Page 117 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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SPORTS Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 13 Wrestling championships Continuedfrompage /6 Conrinuedfrompage 16 for a very strong and sturdy surface. won his fourth conference cham- (JH),23.5. "We had the Cadillac of floors pionship, pinning both of his op- Championship Finals before the fire, and now we've got ponents in the 167 -pound class. 118-Rodney Stine (WM) major it again," said Carpenter. The new Western Maryland will join dec. Jamie Binnall (G) 13-4; 126- floor, which was not applied di- with teams from the Centennial and Marty Scarpato (G) dec. Jason rectly on top of the old Middle Atlantic Conferences, and McLean 12-7; J34-JoshMoyer(U) composite one, uses a state-of-the- several independents from the East pinned Steve Smiddy (WM), 1:03; art system of intersecting plywood Coast in the NCAA Division III 142-Josh Ellin (WM) dec. Brad that permits air to flow freely un- East Regional tournament next Fri- Tobias (U) 5..4; 150-Andrey Brener derneath the maple playing surface day and Saturday at Ursinus. (WM) dec. Pete Balvanz (S) 7-3; while allowing for ex:pansion and The 10 weight-class champions ISS-Donny Asper (U) dec. Charlie contraction. The floor was chris- and 10 wild-card selections will ad- Conaway (WM) 10-5; 167-Jake tened by the WMC volleyball vance to the Division III national Dell (G) pinned Nate McElhaney match against Franklin & Marshall championship. (U) 4; 19; 177-Chris Poling (WM) and cost $70,000. Centennial Conference major dec. Tom Flud (U) 11-3; 190- "It is much more cushioned than JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA Championships (at Swarthmore) Scott Taylor (WM) medical forfeit any other wood floor I've ever A group of children sing on the new Gill Gym floor during halftime. Final Team Scoring: I. Western Alec Stall (S); Hwt-Chuck Richard played on," said junior men's bas- Maryland (WM), 104; 2. Ursinus (Mu) dec. lake Jenkins (JH) 6-5. ketball player Brian Tombs. "It has figuration at Swarthmore made it (U), 87; 3. Gettysburg (G), 78; 4. ago," said Franklin & Marshall really cut down on the overall sore- possible to put wood over top of guard Jen Gibbon. Muhlenberg (Mu), 38.5; 5. Swar- ness of my body, it is awesome," the entire main gym. The biggest Franklin & Marshall Head thmore (S). 31.5; 6. Johns Hopkins Courtesy of Sports Information he added. difference that Duzenski noticed Women's Coach Noreen Pecsok Wood seems to be a trend in the was the difference in cost, with described the difficulty of prepar- Centennial Conference of which Swarthmore's floor running up a ing to play on the composite sur- Marshall and Haley records WMC is a member. Prior to the $100,000 price tag. face. "Wood is wood. It is the same 1997-98 season, Swarthmore Col- CC Executive Secretary Steve Continued from page 16 wherever you go. Each composite lege also retrofitted their main gym. Ulrich noted that he liked the new floor seems different. I think (the Art Press who played from 1949 been the team's top scorer, scoring Ursinus and Dickinson are the only trend in the conference. "It is funny wood) makes for a much more through 1952. 32 points on Feb II, against Dick- two college's in the conference to see things go around in circles. competitive game," said Pecsok. Haley's achievement came two inson, and 22 against Wesley Col- with composite courts. We have come full circle from Western Maryland senior guard days earlier on home ground lege on Feb 2, In this game he hit According to Swarthmore wood to composite back to wood Karen Millar said that she feels like against Elizabethtown. With 3:41 the game-winning shot at the Sports Information Director Mark again," said Ulrich. she's in the "spotlight" when she left in the second half a short buzzer, bringing the score to 68-67. Duzenski, many of the same steps Carroll County Times Sports steps on the court during a game. jumper took her record to 1,579 Haley equaled her season high were taken at Swarthmore in in- Editor Bob Blubaugh likes the "If feels awesome," said Millar. points, surpassing the 1989 record 27 points at Dickinson on Feb 10. stalling the new floor. "But to call change from composite to wood as Both the basketball teams are of 1,577 by Cindy Boyer. Haley She had 17 of WMC's 33 second- it state-of-the-art is a bit of a well. "The games seem more real extremely happy with the floor. finished the game a season-high 27 half points and a game-high II re- stretch," said Duzenski. (Q me. Plus, I think all Western "We couldn't be happier," said points, taking her total to 1,584. bounds, leading the team to victory At Swarthmore. the carpenters Maryland teams have a home court Men's Assistant Coach Kevin Marshall finished his game as 72-60. Like Marshall, she has been built the new wood surface tradi- advantage now," said Blubaugh. that the men's top scorer with 24 points, which Ihe top scorer in many recent tionally, the only difference being Blubaugh's claim of a home Selby. He explained practicing at odd team has been took his career total to 1,577. He games. The February 5, game that it was laid on top of joists that court advantage is supported by the hours just so they can practice on also led the Terror in rebounds with against Catholic gave her21 points were applied to the composite it- women's basketball 8-2 record at the wood. "The kids just love it," nine. Marshall has consistently towards her record-breaking total. self. While the Gill Center's floor home with the men registering a 9- added Selby. 3 mark at home, through Feb. 14. It seems that everyone at one While the opposition seems to time another learns the lesson, 'if have a difficult time winning at the it seems too good to be true, it prob- Gilt Center, it would be difficult to ably is.' But it appears that in the find a happier bunch after a loss. case of the new floor, the excep- "The old floor used to kill me tion proves the rule because no one physically. I hated coming here. I interviewed could think of anything just wish they did this three years they didn't like about the floor. CASH IN ON GOODGRADIS. ,=-"''"m tuition, most books and If you're a freshman or fees,plus$lSOperschool sophomore. with good now for a grades,apply month. They also pay off three-year or two-year with leadership expert- scholarship rials tmpreeei ve tc pay future employers. scholarships from Army ence and officer creden- !>C!ITlii
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