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.. ~ 'Ji; Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Page 10 FEATURES Many enjoyments, few regrets mark these seven careers Seven retiring professors reminisce about campus and student life over the past 30 years BY NIKKI BELANGER Clower helped Features Editor 1. What is your favorite memory ofWMC? History. Political Science. English. Math. create a viable Physical Education. Graduate Studies. So- ciology. 2, Compare students now to when you first came PE program Seven professors who have left their mark on each of these departments, many for more here, than 30 years, will be retiring from Western Maryland College after the spring semester. While this is not the largest number of 3, What are your plans for life after retirement? faculty members to retire in one year, this number will represent a significant loss and change to the college, since many of the pro- fessor are current or former heads of their 4, What have been some of your biggest accom- departments. The retirees, including Dr. James Light- plishments or disappointments during your ner, Dr. Robert Weber, Dr. Cornelius Darcy, career here? Dr. Ronald Tail, Dr. Herman Behling Jr., Dr. Richard Clower, and Dr. Raymond Phillips Jr., recently gave their perspective of life at WMC and their feelings about their upcom- 5, How has the college changed throughout the ing retirements by answering the five ques- tions opposite. years? Lightner will never wander far from WMC COURTESY OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Dr. James E. Lightner, Professor of Math- Dr. Clower is the unofficial commencement ematics ceremony timekeeper. Lightner has been a familiar face on cam- Dr. Richard A. Clower, Professor and De- pus for many years. He has not only taught partment Head of Exercise Science at WMC for 36 years, but also attended col- Clower has also served as the Director of lege here from 1955 unlil1958 and received Athletics at WMC and first came here in his B.A. degree in mathematics. 1950 to earn his A.B. in history and physical After achieving his M.A. at Northwest- education. He then went on to receive his ern University', his Ph.D. at The-Ohio State M.S. in physical education at Springfield University, and leaching in public school for College and his Ed. D. in physical education four years, Lightner came back to WMC in at West Virginia University. 1962 to become a professor in mathematics. As a former lacrosse, basketball, and Throughout his years here he has track coach, Clower has influenced WMC achieved many honors including being since coming here in 1963 as an associate named Maryland's Outstanding Mathemat- professor. ics Educator of the Year in 1986 and receiv- 1. His memories include personal ones with ing WMC's Distinguished Teaching Award people he has known here over the years. in 1966. 2. When he first came here, most students In the description of Lightner's career at were first generation college students and WMC during his 25 year celebration, the cer- now many have had someone in their fami- tificate of appreciation states that "it is not surprising that your tireless efforts have been "I would put our students recognized widely," such as in the Who's Who in American Education listing and the up against any group of Dr. Lightner has not only taught at WMC, but also received his BA in mathematics at the American Men and Women of Science. college. He is pictured here with Phi Delta Theta fraternity. students in the country, " 1. Lightner has been involved in so many things that he has trouble thinking of one Lightner also says he has good memories of 3. Lightner won't wander far from WMC. Dr. Clower memory that stands out. He did chair two fine students who've become friends through He will continue teaching one course in the campus presidential inaugurations, Dr. the years. fall and one in the spring. He plans to travel, lies who has attended college previously. John's and Dr. Chambers'. 2. Students aren't necessarily all that better, including going to Alaska this June. His big- This means that the ones who were here first Weber added that Lightner has also been according to Lightner. They have the same gest project will be to begin work on a new probably appreciated ir more, according to a big part of graduation and doesn't know intellect, but present-day students know more history of the college because the old one Clower. He also thinks this generation takes how the college will handle it without him. about different things. wasn't complete. It may end up being a len- so much more for granted now, like the ex- year project. He says he plans to keep "rea- pectation that everyone goes to college. sonably busy." ~ 3. Clower's future plans include continuing World Famous Psychic 4. As the first director of Jan term, Lightner to teach part-time at WMC and traveling. He to the Stan and Celebities "got it of rand running for 13 years" and was to has four or five spots in mind, but definitely the first to give students the opportunity can help you obtain study abroad in the early 1970's. wants to get back to Greece to see the recent work done on Mt. Olympus. ~, yt'ealti, 1f/"sa/d -d LucI. He was also instrumental in starting the 4. His biggest accomplishment includes help- : I Telephone David Guardino math proficiency program, and recently a ing to make a viable exercise science pro- anytime at worked with Provost Coley to coordinate gram. "J would put our students up against new strategic plan for WMC. any group of students in the country," Clower 423/609-0946 5. Lightner still remembers "Old Main" and said. But a disappointment has been that so 423/609-0919 says the campus is physically very differ- many students and colleagues still refer to i I 423/558-1197 ent. Academically, WMC is a bettercollege, physical education as "gym" than the limited WMC he attended. He stud- has lost a great deal of its per- 5. The college (Tennessee) and says there There Fax: 423/609-0921 ied math from one professor explosion" since sonal touch, says Clower. members is less ca- has been a "knowledge faculty and less maraderie among web site at ( then. "Science is a big example. We didn't trust between fellow students. Clower also know about DNA, for example," Lightner thinks the college has begun to approach said. education as more of a business enterprise.
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