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NEWS Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 3 In Memoriam Staff members leave for Hopkins WMC held a service in Of the three who took positions there, Shaeffer was the only one recruited memory of Martin Oswiecimka BY JONATHON SHACAT their careers look for advancement go or stay." on February 17 in Senio~Wriler opportunities, said Philip Sayre, As the registrar for the school Little Baker Chapel. dean of Student Affairs. They typi- for continuing studies, Shaeffer has Since August, three former cally want new challenges and a the opportunity to work with new WMC staff members, Makeba bigger salary. materials. For example, she is cur- Oswiecimka was a Clay, Barbara Shaeffer, and lanet 'The professional development rently using web-based applica- member of the soccer Martin, have taken jobs at lohns opportunities are richer here," said tions, something that WMC will Hopkins University, the largest pri- team and the Alpha Clay, who works as the residence use at sometime in the future. who now works Martin, Gamma Tau fraternity. vate employer in the state of Mary- life assistant campus. director at the technical services coordinator as the at land. Homewood The fact that so many workers Her pay increase was "enough the Colombia center, is responsible Expulsion left for the same place in such a for me to move but the quality of for the computer networking of 68 short period of time might appear life was more important; you can't faculty, staff and 1200 students. Continued from page J more than simply a coincidence. put a dollar figure on that," she "In Janet's case, what she The Sun article quoted Hayden mother's advice, if the sanctions are But except for one act of recruit- Myers describing the incident. reversed. However, Sherry Myers ing, it appears to be nothing more said. In comparison that to the residence wanted to do with the computers had we just halls at WMC always have," don't said Coley, which occurred in November, as said that she intends to take the than just that. health and maintenance problems, who used to be Martin's supervi- "an immature guy thing. It was a college to civil court if the appeal "Hopkins does not have a policy the dorms at Hopkins "look sharp sor. joke, and I dido'( mean more," is denied. She feels there have been of recruiting at this kind of level," all the time," she said. Her reason for leaving, she said, Myers' actions, despite featur- "inflammatory remarks" stated and said Steve Libowitz, the director of While working at WMC, Clay ing a sexual depiction, do not fall written about her son since the in- news and information at Hopkins. estimates that she spent 70% of her was for "a challenge, an opportu- myself." nity to improve Although within the college's definition of cident which will make it difficult "It is one of these coincidental time dealing with disciplinary is- she got a pay raise, too, a more sexual harassment. according to for him to get into another college. things." sues. At Hopkins she only has to important benefit for Martin was Sherry Myers and a lawyer she has According to Director of Pub- This phenomenon may merely spend 10% of the day on them and training. They are paying for her consulted. lic Information Joyce Muller, the be a function of a really good can focus the rest of her energy on classes and when she completes However, Myers was charged college will not comment on any economy. staff development, she said. them Hopkins will give her a pro- with sexual harassment and sanc- specifics regarding the incident in "It is a full job market," said "I could certainly see that that motion. tioned to expulsion by the Honor order to protect the privacy of the Provost Joan Develin Coley. "What would make it a more attractive "It is not bad when people and Conduct Board at a hearing RLC and the student involved. The you get when jobs are plentiful is job," said Sayre, Clay's former leave, even when the employees are held on Feb. 5. college will issue a general state- people who move around." As an boss. good," said Coley. "Everybody can Myers appealed the decision at ment after President Chamber's example, she cited a recent trend Shaeffer's salary hike was sig- a hearing held before Provost Joan decision announcing the sanctions. of people who used to work for nificant but there were other fac- be replaced from the president Develin Coley, Dean of Student The RLC involved was unavail- Hood College and are now work- tors, like the option to take free down and when a person is re- you get new ideas." Affairs Philip Sayre, and a student able for comment. ingat WMC. graduate classes, that made her go. placed "Even though it wouldn't have representative on Feb. 16. His sanc- "I just feel really strongly that Shaeffer is the only one who "Nobody goes [just] for the money, tion was reduced to an enforced my son is a really decent kid, I says she was recruited. The others you're crazy if you do," she said. been our choice to replace any of withdrawal for two semesters, with know he's a little immature," said say they looked for the new oppor- Nonetheless, she still says, "It was these people, I would say in every the option to reapply thereafter. Sherry Myers as to why she is be- tunities for themselves. the hardest decision I ever had to case we replaced them with some- The series of appeals culmi- ing so vocal about the incident. People who are ambitious in make in my life, whether I should body who brings an equally valu- nated with the Feb. 27 appeal to "But, because of his honesty he able skill set," she said. President Chambers. should not be expelled." ANW renovation Myers has expressed a strong desire to stay at WMC, despite his Continuedfrompage J live in separate housing. rooms and hallways, and replacing facilities more accessible, they will Pianist comes to WMC sary," said Phi Alpha Mu President bedroom doors where needed. Pri- be moved to the basement and the are neces- "The renovations will be strength- vacy and security will be turned Maureen McDonough, "but our ened by adding deadbolts to each spaces this creates The bathrooms rooms. into single Pianist Ann Schein will conduct member of the Aspen Music Festi- main concern is that we get to stay room and security screens on the general a two-session master class on Sat- val, will also discuss concepts for together." Sigma Phi Epsilon Presi- first floor. will receive including repair and better ven- maintenance, urday, March 7, in Levine Hall. teaching intermediate and ad- dent Kevin Clunk agreed with In order to make the laundry tilation. Piano instructors and musicians vanced students. McDonough. He said that his fra- are invited to attend the sessions, Admission to the master class, ternity "would be at a disadvantage which will be held from 9 am-noon sponsored by WMC's music de- compared to the other Greeks on and from 2-5 pm. Participants may partment and Carroll County Mu- campus who have enough space." attend one or both sessions. Pianists sic Teachers Association, is $3 per Sigma Phi Epsilon also has are invited to perform and receive session or $5 all day. questions about whether the new critique from Schein. suites will be treated like other Schein, a member of the piano suites on campus, Clunk added. faculty at the Peabody Conserva- Courtesy of Public Information The Greek organizations and tory of Music and an artist-faculty the administration will continue to discuss the effects the renovations SGA update may have on their housing. is away nationally "The trend from really large, institutionalliv- ing spaces ... students want more -The allocations process is com- -There is a vacancy available for suites, more privacy," said Vice plete for the Spring of 1998. Re-. the Sophomore class. Please President of Administration and suits were announced on Monday, contact Dana Jacobson for more Finance Ethan Seidel. Having large March 2. information. suites "opens up possibilities for affinity housing and options for -The SGA Campus Clean-up is set -The SGA recently addressed the residents ...they add more variety to for April 25. Anyone is welcome issue of limited visibility at the housing options." to participate. Registration infor- intersection of Church Street and The improvements for ANW mation will be available soon. Pennsylvania Avenue at the exit are part of a continuing five-year by the Garden Apartments. The campus-wide renovation plan to ·The SGA Undergraduate leader- city police and the mayor con- conclude in 2001. Planning of reno- ship Award applications are still firmed that traffic control signals vations is ajoint effort between the available. Check the information are not necessary at this time. Division of Administration and Fi- desk or contact Sara Beth Reyburn nance, which will oversee con- at ext. 8305. The deadline is Fri- -FUN FACT: Did you know the struction, and Student Affairs. day, March 13 in the Student Af- SGA has markers available and The renovations to ANW will ·fairsOffice. poster paper for $5? include replacing all of the win- dows, laying new carpet in the
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