Page 156 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 156
Wednesday, April 1, 1998-Page4 Bombing soon to a theatre near you star into portraying the shuttle's BY MICHAEL PUSKAR £·maiIKing pilot, Michael J. Smith. Cameron also feels that Lily With the box office success of Tomlin (Flirting with Disaster) will Titanic, James Cameron has de- make an excellent Judith Resnik. cided to shoot for the stars with one of the civilian crew members. Challenger, a film concerning the For the third role, payload special- '86 STS 51-L explosion. ist Gregory Jarvis, Cameron will "Since the shuttle was named have Titanic's Billy Zane cast. for a naval vessel of the 1800's," "Zane has one great behind," film critic Lotus Hunter stated, asserted Hunter, "But is too rigid "Cameron felt that it would make of an actor to be in any more sense to do this disaster film after Cameron films." having done one about a ship." Someone whom Cameron des- Cameron gave no response to perately wants to work with again this remark, though it most likely is Kate Winslet. He feels she'd be carries some truth. Challenger will great in bed ... uh, that is, perfect be a sort of Aliens-Titanic, if you as teacher Christa McAuliffe. Uni- will, with Terminator-type FX. versal, however, disagrees and "Cameron will cast actors with wants Cameron to seek out Helen whom he has worked in the past," Hunt, who just beat Winslet in the Hunter equivocated. "His wife, Oscars for her performance in As Terminator's Linda Hamilton, will Good As It Gets. make a cameo as Sally Ride, the However, the studio did say that first American woman in space." if Cameron could get Leonerdo not verified has Universal Prime Minister Dick Tater poses for a snapshot with his Sally Ride role but has mentioned a DiCaprio to appear as the gay ghost they of Jack, his Titanic character, new intern. Tater said that he is "very excited" to be that three major roles are already will sign Winslet as McAuliffe. possibly cast. Disagreeing with As for a release date, Universal working with the intern who has previous presidential Ron Howard's decision to not use and Cameron hope the movie will Gary Sinise as an astronaut in explode into theatres January 28, experience. Apollo 13, Cameron has talked the 1986. From Glop to Gourmet Cookery British Invasion " , q,o'!tin,ued from page J Corner changes in the social atmosphere as BY LAINI STAMATHIS Cooper. litical Science Departments will well. This is because infiltration of Newspaper Crumpet His plans also include a com- undergo changes as well. "By the UK citizens has been started in the plete renovation of Englop Dining SQUIRREL MULLIGAN year 2000, we hope to have com- Ministry of Control. Briton Jim In addition to new, extended Hall, despite the fact that the space pletely restructured the curriculum Pushen, the newest member of the mealtimes and the option of eating has just recently undergone a refur- 3 squirrels, dressed of these departments to reflect the staff, has cut a deal with the Minis- in the Pub after hours, WPSS'sdin- bishment, so that the decor of the 2 onions, chopped proper culture and necessary edu- try of Student Affairs to incorpo- ing accommodations are slated to dining hall will reflect and compli- 1 green pepper, chopped cation of the limes," Spice ex- rate British laws on campus by al- receive an even more radical make- ment his culinary vision. 2 Irish potatoes, diced plained. American history and lit- lowing those over 18, not 21, to be "A well-rounded dining expe- 4 tbs chili pepper erature will be eliminated and re- in possession of alcohol. "I've Alex Cooper, a '91 WPSS rience must be pleasing to the eye, salt and pepper to taste placed by classes with British been going out on the piss since I graduate who went on to receive a as well as the palette." said Coo- dash of Louisiana hot sauce themes. History majors will be re- was 14. I think it's bloody daft to masters degree in gourmet cooking per. "I'm picturing matching table- 1/4 cup celery quired to take two new classes, make them wait until they're 21," and restaurant management at the cloths, napkins and reupholstered I cup cooked rice "The War America THOUGHT he said. Cordon Bleu Cooking University in chairs, all in shades of soothing Stew squirrels in water until ten- They Won" and "Life. Death, and In conjunction with the new Paris, will return to his roots in green, to aid digestion." der. Remove from bones. Place Chastity in Victorian Society." drinking age, the Pub will accu- September