Page 165 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 9 A Closer Look ..... WMC has good town/gown relations A feature spotlighting staff and as being students at WMC By FRANCESCA SAYLOR "great, She praised students clean-cut, ways really polite and helpful if we conscientious, StaffWriler ever need directions," said Spicer. and ail-American!" Holbert has She said she is unsure if the credit given to some of the staff, Western Maryland College and enjoyed interacting with student- business advertises at the college, BY JEREMY Loeus Moorefield said. "Everyone says its students are wonderful, accord- teachers when she substitutes at but there does not seem to be much Staff Writer that the basketball court looks ing to a small sampling of West min - local schools. She is also fond of of a demand for flowers by college One of the most under appreci- good, but you never hear about the ster residents. In a recent survey student helpers of the Target pro- students. However, she said, "It's ated and important organizations people that work to keep it look- there were very few complaints gram, a group which aids in the a fine school from what I've on campus are the hardworking ing so nice." he added. from residents and local store em- development of mentally and heard." members of the housekeeping staff. ployees about the college commu- physically handicapped individu- Her only complaint, the only These men and women clean up To some upperclassmen, the nity. als. In addition, she dealt with sev- fault anyone mentioned about the messes left behind. without a freshman class seems to be merely The owner of Carriage House, eral college students when helping WMC, was that she feels it's "a word of thanks from the average a huge group of individuals who, Dan Mawhinney, commented that with the Dole-Kemp campaign. All little expensive" and that she would college student. naive and inexperienced, are mak- he notices an increase in liquor sales of these encounters have been prob- rather her children attend a school One of these worthy souls is ing all the mistakes that we made at the beginning of the year and a with "more focus" than the liberal Donny Moorefield. Moorefield is when we first set foot on the Hill. marked decrease when students Resident Rick arts education offered here. not only a housekeeper on campus, However, when looked at more leave for breaks. He also works with While Spicer did not express a but he also works as,a volunteer closely, this huge class is made up Sodexho, the school's food service, Redman has used big interest in attracting more cus- firefighter in Pleasant Valley. of distinctive individuals. One of when they cater an event on cam- the college to play tomers from WMC, Paul "Uncle When he's not working, these is of Monica Mariniello, a pus that serves alcohol. Pauly" Bessette did. An apprentice Moorefield is a professional four- freshman, who came to WMC be- Mawhinney makes an effort to sports, for example. at Little Vinnie's Tattoos, Bessette wheel driver. Moorefield is also cause she felt that it has an ex- know his customers, especially col- said that perhaps they should ad- applying for a position in Campus tremely attractive campus. lege students, since they comprise He thinks the vertise in the Phoenix. As it stands Safety. "I want to move up on cam- She has involved herself with a significant percentage of his busi- college is "great for now, there are several college stu- pus," he says. many activities, such as CAP- ness. The students respond to his dents who go there and Bessette has Moorefield feels that WMC is Board and the History Club, as friendly attitude by giving feedback the town, goodfor no gripes about them. a nice place, and students and em- well as been an active member of about what they like to drink and businesses. " "Everyone is pretty person- ployees are friendly. However, he the basketball team. Her favorite prices. able," he said. Having two master's wonders if future classes are going memories thus far have been "It's easier for me to track a keg degrees himself, he can appreciate to be as large as the current fresh- WMC's victory over John's Hop- than it is for Campus Safety, " said lem-free for Holbert. all that college students accomplish man class. "Are we running out of kins, and being in the Carroll Mawhinney, who will make calls to She feels westminster offers a to receive their education. space due to an overload of stu- County Times photo of the infa- other distributors to find out if the lot for students "between places for Bessette, like most who were dents?" he said. mous celebration following. alcohol confiscated at a party was employment and places to kind of interviewed, never attends events Another concern is the lack of from their stores. chill." In return, she thinks WMC on campus. Four of the six said moe.'s studio albums "bust" Only a keg party where the keg provides worthwhile activities for they use the college for recreational to Safety once did Campus the community. or that they go there purposes, said by his store, maintain their live style was provided He further works with Flower Becky Spicer, who works at the watch the Ravens practice. Rick