Page 164 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 164
Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 8 FEATURES Students question some common Glar practices avenues available to them--calling, napkin By SARAH ilADIC£ so is the coffee. The only difference is psy- instead of the regular utensils? SIa!fWriter comments, and the food committee-to give chological. The Pub is outside of Glar and Equipment breakdown is the culprit. Ex- him useful, specific feedback on what they cooked to order, the dinners have nice ar- plained Dolid, "when the dish belt breaks "Where do they get this stuff?" are dissatisfied with. rangements and are served to you." down there's no way for dishes to go through. "There's nothing good to eat again." Why doesn't the Dining Hall serve the Why aren't students allowed to get two en- or if the steam goes off, we can', sterilize Does this sound familiar? same food as is served in the Pub? trees at once in the serving line? the dishes," Englar Dining Hall has long been the butt The same food is served in both the Din- The reason is simple: it wastes less food. Can nutritional i~formation be made of campus jokes and the recipient of much available on the food served? griticism. In an effort to address student con- "Yes," said Ootid, " you can get an ap- cerns, Director of Dining Services and Ex- "If somebody doesn't care for the food, they need to be proximate nutritional analysis and this will ecutive Chef Alan Ootid, Assistant Director specific about their wants and desires. When you're be incorporated in the fall semester," Brenda Davidson and Director of Auxiliary Should breakfast hours be extended on Services Barry Bosley answer some common serving 800, it's not going to appeal to everyone; TUesdaysand Thursdays to accommodate questions. students with classes that begin at 10 am? Why does the food taste so bad? that's why we try to give different options. It's not "In the fall," replied Dolid, "continental While this is a commonly heard question, your mother's cooking but we buy only Grade A food, Dolid explained that it is too general to ad- breakfast will be served until 10:30 am." What happens to leftovers? dress well. probably as good as, or better than, restaurants in "If somebody doesn't care for the food, town." The amount of food served is calculated they need to be specific about their wants based on historical data, so there are usually not a lot of leftovers. When there is "they're and desires. When you're serving 800, it's Alan Doltd, director of Dining Services and executive chef served within one day and eaten" or donated not going to appeal to everyone; that's why to homeless shelters, Dolid said. we try to give different options. It's not your Is food recycled? mother's cooking but we buy only Grade A ing Hall and the Pub, as well as at food shows "You can get as many entrees as you want, "No," "Any food, once Dolid. said food, probably as good as, or better than, and the special dinners. "It's psychological," but only one portion at a time because served, is not reused-it goes in the garbage restaurants in town," he said. said Bosley. Dolid agreed, "The chicken ten- people's eyes tend to be bigger than their disposal." He encourages students to use the many ders in the Pub and cafeteria are the same, stomach. You wouldn't waste food at home, How does the new block meal plan work? so why do it here?" said Dolid. The new meal plan for next semester has Why can't students take food out of the 220 meals a semester that can be eaten at £oft g~ Snfmt cafeteria? are allowed to take only one any time. Fifteen 10 are available midnight. Said for use in the "Students to pm from Pub piece of fruit or one ice cream novelty out of Davidson," it also allows reentering on a 359-R Manchester Road (route 27) the cafeteria with them so they can walk out meal, which you can't do now." Kegel Plaza eating a dessert. Glar is all you can eat three What are some changes that will occur meals a day, not all day. It's just like a nor- Westminster next semester? mal buffet house where you eat on the spot. "We plan more Mediterranean-style items (410) 857·9849 It's not to stock the dorm rooms," explained for a more healthful outlook, some foods Dolid. Students are stopped usu- cooked to order on a grill, and a special din- Spring Special ally only for taking excessive amounts of ner each month that will be on the meal plan, food, such as when they cram their pockets by reservation only for a small group of stu- quarts of milk. 1 month unlimited tan package $49.95 with food or remove said Davidson, is spoil- dents, featuring more exotic items that might reason, Another not appeal to the wider population," replied Regular bed. Extra charge applies to super beds age. "If a student takes a deli sandwich and Dolid. eats it three hours later and gets sick, they Alan Dolid welcomes student comments. Students with illreceive 25% off any lotion can say it was Glar's fault." He can be reached at extension 732. Why are plastic and paper sometimes used purchase Woo reviews Lost in Space Classified This critic's advice: Don't bother finding this Help Wanted Lifeguards / Pool Managers mindless rehash of the sci-fi Classic Summer Months, FTIPT EARN $$$ AND WIN Training Available By ALEX MALLOY ity. Unfortunately, most of the time, I don't a VIDEO CAMCORDER. Is the semester Baltimore Area & SraffWriter think the audience had any idea what the hell almost over and your group still needs he was talking about. All Surrounding Counties money? Before it's too late, try a This futuristic adventure follows the AlI- Lost in Space packs its travel bag with DRD Pools 410-785-7665 MasterCard fundraiser and earn quick American Robinson family. Headed up by tons of special effects but forgets most ev- cash. It won't cost a thing, call today! John (William Hurt) and Maureen (Mimi erything else. The film is loaded with more 1-800-323-8454 x 22 SUMMER MANAGEMENT OPPOR- Rogers), this family of squabbling, dysfunc- than 750 effects, including everything from TUNITIES AVAILABLE IN WASH- tional intergalactic space travelers is in exploding planets to annoying talking robots INGTON, D.C./MD SUBURBS! Earn search of peace among the stars. EARN to spaceship dog fights to killer spider-like $750·$ 1500IWEEK up to $500 a week plus additional The rest of the family includes Judy creatures. Raise all the money your student incentives to manage around 12 (Heather Graham) a one dimensional snot, The average of six special effects per group needs by sponsoring a swimming pools and over 30 employ- Will (Jack Johnson) perhaps the dullest child minute is connected to one third of a story VISA Fundraiser ees. Looks great on a resume! On the actor around, and Penny (party of Five's little and about half a brain. The movie lifts ef- on your campus. job training provided! Lodging Lacey Chabert) a munchkin on helium who fects from Star Wars to StarShip Troopers No investment & very little available! Lifeguard jobs also avail- deserves to get pushed out a porthole. and JUS! about everything in between. time needed. able! Cal! (800) 989-5295 today! Polluted, overpopulated, and quickly Oh yeah, watch out for Blawp( the sound There's no obligation, so why nOI call running out of resources, Earth can only sup- when you throw up) the adorable space mon- for information today. Travel port life for about another 20 years. So, the key with Disney written all over it. Call 1-800-323-8454 x95. Robinsons and ace pilar/sex fiend Major Don Alas, then there's the dialogue. Thanks West (Friends' Matt LeBlanc) blast off in to Akiva Goldsman (the brains behind the Mexico/Caribbean or Central America search of a habitable planet. HELP WANTED $200 r.t. Europe $179 o.w. Ocher world Only hours into the mission, their space- last two Batman flicks) the audience is sub- cold war just jected to such lines as "This MenIWomen earn $375 weekly process- wide destinations cheap. ship is knocked off course and the Robinsons got hotter" and "Last one to kill a bad guy ing! assembling Medical LD. Cards at ONLY TERRORISTS GET YOU awake from their cryogenic slumber to find buys the beer." home. Immediate openings, your local THERE CHEAPER! themselves lost in uncharted territory. The pattern for the film is simple: excit- area. Experience unnecessary, will train. Air-Tech (212) 219-7000. Dr. Zachary Smith (Gary Oldman), who ing effects for the eyes and mindless drivel Call Medicard 1-541-386-5290 Ext. sabotaged the ship, is along for the ride. A for the ears. 118M e-mail fate he talks about loudly and with regular- GRADE:D
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