Page 120 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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creen SPORTS Wanted: Inside TCrmr -wcman's Basketball ambas- photographers, Sports writers, Coach Becky Martin plans to and editors become a goodwill Call x8600 -Page 14 Volume XVII, Number 2 Western Maryland College sador in Australia. Thursday, February 19, 1998 Terror men have Wrestlers chance at CC playoffs areCC 8Y CAROLYN BARNt:s from a IS-point second-half defi- champions Senior writer cit to win the Wesley competition 68-67. A 10-2 WMC run trimmed SWARTHMORE, Pa.-West- Winning just a few more than the deficit to 62-61 at the 4:20 mark had five individual ern Maryland they lose, the men's basketball in the game. champions and two runners-up to team showcases tremendous talent Marshall finally gave Western win its first Centennial Conference in a few star players which aid in Maryland its first lead at 66-65 with the team's success. 25 seconds remaining, but the championship Saturday at Swarth- more College. One of the key players is senior Green Terror men were whistled for forward Will Marshall. Marshall a technical foul for touching the The Green Terror compiled scored an enormous 32 points as ball after it went through the hoop. 104 team points to defeat two-time Ursinus by 17. the team defeated Dickinson Col- Another key player, sophomore defending champion third with 78 Gettysburg was lege in a recent Centennial Confer- center Brian Billman added 15 ence game. The game, held on points in the contest, with Buckley points, followed by Muhlenberg and Swarthmore (31.5) (38.5), Wednesday, February 11, displayed contributing I I off the bench. Johns Hopkins (23.5). Marshall as he upped his career Among these two victories, the All winning their first Centen- point total to 1,553 points. Green Terror men were defeated nial titles for Western Maryland Back on February 2 as Western once by Franklin and Marshall in a JOSE Maryland registered a one-point Centennial Conference game, and Newall-time leading scorer Will Marshall aims for the basket (JUBA) SJQUF.JRA were freshman 1I8-pounder Stine, junior Rodney 142-pounder win, against Wesley, Marshall had one game against Frostburg Josh Ellin, freshman ISO-pounder scored 22 points. The final basket State University postponed (the Marshall and Haley Andrey Brener, sophomore 177- of this game, shot by Marshall, put Feb. 4th game). Poling, Chris him over the 1,500-point mark for The defeat came on February 7 pounder 190-pounderScott and. sopho- more Taylor. his career with 1,501. He re- as WMC lost to Franklin loss left break scoring records Senior 134-pounder Steve and bounded a three-point miss by Marshall 70-62. This Smiddy and sophomore 158- teammate Kevin Buckley, and hit WMC two games behind Franklin With 15:21 remaining in the pounder Charlie Conaway placed an off-balance shot from five feet. and Marshall for second place in BY KATE HAMPSON second half of the Valentine's Day second for Western .Maryland. He needs just 12 more points to the CC- Western Division with four EdilorĀ·in-Chief away game at Gettysburg, Marshall Ursinus freshman Josh Moyer surpass the I, 564-point record games to play. The top two teams It's been a record breaking week scored, a shot propelling him into pinned Smiddy in I :03 in the finals, compiled by 1952 graduate Art in each of the conference's two di- for Green Terror basketball, as two WMC sports history. The basket following a 20-second fall in the Press, who currently stands as visions make the Centennial Con- long-standing career totals have gave him 1,565 points, surpassing semifinals to earn the Outstanding Western Maryland's all-time scor- ference playoffs. been beaten. Seniors Will Marshall the previous record of 1,564. This ing leader. Wrestler honor. and Katie Haley have become total had been held for 46 years by Gettysburg senior Jake Dell The Green Terror men rallied Continued on page 14 WMC's leading scorers of all-time for the men's and women's teams. Continued on page /3 Continued on page 13 New wood floor the centerpiece of reconstructed Gill lion reconstruction is the new wood In' KEVIN CUU,EY 1984, the building featured a multi- COlllrihuliligWriler floor located in the new part of the purpose composite floor. The sur- Gill Physical Education Learning face was a combination of polyure- As the 1997-98 Western Mary- Center .. Damage was nOI contained thane and rubber poured on top of land College winter sports sched- to "Old Gill," as smoke spread into a concrete base. The composite ule comes to a close, athletes and the staff offices and to the new floor was by nature very hard and coaches alike are still smiling. gym, causing damage wherever it took a great deal of abuse in all of While the basketball teams are hav- went. According to Seidel, the in- the seasons of play. ing good seasons, with the men surance company was very easy to Alums of the college who over the .500 mark for the first time work with because they wanted the played on the "Old Gill" floor were since the 90-91 season and the school to be able to repair all of the heartbroken when they heard that women battling for a playoff spot, damaged surfaces. the wooden floor had burned. "It the focus has shifted from the play- So, Seidel negotiated with the was known as the best wooden ers, to the new wooden surface on insurance company while redesign- floor on the East Coast," said Ri- which they play. ing the new "Old Gill" facility. A chard Carpenter, athletic director. The December 31, 1996 fire new team room was added in the The sub-flooring made the old that burned Old Gill Gym, seems, basement and rear stairs were playing surface what it was, ac- more than a year later, to have been added to the reconstructed facility. cording to Carpenter. He noted that a blessing in disguise. "What could "(The insurance company) treated the sub-floor consisted of 4 by 14 have been a real disaster actually it as one facility. When we restored inch joists with a I by 6 inch pine ended up with a very positive out- the wooden floor, they didn't care sub-floor on top, and then the come," said Ethan Seidel, vice where we put it. It didn't increase maple playing surface floor topping president of Administration and the cost, so we just relocated it," JOSE (JU8A) SJQUEIRA Finance. it all off. This combination made Green Terror co-captain Brian Tombs takes a shot over the defence at a said Seidel. recent game. The men's team is currently 11-10 overall. The show piece of the $2 mil- When PELC was completed in Continued on page J 3
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