Mawhinney. advantage Box, has taken resident Westminster them to reduce underage drinking on the Hill and said she by letting students know his policy of Theatre watches the Homecoming Redman has used the college to always He thinks play sports, for example. BV RICH SIMMONS While some are quick to say about carding, etc. Parade. While she does not con- SlaffWrirer the college is "great for the town, that moe. is merely an attempt to Candidate for county commis- sider herself very involved with the good for businesses." No Doy is the nine-song, hour- latch on to the burgeoning audi- sioner, Patricia Holbert, commented college community, she said she long major label debut from the ence of Phish and Dead fans, that that she does not understand how has never had any problems on the Redman would like to see part become band by the name of moe. This, notion is quickly dispelled after college students can get drunk ev- Hill. WMC students future. "They get a of Westminster's their second studio effort, preceded one listening to No Doy. The fans ery night and still get good grades, For instance, when the Flower lot of out-of-towners, who knows, by their independent release of may look the same, but maybe they but points out that she does not think Box provides flowers for an on- they might decide to stay," said Headseed in 1994, is filled with just know good music when they WMC is a "party school." campus wedding, everyone is "al- Redman. what can only be described as pure hear it. groove. For moe., a band whose premier live shows, No Doy is able Naked's feel-good tunes are more than just pop claim to fame is their in- cendiary to capture a good amount of their live fire, with the clarity of sound ago has the sort of irresistible en- cording to the Blackbird website. hear, gotta see like I really do."This that comes with a well-produced BV EMILV STAMATHIS ergy that should surely translate into The energetic quality of their theme of independence and of Managing Editar studio album. a very sensational live show. tunes, juxtaposed against Barber's keeping a strong identity seems 10 The musicians who make moe. brownie mary's lead vocalist, brownie mary are well-known work are all of the caliber rarely Kelsey Barber, has the kind of for their busy louring schedule and soothing but strong voice, only hint permeate the thirteen songs that at their potential make up Naked. as crowd-pleasers found in rock music today. They smooth but spunky voice that ex- the enthusiastic response to their when performed onstage. tend to form their own melodic udes a mellow vibe even through live shows all around the northeast- The album gets off to a rocking Songs such as the title track, structures, giving the album a rich the most upbeat and energetic pop ern coast. Although the band has not start with "Like I Really Do," a with it's funky guitar and powerful and fulfilling aural quality. With songs. yet brought its sound to WMC, Bar- track in which Barber declares: "I vocals, and the short but very sweet the joys "l'Il about Be The One," Chuck Garvey and Al Shnier trad- However, it's clear from the ber is supposedly well-known for can actually walk and talk and of being the other woman, are the ing rapid-fire guitar licks over top opening notes of their CD, Naked, her "unique stage presence," ac- breathe without your help ... gotta highlight of the album because they of Chris Mazur's drumming feats, that brownie mary isn't just an- deviate from the simple, sunny, pop the album surpasses most other other band with a sullen-girl singer sound. The former has the sort of bands in their sketchily-defined bearing the problems of the world infectious beat that can't help but "nee-hippie rock" genre. on her shoulders. Barber's deliv- move a crowd to dance, and the lat- Much of the album follows ery and attitude are more reminis- structures derived from funk, rock, cent of such brash and fun-loving ter verges on being pure punk. Naked has its share of slower, reggae, jazz, blues, and quite a bit frontwomen as No Doubt's Gwen more relaxed tracks as well, such of Allman Brothers/Grateful Dead Stefani. as "Wonderful Enough," "Mem- influencing, but there are shining There's a lot more to the band phis," and the excellent "Silver," moments when moe. delivers their than its vocalist, however; the with its bluesy sound and uncertain own unique take on musicality. One funky and aggressive backing from lyrics. These songs make terrific such moment that comes to mind guitarist Rich Jacques, bassist Ron use of the seductive nature of is "Rebulba," the II-minute plus Bissell and drummer Mark Barber's voice. song that takes the listener from Rajakovic give the album a buoy- mellow jazz 'licks to all-out ant beat that should make any lis- Whether the audience is in the rock'n'roft while the players re- tener want to hear more. mood to dance along with upbeat main stop-on-dime responsive to The band's debut release since tunes or enjoy a few mellow songs, each other. signing with the Blackbird/Sire the tracks from brownie mary's Recording Company just a year Naked should provide a concert full of accessible songs for everyone.
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