to provide upscale din- The menu for WPSS has only meat back into broth. Bring to boil; The Political Science Depart- rately reflect its name and serve ing services for WPSS students. begun to be planned, but accord- add remaining ingredients, except ment is already implementing Brit- alcohol. Bass Ale, Woodpecker A self-proclaimed connoisseur ing to the chef, it will include a rice. Cook 45 minutes or until veg- ish themes into classroom lectures. Cider, and Newcastle Brown Ale of only the finest in food and wine, wider variety of experimental etables are tender. Add rice and "I always show clips from Monty will be added to the menu along Cooper especially found fault with dishes. Already in the schedule is a Python to my Introduction to Po- with fish and chips. The only other the simplicity of Englop Dining weekly Frog Leg Friday and Sushi litical Science classes. They also available beverage will be hot tea. Hall's staple meals. "I would rather Saturday. BRUNSWICK STEW are required to read George eat shards of broken glass than a Cooper will receive a signifi- Orwell's 1984," said Dr. Spice Water tower mass-produced grilled cheese sand- cant grant to fund his complete CUI 2 plump young squirrels Smith, Professor of Political Sci- Continued/rom page I wich," exclaimed Cooper. overhaul of the WPSS's dining ser- into serving pieces. Dredge the ence. The nationally renowned culi- vices. These drastic measures are pieces in well-seasoned flour and Foreign study opportunities will Avenue, called 911 to request help. nary genius spent three years as ex- being taken as a response to stu- brown them in fat with 6 onions, also be altered. The Budapest Pro- At that point, a crew came to the ecutive chef of Chez Coop in dents' gradually worsening opin- thinly sliced. Transfer the meat and gram will be cut and replaced by a scene. Luckily nobody needed to Georgetown, Washington DC after ions of the food in Englop Dining onions toan earthenware casserole branch institution in Westminster. be rescued from the rushing water. receiving his degree, but said he Hall. and add 3 cups boiling water, 6 England. "With the added branch The main switch that brings always knew that he would one day Student reaction to Cooper's tomatoes, peeled and sliced, 3 red campus in Westminster, England, I water to the pump at the base of come back to Westminster and rec- high-class makeover are mixed. peppers chopped, and a generous have fulfilled my dream of legiti- the tower was shut off by Rowin tify the dire dining situation. Freshman Deena Dyner, upon hear- pinch of thyme. Cover the casse- mately renaming our institution's Ashore, a worker at the Westmin- Cooper's first step will be to do ing about the proposed experimen- role and simmer the stew for I hour. name in the states," Prime Minis- ster water supply company, at away with the present cook staff tal theme nights, commented, "I Add 2 pounds each of lima ter Tater explained. "The name around 2 am. However, water in and bring in his own team of emer- think I'd rather keep eating Cap'n beans and okra, the kernels scraped 'Westminster Post Secondary the top tank continued to empty, as gency technicians. In order that Crunch three times a day." from 6 ears of green com, and I School' has so many advantages there was no way to stop it. current employees need not lose WPSS's desperate diners are tbs each of chopped parsley and over Western Maryland: it doesn't The broken pipe was repaired their jobs, Cooper plans to enroll overall willing to try anything at Worcestershire sauce. Cover the sound like a state school and it and service was restored on Satur- them in a rigorous six-week train- this point. Even the recent sample casserole and simmer the mixture gives no hint as to our obscure 10- day. The remaining pipes were in- ing course to become certified wail- day from an alternate catering com- until the meat and vegetables are cation." spected and authorities expect no ers, busboys, and place setting ex- pany was not enough to pacify the tender. Thicken the sauce with While many of these changes further problems. Flood damage perts. majority of dissatisfied students. equal amounts of flour and butter seem academic or administration was limited to four Pennsylvania "That tacky conveyer belt will This radical approach was seen as kneaded together and serve in the oriented, students will notice Avenue houses. be a thing of the past!" declared the last resort. casserole.
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