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Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Faculty meeting News in brief Continuedfrom page I WMC will sell seven lots of its Singleton WMC will host the MidAtiantic Regional we can go from there," he said. Matthews property. The college planned Conference of Phi Alpha Theta, the national United States. Westminster is her first stop. Jeremiah Kelly expressed to the faculty to sell this small portion of the property, In addition to the Wenner-Wingate en- April 18 the SGA opinion that student input should located near County Road, several years history honor society, this Saturday, 15 schools dowed lecture, Dr. Tudor-Craig will from about in Hill Hall. Students have been involved in the decision making ago; however, Carroll County placed a halt will present research papers on various his- present "Medieval Angels" at 4:45 pm on process to merge the SO/CA positions and on development until a better county-wide torical topics. including WMC students Jus- Monday, April 20, in Hill Hall room 108. create the peer mentor position. growth plan could be adopted, said Dr. tin Stafford, a junior history major from The third annual "Bring It Out of the He added that a petitionof737 signatures Ethan Seidel, vice president of Adminis- Hurlock, and Craig Patterson, a senior his- shows students are concerned. Kelly said that tration and Finance. Now that the County tory major from Westminster, who will dis- Dark" Candlelight Vigil for National Rape Month will be held Thursday, Awareness by combining the two positions, the best pos- has created such a plan, WMC will now cuss slavery and the crusades. The top three April 16, from 7-9 pm at SI. Paul's United sible candidates for each might be excluded sell these lots. The funds raised from their papers in both .graduate and undergraduate Church of Christ, in Westminster. The due to a busy schedule or low level of en- sale will be placed in the endowment. categories will receive awards. WMC fac- vigil, free and open to the public, is co- thusiasm. ulty members William Chase, Theodore Kelly, who will be a peer mentor next WMC recently sent out bids to subcon- sponsored by the Social Work Department year, mentioned to the faculty a proposed tractors for the construction of an addi- Evergates and Patrick Reed will serve as and Social Work Club of Western Mary- Donna orientation advisory board that would give tion to Levine Hall set to begin this June. paper commentators. Professor in the gradu- land College, and the Rape Crisis Inter- Evergates will serve as ajudge former SO's, CA's, and PM's the opportu- A two-story annex will be built into the ate category. Cornelius Darcy, professor of vention Service (RCrS) of Carroll County. nity to give feedback based upon their expe- hill next to Levine. The first story will be history, is the faculty adviser of WMC'S riences. a large practice room, and the ground level Omega Upsilon chapter of Phi Alpha Theta. WMC student art work will be on dis- The panel is to consist of different repre- will contain offices and practice rooms. A play April 29-May 15 in the Esther sentatives from the faculty, administration, four story "connector" with an elevator The Lady Wedgwood, Pamela Tudor- Prangley Rice Gallery at Western Mary- and student body. and a stairwell will be placed between the Craig, will present The 1998 Wenner- land College. The juried Kathryn E. Wentz Dr. Mary Bendel-Simso, academic coor- buildings. Such an addition will make Wingate Memorial Lecture at 8 pm on Tues- Art Show features work by WMC's art dinator of the first-year seminar, explained majors and includes sculpture, Levine handicapped accessible. Funding day, April 21, in McDaniel Lounge. Her il- printmaking, drawing, photography, paint- the circumstances of this issue at the faculty for the addition was furnished by lustrated program, "A Day in the Life of ing, and computer graphics. An opening meeting. She said that first-year seminarfac- bequeathments to WMC from alumni Dr. to the Samuel is free and open Johnson," ully requested the two positions be com- Edward and Evelyn MacKenzie who tar- public. A native of Cambridgeshire, England, reception, free and open to the public, will be held Wednesday, April 29, at 7 pm, in bined. geted their gifts for the Music Department. Dr. Tudor-Craig is on a lecture tour of the the gallery. Discussions with students in her own seminar class showed thai they were in agree- ment. CA's how it went, it did occur to me to ask Juniors discuss graduation Ravens parking "It never occurred and to me to ask sa's my freshmen seminar students," Bendel- Continuedfrompage 1 Simsosaid. CHRISTIAN WILWOHt Juniors were sent surveys earlier this ing lot near the football field, and to create a At that point she presented the issue to News Editor week, and Junior Class President Mandy will loop around road which Provost Joan Coley and Dean of the First- The Class of 1999 is currently taking Hofstetter plans to present their ideas to the one-way stadium and exit on to Main Street. the football Year Program Barb Homeff, and they, in tum, steps (0 have more input in next year's hon- Trustees and the Administration. The plans for an additional parking lot lo- decided to merge the two positions. orary degree recipients. In addition, juniors have discussed hav- cated between the tennis courts and the ca- In general, there was vcry little faculty After last year's controversy centered ing commencement outside, possibly in Bair reaction to these SGA announcements, but around moving graduation from Saturday to Stadium. "I want to have graduation outside, boose are still tentative. parking will be multi- All of the improved Kelly said that doesn't matter. Thursday, "we'd like to make it known that under a white tent, on the football field," said functional- open to students, faculty, staff, "By them inviting us and hearing our pro- we want more input in graduation," said junior SGA Representative Casey Vain. test, that shows they are willing to listen to Jaime Walker, a junior representative to the However, moving graduation outside en- and visitors. the parking improvements will Although us," he said. SGA. At a recent class meeting, juniors dis- tails too many considerations, said Hofstetter. provide much needed additional spaces, the ~-f1i~:::: cussed possible degree of the Baltimore Sun, tion held following commencement. At their of 'convenience' of parking of campus. the heart lo- Juniors would like to improve the recep- will not be im- includ- candidates, proved as the new lots will be primarily ing Laura they talked about the possibility meeting, Sullivan cated Seidel on the perimeter personality a band there. television "I'd like the reception WBAL Dan having this by saying, "In keeping notes and Rodericks, to be more than just a single tent and people player Art Donovan. former Baltimore Colts hanging out in The Quad," said Hofstetter. of the campus attractive, the trade off is put- else." somewhere ting the parking Genuine Help and Understanding 24 Hour Hotline -Iv/Sleep Sedation -Flrst &"lid - Trimester Abortion Sen-ices 410-857-7322 -Free Pregnancy Testing -Pregnancy & Birth Control Counseling -Sonograms "Whether the crime happened last night 'Community Education & Guest or years ago. we can help." Speaking Services 024 Hour Emergency Call Services are available to victims, family or friends. Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating violence or rape, we can help. All inquiries are free and confidential. RAPE CRISIS Services include: walk-in crisis counseling. individual therapy, INTERVENTION SERVICE therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court, and prevention education programs. OF CARROLL COUNTY Suburbia Building 5602 Baltimore National Pike Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm Suite 600 Baltimore, Maryland 21228 Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) 224 North Center Street, Room 102 Westminster) MD 21158 Fact: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is http://gynpages.comihillcrestbalt 24 hour hotline: 410-857-7322 more likely to be someone you know than a Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 stranger. Most Credit Cards Accented A Private Nonprofit Agency Serving Carroll County'
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