tin questions the wisdom of put. the 25 pills she takes a day is a drug reach its goal of $40 million. Foundation's criteria. The Annual Fund, which solic- ting images of Christ on college cocktail consisting of AZT, 3TC, Last spring, WMC received a Regional campaigners are con- its pledges from alumni, parents, publications. and a protease inhibitor which to- Challenge Grant from the Kresge tacting top prospects for pledges, and friends of the college, has set '«,,'iii gether slow down the reproduction the Foundation which to the campaign to do- if and Institutional Advancement will five successive records. This year's pledged of the HJV virus and suppress nate $600,000 disease. The 'drugs are extremely WMC raises an additional $1.9 conduct phonathons this month and goal is $1.25 million, and the drive Retiring professors: Nikki Be- in August to solicit donations from is already $1 00,000 ahead of where she noted, costing langer talks with 7 professors expensive, a month. over million for the construction of the 6,500 alumni, parents, and friends it was this time last year, said Sea- $1,000 about their time at WMC and When Middleton received her new science building by Dec. I, of the college who have a special men. 1998. '"hr!'i:;r~PliI· ••• ru.'.ure.'.LIl diagnosis, she was seven months This additional 2.5 million interest in the new science build- ponent of the campaign because the The Annual Fund is a key com- ing, Seaman explained. RftM i (' pregnant. with be born baby would She was told that her would bring science the total pledged to nine for Financing the Lewis Hall addi- income it will generate this year is HIY. the new facility Scoreboard: Get the stats on tion is not the only component of equivalent to the earnings drawn on Since this was the late-1980's, million dollars, with another $4.4 your favorite Spring sports play- the campaign that is running a $20,000,000 endowment, Sea- Continued on page 3 million to raise. smoothly, said Seamen. men explained.
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