Page 121 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Volume XVII, Number 3 Thursday, March 5, 1998 SO position Suspected drug to merge dealer arrested with CA's 8Y CHRISTlA.N WII.WOHL on this specific case but that col- News Editor lege policy is to automatically sus- RV NICKI Kessous pend a student charged with drug Assistant Features Editor A WMC student was arrested on distribution. drug charges last week, after West- A student can face conse- Recently announced changes to WMC's First- Year Program have minster City Police raided his room quences from the college as well in McDaniel Hall. raised concerns among students Senior Joel William Armstrong as from law enforcement, he said. about the selection of Student Bridges, 21, was arrested on An Honor and Conduct Board Ortentors and Classroom Assis- Wednesday, February 25. hearing may be held and only after tants, a position which will be com- all the appeals have been exhausted bined next year. Police discovered half an ounce will information be released. of marijuana, $2,023 in cash, Police Lt. Dean Brewer said Students fear that the lack of a scales, and incriminating photo- that the city police notified Cam- formal application process may put graphs in Bridges' first-floor room, pus Safety prior to the drug bust. the program in jeopardy. according to an article in The Car- Police are expecting to make a Whereas in the past, an appli- roll County Times. second arrest in connection to this cation, recommendations, and in- 7 years at WMC The Times article said that one, said Brewer. for Capital campaign to terviews were used to select Stu- dent Orientors, the decision Bridges claimed he uses the scales Bridges' arrest might be related to weigh his mail. to the Feb. 13 arrest of two next year's SO/CA positions will Police received information that Chestertown men on drug charges be made by the faculty members lose top management Bridges was a supplier at WMC, teaching (he seminars. which was the basis for the war- in Alben Norman Ward, he added. "The faculty may not know the BY JONATHON SHACAT and director of corporation and The other WMC student con- best criteria to select a SO/CA," Senior Writer foundation relations - are still va- rant to search his room. of pos- nected with the Feb. 13 incident He now faces charges said Steve Manger, a senior psy- Dick Seaman, the vice president cant, said President Robert Cham- session of marijuana with intent to was cited for an alcohol violation chology major, who has been a Stu- of the department handling the bers. distribute, possession of drug para- by the city police, but was not ar- dent Orientor in the past and helped capital campaign, and his associate Seaman will retire on July 4, his phernalia, and creating a public rested, said Mike Webster, director Safety. of Campus plan last year's program. Stevenson Close have announced 65th birthday, after seven years of nuisance. Other SOs are concerned that they will leave their jobs soon with service in (he development office The college is still trying to de- faculty members do not know stu- $8 million remaining to be raised. atWMC. On March 2, Close trans- juana Bridges was arrested for mari- termine the ANW resident's level possession in 1995, accord- dents well enough outside of the The department's third and fers'to Associated Catholic Chari- ing to the Times. of involvement in the Feb. 13 drug classroom to make such decisions. fourth ranked positions - the di- ties Inc, the largest social service He was released Thursday bust, said Scott Kane, assistant Affairs. Continued on page 4 rector of major and planned gifts agency in Maryland. morning on $10,000 bail. dean of Student who responded to The police, Student expelled for Dick and I will be leaving about the rector Don Schumaker, Information said di- the call made by Campus Safety, a "It's a little unfortunate because associate of Public seized of psilocybin, 2.5 ounces grams sexual harassment Continued on page 2 that the school could not comment hallucinogenic, and paraphernalia, ac- of several marijuana, An assistant in the president's cording to a news brief in the Bal- BV ERIN HOWARD timore Sun on Feb. 14. Assislant News Editor office said that Chambers opted to The RA on duty that night ini- take the weekend to consider his A first-year student facing ex- decision and would not announce tially reported the possibility of pulsion after being accused of sexu- it until after the Phoenix's publica- marijuana use to Campus Safety ally harassing a Residence Life tion date. who then informed the police. Coordinator made his final appeal According to an article in The When Campus Safety arrived to President Chambers at a hear- Baltimore Sun, first-year student on the scene, the WMC student and were reluctant ing held on Friday, Feb. 27. Hayden Myers adrnits he created a the two nonstudents enter the room. to let the officers Inside pornographic to a campus bearing RLC and nounced they were coming in that a re- flyer an- the officers after It was semblance fly- at least seven j (3· "j"lg,I£';: then distributed Rouzer Hall. Cam- one of the individuals opened the ers throughout door, said Webster. pus Safety removed the flyers the denied The occupants any use The Last Laugh: Eric Barry same evening. of the drugs, but police found drugs looks back at the ups and downs Upon learning that another stu- After thesummer renovations afire wall will divide this ANW hallway info of serving WMC in the Pub •. dent was accused of his act, Myers two large suites. on the two nonstudents. police to the Sun, According offered his confession in a letter he M. Seth, ,~t~*Z::jDi~'ill:i4D•••• ~·J ~:O:~SI~;:~~u:~e~~:? o~n!;i0 2 7 Greeks upset by renovations charged Benjamin of marijuana and 19, with possession ; g Women's History Month: Nikki to the RLC. 8V SA.RAH RADICE suites for 19 students, has sparked drug paraphernalia. He was later much of the controversy. released. Belanger talks to Provost Joan "He was feeling guilty and SlajJWriter Members Coley about being WMC's sec- scared when he realized his prank Albert Norman Ward Halt's silon Fraternity of the Sigma Phi Ep- The other Chestertown resident and the Phi Alpha 18, was Peyton T. Beachy, ond-in-command. was interpreted as sexual harass- Greek residents are concerned Mu Sorority fear that the new suites arrested, with possession of mari- charged ~mr::.r::'!n:¥••••• II':l" ~:~~'n;~d~:%~:~d~~i~~/~~~~ about how the upcoming summer will not be large enough to hold all juana and possession with intent to renovations will affect their orga- of their members, and that the distribute psilocybin. Scoreboard: Get the latest stats Myers' mother, Sherry, in a recent ntzenons' housing. "overflow" students will have to Beachy was held at the Carroll on the Green Terror's top play- e-mail received by the Phoenix. The plan to add fire walls, di- County Detention Center in lieu of ers. Continued on page 3 viding the first three floors into Continued on page 3 $15,000 bail.
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