Page 118 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 14 SPORTS Student Research Basketball Coach Becky and Creativity Grants Martin travels to Australia For Spring 1998 Martin to serve as Maryland goodwill The deadline for applications for student research and creativity grants for Spring, ambassador in exchange program 1998 is February 27, 1998. To apply for an award, a student must have a WMC grade point average of 3.2 and Women's basketball coach and physical "I'd specifically like to talk to coaches obtain the direct involvement or close sponsorship of a faculty member. The awards education lecturer Rebecca (Becky) Martin and athletes and find out if there is anything are competitive. '80, MEet'81 is headed to Australia this April I can bring back to Western Maryland that The grants are intended to encourage special projects that complement students' as a representative for the Rotary Founda- might benefit our program," she said. She major academic emphases; they are not intended to cover the normal expenses of a tion International's Group Study Exchange also hopes to check out Australia's basic life course. The project mayor may not be connected with a particular course. It may be a program. support and emergency medical services sys- special studies outgrowth of a course. Martin will join four other Maryland tems fo see if they are using that same cut- A grant may cover the cost of materials for such projects. It may cover travel ex- goodwill ambassadors for a six-week jour- ting-edge life-saving techniques that have penses to libraries or special collections. These are merely examples; Dean Coley would ney through Australia's Canberra region be- become available in the United States, in- like to see-what kinds of creative proposals students may devise, in consultation with tween Sydney and Melbourne. At the same formation that she can bring back to the CPR appropriate faculty. time, a group of Australian ambassadors will classes she teaches at the college. Grants may range from $25 10 $50(l tour the Baltimore-Washington DC corridor. The ambassadors will be staying with Applications are available in Dean Coley's office. On her first trip "down under," the West- Australian families. "It seems like a fun minster native will talk to members of the group," Martin says, noting that some of Australian Rotary clubs about life in Carroll them plan to explore the Outback and snor- County, including its agriculture and indus- kel around the Great Barrier Reef. together FREE TAX HELP try, the role of the college in the county and after their Rotary commitment. from Baltimore, The group with 200 wins what it is like to be a coach a wildlife includes sculptor under her belt as the head of the women's a chemist from Baltimore Gas and Electric's basketball team. Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant in Calvert FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low She hopes she'll be able to investigate County, Md., and an administrator from Villa Moderate Income Taxpayers Australia's sports administration program Julie College near Towson, Md. while she's there, especially the levels for 16-21 year olds. Courtesy of Public Information WHERE: Western Maryland College--Gold Room B Sports Commentary: Nagano WHEN: Games push sportsmanship Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 12pm-3pm BV DAVID SZEPf:SI This was a classic image otOlympic ca- February 17 February 19 February 21 COnlribulingWriler maraderie, but there was one aspect most of February 24 February 26 February 28 the viewers were not aware of. According to March 3 March 5 March 7 Each and every year the Olympics has the CNN SI website, the encounter was cre- March 10 March 12 (Spring Break) its own historical moment. The Nagano ated in the minds of Nike's marketing man- March 24 March 26 March 28 Olympics has its own images as well. World agers, in the tradition of OlyITlplC underdogs March 31 April 2 April 4 Records are broken and years of hard work such as British ski jumper Eddie "The Eagle" April 7 April 9 April 11 fall apart in a matter of seconds. Edwards, or the much talked-about and cop- There are athletes who participate to win, ied Jamaican bobsled team. The image is straightforward. Let's pro- Walk-ins welcomefrom February 17- February 28 and are expected to do so, and there are great duce an absolute outsider, who brings to the sportsmen who participate for the thrill of By appointment only after February 28 being there. One such athlete at the Nagano forefront the absurdity of the situation. games is Kenyan cross-country skier Philip The question remains: why did Nike want For more information and for an appointment, call Michael Rockefeller at 410-751-8110 if you are off campus Boit. to stage this scene? or 8110 if you are on campus. An absolute outsider, Boit finished last There are many possible answers. Possi- in the 15 kilometer cross-country race. At bly they wanted to encourage the Olympic Spring Break begins 7pm March 13 the finish line, Norwegian Bjorn Dahelie Spirit, or were just thinking of their adver- Classes resume March 23 greeted the Kenyan athlete after winning his tising revenue. Or, maybe, they just wanted sixth gold medaL to create the moment. Classified Mens basketball Continuedfrompage 16 Autos for Sale EARN Travel Biliinan topped the Green Terror men in $750-$ 1500IWEEK the competition with 22 points and IO re- SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Raise all the money your student SPRING BREAK - Cancun and bounds, while Marshall added 20 points and Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. group needs by sponsoring a VISA Nassau from $399. 10 boards. ' Also Jeeps, 4WO's. Your Area. Toll Free Fundraiser on your campus. No Air, Hotel, Transfers, The February 11 win against Dickinson 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-3327 for current investment & very little time needed. Parties and More 1 was by a score of 79-67, saw WMC have a listings. There's no obligation, so why not call Organize small group - earn FREE 20-4 point run, with Marshall scoring 12 of for information today. trips plus commissions! the 20, in the first seven minutes of the sec- Help Wanted Call 1-800-323-8454 x95. Call I-8oo-Spring Break. ond-half. Dickinson crept back to within 12 1-800-777-4642 points at 37-25 late in the first half, only to Personal have Western Maryland score the final seven Camp Counselors for a Fun Camp points before the break. We are a Resident Coed Recreational Dates Guys and Gals "'''''''SPRING BREAK '98 SPECIALS!"''''''' WMC finally responded with another Summer Camp located 90 miles West Dates 24 HOURS OF FREE DRINKS long run, 14-2. to put the game away. of Wash DC in the mountains of West 1-900-285-9245 x5225 in Cancun! Billman notched eight straight points in the Virginia. We have openings for 16 ad- $2.99 per minute 21 HOURS OF FREE DRINKS and run. ditional men and women who love chil- Must be 18 yrs or older $50 discount w/student 1.0. to tbe Billman finished with 14 points and jun- dren and want the best summer of their Bahamas! ior guard Brian Tombs with 12 points. lives. Also openings for Head Counse- No second semester price increases! Sell Currently, WMC is 11ยท10 overall and 6- lors. Program Director, and Nurses. CaD only 15 trips & travel free! Call CLASS 5 in the Centennial Conference, winning six Jerry at 1-800-625-616Imale for more TRAVEL, North America's largest out of its last nine games. information or fax your resume to 301- student tour operator! 681-6662. Call Now! 1~800~838~6411
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