Page 122 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS All three Senior Pride co- News in brief chairs submit resignations -Robert Lemieux, assistant professor of Senior class fundraising drive reaches more than half its goal Communication, will review the new "Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a period and Lancaster assisted her with in- BY CHRISTIAN WU.WOHL Young Man & The Last Great Lesson," News Edi/or tern duties. by Mitch Alborn from Doubleday at the Korenkiewicz did admit the committee next session of Western Maryland Senior Pride's three committee chairs re- had difficulty scheduling meetings last se- College's Books Sandwiched In at noon signed from their positions in late January. mester because the members had conflict- on March 12 in McDaniel Lounge. Despite this, there have not been any prob- ing schedules. The committee managed to lems with the senior class fund-raising drive develop a regular meeting schedule this se- -1997 Grolier Award Winner Pat Scales aimed at "providing seniors with the opportu- mester to plan Senior Pride's spring events. will give a poetry reading/lecture on nity to continue participating in the life of the "The donn storm was very productive," March 27, at 2 pm and 7 pm in McDaniel college," said Rev. Mark Lancaster, director of said Korenkiewicz about the door to door so- Lounge, free of charge. The national Annual Giving .. licitation Senior Pride conducted last month. Grolier Award honors a librarian who has After Senior Pride's recent Happy Hour in Senior Pride will co-sponsor along with made an unusual contribution to the the Pub, the committee is now $600 short of its other campus organizations the Alumni Net- stimulation and guidance of reading by $1,300 goal, said Janice Korenkiewicz, the in- working Event. children and young people. Campaign directors tern for the Office of Annual Giving. The occasion, to be held on Sunday, The fermer committee chairs sent their let- March 8, was initially proposed by the co- -Monday Night Music presents a lecture! leaving ters of resignation to several members of the chairs before they ~esi~ned, said Reyqy~. recital program on the works of 18th Cen- administration. "[The event} will grve [seniors a~Jun- tury women. Unofficially titled The Continued from page J "We. voiced our concerns and told people iors] ajump start on looking for a job," said 1700's Unplugged," the program features same time but.on, the other hand 1 think.'- what we needed to say," said Kendra Jones, one Lancaster. "Such an event instills a sense in harpsichord, cello and wooden flute. The the-campaign is in very good shape," said of the committee chairs who recently resigned. the students that the college wants to help program will be held on March ,23 at 7 Close. "I felt a lack of guidance from the adminis- them." pm in McDaniel Lounge,and is free of A search to fill these positions is be- tration after Vanessa Berger's resignation," said Later this semester, the committee will charge. ing conducted, but the college will not . Sara Beth Reyburn, another former co-chair. conduct two more mail solicitations and hire anyone until a vice president has been Berger, who advised the Senior Pride com- sponsor another Happy Hour with young -Chamber Music on the Hill presents chosen, said Chambers. As an incentive, rnittee, resigned from her position as Assistant alumni during Senior Week. Beethoven's Choral Fantasy, on March that person will be allowed to, select his/ Director of Annual Giving in November. Brad At the senior class meeting earlier this 29 at 3 pm in McDaniel Lounge. Admis- her administration. Seaman will remain Harton filled this vacancy in late January. semester, Korenkiewicz announced that Se- sion is $10 for adults, $5 for senior citi- working until his successor is selected, Both Reyburn and Jones said they were not nior Pride will defer the cost of tables for zens, and students are free. as he wants a smooth transition between informed of their responsibilities as co-chairs the Richwine Reading Room in Hoover Li- what's left of his administration and the and felt a breakdown in communication during brary. -The landscape oils and pastels of painter incoming one. He said he would not re- this interim period. - The committee chose this gift as the class Beth Van Liere will be featured in The tire ifhe thought the campaign would be "I didn't think we were used for the posi- gift over another campus directory and more Esther Prangley Rice Gallery in Peterson adversely affected. lions we were asked to take up," Jones added. concrete benches around campus. Hall from March 23 - April 24. Hours: Despite the fact that the development Prior to their resignations, Jones and Rey- Such a gift will demonstrate "clear class Monday - Friday from noon-4 prn: Open- office will have a new set of staff mem- burn voiced their concerns to Lancaster and recognition," said Lancaster. ing reception: Monday, March 23, 4-6 bers by mid-year, Chambers said he be- Korenkiewicz. A plaque will hang in the room attribut- pm. lieves the changes will have no effect on Senior Pride's third co-chair, Michelle ing the contribution to the Class of 1998 and the success of the campaign. He expects Hamilton, resigned because she could not de- professors may use the room for their senior -The Kathryn E. Wentz Student Art Show, it to go beyond the $40 million goal. vote enough time to the project. She is currently seminars in future years. featuring the works ofWMC art students, "You never want to say there are no undertaking an internship in Annapolis. With this year's goal already more than will be displayed in the Rice Gallery in doubts, but there is every reason to be- The remaining members of the Senior Pride half-way met, Lancaster hopes that this Peterson Hall from April 29 - May 15. lieve that the campaign will succeed," committee have opted not to elect new co-chairs. year's senior class will surpass the $1,300 Hours: Monday - Friday from noon-4 pm; said Chambers. Even though the committee chairs had con- mark. "The college experience is different Opening reception: Wednesday, April 29, So far the five-year campaign has cerns about Senior Pride's direction after from anything else. Making contributions 7-9 pm. raised $32 million; 22 months remain to Berger's resignation, Korenkiewicz said that the [to your college} is like continuing a heri- raise the $8 million balance, according committee was very supportive during that time tage," he added. to Seaman. Much of that money was al- ready committed to, said Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president of administration and fi- nance. "An awful lot of money is com- 24 Hour Hotline: ing in that was asked fora long time ago." 'The question is probably not so much whether we will achieve the goal; it is 410-857-7322 how much we will exceed it by," said Seidel. He said everybody feels confi- dent because the campaign is almost over. However, Seidel admits thai there are still "whether the crime happened last night some challenges. or years ago, we can help." "If we stop working we are not going to make it, so it's not like it's in the bag," he said. Rehiring the new staff could be the Services are available to victims, family or friends. most significant factor of future campaign Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating violence or rape, success. "The whole process of replac- we can help. All inquiries are free and confidential. ing them is really important. It is not so much how fast we do it, but how well we Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, individual therapy, do it," said Seidel. therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court, Asked if $40 million is sufficient for and prevention education programs. the college, Seidel said, "No question about it, it's not enough. But this is not Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm the last campaign we are ever going 10 have either." 224 North Center Street. Room 102 This comprehensive capital campaign is mainly focused on paying for past and Westminster, MD 21158 Fad: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is present academic renovations. To in- 24 hour hotline: 410-857-7322 more likely to be someone you know than a crease WMC's $35 million endowment, Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 stranger. or investable funds, will be the purpose of the next one, he said. A Private Nonprofit Agency Serving Carroll County
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