Page 124 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday. March 5, 1.998- Page 4 NEWS Renowned choir to perform SO position merges in Big Baker next week However, Continued from page J do "The purpose of the orientation and first- administration and faculty not agree with students. year seminar is to engage the student inside The Westminster Chapel Choir of Rider "Most of the professors will pick a stu- and outside the classroom and to help the at 8 pm on Tuesday, dent they've will perform University 10, in Baker Memorial Chapel, than you could find out in a 20 minute inter- student make a connection to the commu- had before. To say that a pro- '6' , . .:,-.", of the newest in 1946, the Chapel of the choir has view is a false predictor," with the selection of First- you're "Once a friend," of the SO and CA positions that - March with fac- fessor knows interactions social nity at WMC through interaction less about she said. ulty and students," choir The concert will feature an 80-voice said Mary Bendel- Last year's SOs have voiced concerns undergraduates the combination of English, assistant professor Simso, who NJ. in Princeton, college - .: '. on one per- will put too much responsibility Coordinator serves as the Academic \", \ -~- . Founded Choir students view SOs and Year Seminars. son and that first-year ') CAs in two different lights. performing process since'1960, toured by the fac- "J trust the selection in churches, school, and concert halls. ulty members," the students Barb Horneff, commented see you as an SO, Addeo, a Christy Program. dean of the First-Year The choir has also performed associate with sym- said phony orchestras the Trenton Sym- including sophomore pro- To aid the faculty math major who was an SO/CA " perform Orchestra, the York Symphony, and cess, "To combine the roles can be very confusing to the a systematic has developed last year. you go into a classroom, Manger "When phony you don't he the Queens definition position as someone Symphony. think of your friend of the SO/CA which to the faculty. plans to distribute you." who teaches the choir will by James Jordan, Directed works by Ives, Lauridsen, and Leek, of traditional folk songs as well as a selection .' . . and spirituals. .., joining the Westminster Before . James Jordan, celebrated choir director, will College faculty in 1992, Jordan served Choir as students. as well as to the person doing both jobs. " conduct the choir's performance. Other chair for music education at the Hartt School choirs under his direction have performed of Music at the University of Hartford. Kendra Jones nationally Courtesy of Public Information Bendel-Simso will send the first-year Some students find that the change in the Campus Safety Blotter sibilities of the newly-combined the respon- positions will be beneficial. students and the SOl seminar faculty a memo detailing position. "I think the first-year The decision to combine the SO and CA CAs will get a lot more out of the experi- -On 2/07/98 a17:38 pm DoCS investigated -On 2/18/98 at 4:00 pm DoCS documented positions came from faculty members who ence by having one person as a SO/CA," said a report ofBB gun shots fired from Union a student for theft in Englar Dining Hall. have taught first-year seminar courses in the Christian Wilwohl, a senior international Street and aimed at Blanche Ward Hall. -On 2/18/98 at 5:00 pm DoCS documented past, said Horneff. The change will "bring studies and French major, who was an SO -On 2/10/98 at 10:45 pm DoCS docu- a student for theft in Englar Dining Hall. more consistency and improvements to the last year. mented a student for threatening or dan- -On 2120198 at 10: 17 pm DoCS investi- program," she noted. First-year student Anthony Forte agrees gerous conduct which occurred in the Rou- gated the use of unauthorized weapons out- Last year's SOs have voiced concerns with Wilwohl. "My SO/CA and I already had zer Parking Lot. side Blanche Ward Hall. about these changes, a relationship from orientation and we had -On 2/11/98 at 11:55 am DoCS docu- -On 2/21/98 at I :00 am DoCS responded "To combine the roles can be very con- an even better relationship in the class," he to a report of telephone misuse fusing to the students, as well as the person said. doing both jobs," said Kendra Jones, a se- Next year: all first-year students will be nior chemistry major who helped to coordi- required to take a semtnar'in the ¥alI, anoth~f -On 2121198 at 1:32 am nate the program last year. change intended to increase consistency, DoCS documented a Junior biochemistry major Rob Newman The training for the SOICA will also be student for failure to agrees with Jones. Newman played the dual altered. Training will consist of two four- comply in Blanche role of SO/CA last year. hour sessions in April dealing with teaming Ward Hall. Even though he had a successful experi- about responsibilities, teambuilding, and -On 2/22/98 at 12:25 ence, Newman fears that "a lot of the ele- leadership activities. SO/CAs will return to ments of the Classroom Assistant and Stu- campus on August 23 for three more days of student for disorderly conduct dent Orientors may have to be sacrificed." training before the first-year students arrive. in Rouzer Hall. The bottom line is the success of the first- -On 2/14/98 at 2:00 am DoCS responded year students, said Horneff. to a report of controlled substance use in mented the furnishing of false information the Whiteford Parking Lot. in Blanche Ward Hall. -On 2/16/98 at 10:36 pm DoCS docu- -On 2/22/98 at I:34 am DoCS reported an mented a student for indecent exposure incident of assault and battery in Blanche WMC's Catholic Campus outside Whiteford Hall. Ward Hall. Ministry presents its first Coffee -On 2/16198 at 10:48 pm DoCS responded -On 2/27 at I: 12 am DoCS responded to a to a report of controlled substance use in hit and run traffic accident in the Blanche House - Open Mike Night at the Blanche Ward Hall. Ward parking lot. Bean and Bagel on March 28. Featuring flavored coffees, Do you have... cakes & pies, Christian music, A nose for news? Opinions to make known? A flair for design? A head for business? THE PHOENIX NEEDS YOU Come to the Phoenix general staff meetings Every Monday at 6:30 pm in the basement of Daniel MacLea x8600 ...mail: No experience necessary!
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