Page 125 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 125
NEWS Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 5 New computer network allows more access system of Western Maryland re- BY RICH SIMMONS Siaf/Wriler quires students have a data-phone. "A lack of phone lines should SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE The recent installation of new not pose a major problem for stu- computer hardware by Information dents wishing to access the internet ON THDR WAY TO THE TOP. Services will soon allow WMC stu- from their rooms," said Mathews. dents to fully access the internet. And if students still wish to access If you didn't sign up develop the leadership Christine Mathews, director of just their e-mail, some phone lines for ROTC as a freslpnan skills and self-confi- Information Services. told students will remain text-only connections. or sophomore, you can dence you need to at SGA's February Open Forum to Loading times should be short catch up this summer by succeed in college and expect to use the new system by the since the speed of the connection attending Army ROTC beyond. And you may end of March. in the resident hall's network is The new hardware will give fairly fast, Mathews added. Camp Challenge, a paid qualify for advanced data-phone users full access to the In the future, students will dial five-week course in m· officer training when internet using such programs as up the network in the same fashion leadership. you return to campus Eudora, Netscape, and ICQ, ser- they do now, only with slightly dif- Apply nowl You'll next fall. vices that currently require the use ferent connection applications. of Hoover or any of the other on- Plans to utilize the cable jacks ARMY IlOTt campus computer labs. presently installed in the dcrmito- THE SMAIITIS'I CX)JJ.EIlICX)llISE lUll WI 'IIIE At the moment, an outside ries for extremely fast cable modem internet service provider is the only connections may be feasible some- For details. visit the 2nd Floor, ~ Gym or calI viable option for students desiring time next year, said Mathews. 857·2720 better access but the digital phone
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