Page 160 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 4 NEWS WMC appoints artist in residence Poetry reading Artists of Common 'Ground on the Hill In an emotional ceremony earlier this month, Western Maryland College wel- will join at the Ain't that a Frame Gallery comed its first official artist in residence. in Westminster to partake in a poetry read- But Walt Michael is not a new face on ing on Sunday, April 19 from 2 to 6 pm. campus. A 1968 graduate ofWMC, Michael Poets featured include Kevin Thornton and Edgar Silex. Live music will be per- is founder of Common Ground on the Hill. formed by the Jeanean and Carl Martin He has run the program for about four years. family. It was started, he said, simply as a way to Thornton, bring together people of all backgrounds York, categorizes who grew up in Bronx, New his poetry style as "sub- through music. urban contemporary" and says it reflects "Sure, we all have differences, but we alcoholic. have even more in common and we can come his struggle as a recovering entitled "Bloom" He two books, has written together through the arts and share those and "The Bricklayer's Germ." experiences," said Michael, an internation- ally-recognized hammered dulcimer player. Silex, a Texas native, lectures and con- Common Ground on the Hill will host its ducts poetry workshops on Native Ameri- fourth summer program this July, bringing can themes. His published poetic works together people of all backgrounds to learn include "Through All The Displacements" other cultures through music, art, and phi- and "Even the Dead Have Memories." losophy. The Gallery is located at 31 West Main Street. This event is free and open to the Participants can take classes ranging from public. the music of Africa to the sounds of Appala- by Jonathon Shacat chia to Native American philosophy and how to build a dulcimer and didgeridoo. The Honor & structured children's program also includes learning through the arts. And there are nightly concerts featuring instructors and stu- Conduct Board dents. The Honor & Conduct Board adjudicated Courtesy of Public Information COURTESY OF PUBLIC INFORMATION a case on Monday, March 9, 1998, involv- 1968 WMC graduate, Walt Michael, is the founder of Common Ground on the Hill. ing a student charged with endangering the health and safety of others, damaging the Music Box property of members the alcohol policy. The commu- of the college nity, and violating student was found responsible for all three The WMC College Choir will perform 7:30 pm, on Tuesday, April 28, in Baker and was removed at 7 pm on Sunday, April 26, in Baker Me- Chapel. The Madrigals will open the con- nity voices also will premiere gospel choir violations halls for the remainder from the resi- Eric Byrd's director ''To Be a King." Writ- dence of the Spring morial Chapel. The concert will feature a cert with "Pastime With Good Company" by ten in honor of the slain leader, the song 1998 and Fall 1998 semesters, required to wide range of choral pieces including stu- Henry vm. "I always like to open with that will be published and submitted for inclu- complete an alcohol outpatient treatment dent-conducted "Anvil Chorus," because to me thin's what choral music is sion in the Civil Rights archives at the program, given 20 hours of community ser- Guiseppe Verdi's "IJ Trovatore" and "Sit and should be," said Dr. Margie Boudreaux, King Center in Atlanta. vice, required to pay restitution for the dam- Down You're Rockin' the Boat" from the the Madrigals' director. "It is time spent with age, and not allowed to have a car on cam- smash musical "Guys and Dolls." good company." The Monday Night Music series at pus until the Fall 1999 semester. Western Maryland College will pay trib- The. Western Maryland College Madrigal The Western Maryland College Gospel ute to the masters of jazz piano at 7 pm on The Honor & Conduct Board met on Fri- Singers will premiere several pieces at its Choir is dedicating its spring performance April 20, in McDaniel Lounge. The free day, March 13, 1998, to hear a case involv- spring concert later this month, including to the legacy and memory of the late Dr. Rev. concert will feature the jazz piano trio of ing a student charged with violating the three hymn settings penned by a New Martin Luther King, Jr. The free concert, fea- WMC lecturers Michael Connell, piano, policy on illegal drugs. The student was York composer who once toured with turing a variety of spirituals, as well as tra- and Jon Seligman, drums, and guest artist found responsible and was required to with- singer Judy Collins. "An Evening of Mad- ditional and contemporary gospel songs, will Russell Sledge, acoustic bass, performing draw from the College and pay a $300 fine. rigals", part of the College's season-end- be held at 7:30 pm, on Thursday, April 23, works of jazz greats Kenny Barron, Chick The student may apply for readmission to ing musical extravaganza which includes in Baker Memorial Chapel. The 65-member Corea, the late Bill Evans, Herbie the College next semester upon the success- nine concerts in 20 days, will be held at choir of students, faculty, staff and c~mu- Hancock, and the late Thelonius Monk. ful completion of an intensive drug treatment program. Campus Safety Blotter CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING • On 3/29/98 at 12:35 am DoCS documented • On 4/3/98 at 10;20 pm DoCS documented 12:00 - 2:00 a student for possession of alcohol in public a student for' underage possession and con- areas in the Garden Apartments. sumption of alcohol in Rouzer Hall. EVERY OTHER TUESDAY • On 3129/98 at I;05 am DoCS documented • On 4/5/98 at 12:56 am DoCS documented April 21 a student for the use of a controlled danger- MayS ous substance in the Garden Apartments. __ - ... _~ • On 4/5/98 at 1:02 am DoCS LOCATION - SMITH HOUSE CALL EXT.769 or 243 Residence Hall policy violation in Blanche FOR AN APPOINTMENT Ward Hall . • On 4/5/98 at 4:30 pm HeyWMCers- DoCS documented a am DoCS docu- Wanna buy, sell, or trade your collectibles? merned a student for threatening or danger- policy violation at Albert Ncrman Ward Hall. C.A.B.A.L. (Comics-Arts-Based Artists League) presents; ous conduct in Blanch Ward Hall • On 4nJ98 at 7:05 pm DoCS documented a -The First Annual Battlecry Trade Show! • On 3/30/98 at I; 17 pm DoCS documented student for a Residence Hall policy viola- -wbere you'll find collectibles like comics, crafts, and trading cards! a student for stealing in the ANW and DMC tion in the Art Annex. -In the WMC Forum - Sunday, May 3, 1998~ Spring Fling Weekend quad.
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