Page 163 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 163
COMMENTARY Thursday, Apri116, 1998 - Page 7 Religions snubbed Beethoven Megan Martin discusses a WMC in Brief. The Phoenix re- plays troubling campus ceived an anonymous note that this matter to our attention. brought occurrence. Although this person made no men- campus tion of Glar (those were just my Is it appropriate to prominently observations), he or she was of- display images of Jesus on a col- fended by the newsletter. for free lege campus? Many people would All the differences embodied on say it is appropriate, especially at our campus should be celebrated. Easter-time. Some faiths or cultures should not Certainly, there is nothing be highlighted while others are flat- Jonathan Shacat wrong with displaying images or out ignored. In this age of political reminds the campus symbols of Christianity in a place correctness, you would think the that free entertainment like a dorm room. former would have been attempted. A better question would be: Is There are several cultural and re- exists. it appropriate for a campus publi- ligious groups on campus. Maybe cation to display images of Christ? the Multi-cultural Association or I have observed a very in- The last edition of WMC in some of the religious clubs would teresting situation with respect Brief prominently displays two like to get together and come up to college students. Easter-related images of Christ. with suitable, inclusive images and Everyone seems more than On a campus publication, this decorations for holidays celebrated willing to shell out 10 bucks for seems like an endorsement of during school months. It might be a ticket to a rock concert. Christianity. This is particularly a worthwhile project. Meanwhile, virtually nobody odd, since WMC has not been af- In the end, it is an all or nothing will attend a free piano perfor- mance, unless a professor of- All the differences embodied on our fers extra credit. campus should be celebrated, I wonder why. It is clear to me that students who like listening to a certain filiated with any church for some deal. Either all faiths or cultural band's music will probably time. groups are represented in campus want to see that group perform Outlook: Student/ hind this were, other faiths were be- tions, or in campus-wide activities, most students understand typically that However valid the reasons on campus publications, decora- I also live. don't At this time CD's of work by faculty relations completely ignored. to Mecca. In the or none can be celebrated. purchase But, there is more to are conducting of year, Muslims The best thing the WMC ill Brief Chopin. their pilgrimages midst of the Christian Holy Week, could have done would have been this issue than just that. to find, at least, some subtle Chris- Kate Hampson on students guarantee that the faculty will read those of the Jewish tradition are tian and Jewish images. If both People have to realize that using the. faculty meetings the newspaper article. celebrating Passover. kinds of images were unavailable, going to a classical music con- to voice their concerns By speaking at a faculty meet- In Glar, most of the decora- then some secular images, like a cert is part of an important edu- cational And experi- process. ing, students can be sure that their tions, if not all, are related to Eas- couple of decorated eggs, and some For the first time since the message is received by the target ter. Seems almost like a celebra- seasonal greetings could have been encing someoue's interpreta- 1980's, student representatives audience. Also, faculty members tion of "WASPishness." placed on the newsletter. A simple, tion of Beethoven can be quite inspirational. spoke at a faculty meeting last will not be able to complain that WMC students pay to go here "Happy Passover!" and "Happy So, stop depriving yourself. week. This may not seem like a they were not aware of a problem. and be part of a community. This Easter!" might have been appropri- Without being bribed with of- major breakthrough but it raises the If another issue arises that the community has members from all ate. question as to how students have SGA and the student body feels is over the world, and not every If the college picks and chooses fers of extra credit, go to a cam- event pus music that features been communicating their needs to necessary for the entire faculty to member, whether student, staff, or which religious holidays to cel- work by composers like the faculty. be aware of, we should use the op- faculty, is a Christian. ebrate, people are going to be of- Beethoven or Chopin. This monthly meeting is one of portunity taken up by Corbett and Should non-Christian students fended and feel alienated. Some It's free, and you might ac- the few times that the entire fac- Kelly and address the faculty at be alienated by a secular campus already feel this way, and the com- tually enjoy it. ulty of this college is gathered to- their meeting, where they have no publication? Some people were munity should work towards fixing gether. It is a perfect opportunity choice but to listen. offended by the clip art on the this problem. for students to voice their opinions in a setting where all the faculty will hear them. -"m~'~I~~~I •• m.m'~~'jl~:rm.SEE US FOR YOUR SCHEDULED MAINTANENCE NEEDS It is true that this time is used [ ?~~O,~.... MEET THE TEAM THAT WILL MEET ANY COUPON PRICEI ~ 10 discuss faculty issues, but these JUST BRING IN THE CURRENT LOCAL COUPON ON ANY COMPARABLE SERVICE. are intertwined with student needs. c This editorial is not advocating stu- ,'~r'"'. $'I'[~.I". I~"'"lfl~ WESTMi"siER : OPEN' SUNDAYS dent participation in every meet- ! MASTERCARE CAR SERVICE [B-1 .81 588-140 Vlllaoo Shopping Canter ing, but ~e should certainly be aware thai this forum is available. ! 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH!* E I 410-876-1949 ~ 410-848-4362 I The issues raised by SGA rep- NO ANNUAL FEE 00 Flr.atone Autop ... c:redlt Mltllmum monthly resentatives Corbett and Kelly ~:!.~;"~~"I~~:~~';;~:h~:.':·;:;';:~"";;;~·;l~;d9":';";~SPECIAL FOR WMC STUDENTS were not of such outstanding im- f Call For ADAPpOllllme1l1 . portance that they would warrant breaking a precedent. There have -r~~~':-GilCiiANGE: j" - - 11 000OFf - - ~ j" - - -f5070-OFF- - -"j J ALWAYS fRU S certainly been student issues in past years that were equally wor- I ~-,- AND FILTER I I REGULARPRICE WHEEL ALiGNMEK! I I ANY SCHEDULED I thy of faculty attention. 1 MasIaJpoo""~""'3/4198I using this meeting to get their voice 'FREEI44'TCOURTESYCHECK __ CannoIDec~EE'4PTCOURTESYCHECK _.I heard? Of course, there are other 'lW;~~Pleted CreditAPP~:~:o~9lr = = =ANlyOFIOR~EO:'!~:- -: rC=HW=EfcN=KT~uip~$129 91 ways of ad dressing the faculty: the [ All College Council and the Phoe- • Install Firestone 01\ Filter I ES I • I nix for example. However the I • Reflll upto S qls 10W300,1 I I BRIDGESTONE BRAND TIR I Steenno. Check brakes' 'Includes o FREE TlRE ROTATION' council only has a few faculty I eo.::=~==~'"'__ .I ICannotb8~~t;;o~~o1~;~s~~~~~~ro.:::.. ICan.!t~=':d~~~~t!,~~~~Se~~~4198.. representatives on it so issues ~---_----- ~----_----- ~---------_-- raised may not reach the ears of all the faculty, and students cannot ii:~~~:~~?~-:~~~~~~~~~~1~.:Elf;""§,ffJ~;E~~
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