Page 94 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 94
Thursday, February 1.5,1996 - Page 2 C OMMENTf,. RY Staff RUM INAT IONS Editor-ln.Chief Michelle A. Hamilton '<)8 ------------11 Michelle Hamilton 1-,---------- Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheckells '97 As we returned to WMC this January, or their professors. This in itself shows that Just to note many were shocked as they learned of the the students are receiving a much milder At The Phoenix we sought to release the Advertising Manager time sheet fraud that had been occurring punishment than they would if they were in names of students so confusion would not Elizabeth Valuer '98 throughout the fall semester. It seems that the "real world." occur and innocent people who didn't return although punishments were given to these After admitting guilt, the request for an to WMC this spring would not be assumed News Editors seventeen students, the penalties were rather appeal seems to scream, "I am not ashamed to be involved in the fraud. While some Granr A. Rice '99 of what I did, and I deserve more rights." people's names have been released, we Christian Wilwohl '98 light. If this crime had occurred in a corpora- While the severity of being involved in a viewed it unethical and unprofessional to tion, not only would the people involved be theft of over twelve thousand dollars seems release unconfirmed names that were ob- Features Editors to be pushed aside, we must not forget that tained through the "WMC grapevine." Jonathon $hacat '98 fired, but they would be brought up on all these students are adults and were deliber- Therefore, no names have been released. that although i find it surprising charges. Jennifer Vick '9S seventeen students have admitted to falsify- ately breaking the law. A correction ing their work study sheets, some are appeal- ~ Instead of being grateful that WMC is not It was brought to the attention of the staff Sports Editors ing their punishment because of its severity. pressing charges for embezzling federal thai a misprint occurred in The Phoenix dur- Carolyn Barnes'99 These students are already protected by funds, the students are trying to delay the ing the fall semester. In Pamela Barry's let- John Manard '97 ter 10 the editor concerning financial aid for the Buckley Amendment, which wouldn't be consequences and receive a lesser punish- in effect if they were in the workplace. The ment. study abroad students, The Phoenix printed Photography Staff Buckley Amendment prevents students' In light of the events that occurred at "except an SEOG grant" instead of "in the Meghan Gross '98 names from being released by the col!ege. WMC throughout the past months, perhaps form of an SEOG grant." Aden Mcgee '97 While this amendment was originally used we need to reconsider punishments for par- John Manard'97 to protect younger children in the education ticular crimes. Why is it that the school isn't THE LizClark'99 system, it also now is applied to higher edu- pressing charges? Perhaps they want to keep cation establishments. this incident low profile, or maybe it is as- Circulation .Manager In the case at WMC, it prevents the sev- It seems that if some of the students are press- SOAPBOX learned their lesson. sumed that the students Laurie Cicero '98 enteen students involved in the fraud from taking full responsibility for their actions. ing their limits further, perhaps they did not General Staff The students do not have to face their peers learn to accept responsibility for their actions. Aaron Ahiburn '97 Jacqueline Brilliant '.91 Aaron Corbett '99 When I came back from January break, Becky Cockerill '99 one of the first things Inoticed was that Glar Adam Dean '98 To had been changed. Joshua Foster '96 LETTER And one of the first things I asked my- Amy Hanna '99 self was, "Why?" Not that the old Glar was Meghan-Joyce '99 not worn and didn't show signs of years of Nicki Kassofis '99 ~ .....THE EDITOR heavy use. It is just that the dining hall was Stacey Mcfntyre:99 not broken, and so many other things on cam- Mike Puskar ~99 ----~IPaco Frisuelos Kromer r- pus are. Especially Residence Halls. In some Heather Reese '96 of the older halls plaster is crumbling, pipes Todd Rerchless '97 are leaking and mice and other vermin have Sara Beth Reyburn '98 I've just finished reading the last Phoe- spoke to me in Spanish, intolerance, racial moved in. In my residence hall one of the Sarah Snell '98 nix issue and I can't resist the need of writ- problems, etc. Fortunately, I wasn't blind to doors to the first floor bathroom is now ly- Cameron Speir '97 ing this letter to the editor. After reading appreciate the great things North America ing on the floor and the stall doors have never Robin Zimmerly '99 Pam Barry's article about her experiences in has. I understood since the beginning, Iwas worked properly (in other words, they must Robin Zimmerly '99 Mexico, I thought I have something to say living in a different culture. Neither better be held closed by hand). The shower floor is about it First of atl, l-would like to say the nor worse than mine. Just different. I was sagging, causing puddles of water to collect Adviser article really upsets me. As a part of the the one who had to adopt myself to the coun- in unhealthy stagnant pools of old bath wa- Terry A. Dalton Spanish culture I felt really bothered with try, not the opposite. I also went to Mexico terand somebody has decided the hall should Barry's comments about a culture I'm proud with two friends during Spring Break. The be heated to about two hundred degrees. The of. Miss Barry criticized everything. She three of use were enchanted with Mexico and other night in the subzero temperatures I had The Phoenix is published biweekly, gave a partial and subjective vision of Mexi- its people. We never thought in such a nega- to open my window! The opinions expressed do not necessar- can reality. She talked about her ever end- tive way about that country although we also Don't gel me wrong. I like nice new car- ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, ing problems with insects, pollution, noise, found negative things we considered unim- pet, new pizza ovens, and new tables as much the faculty, or the administrators of smoke, men, etc. since she arrived in Mexico. portant (as there are everywhere you go). as the next guy. I spoke with Mary Roloff WMC. It's sad to see she is losing the opportunity I have also read Cheryl Smith and from dining services, and she insisted that The paper welcomes free-lance sub- to enjoy all the wonderful things Mexico and Candice Craig's excellent articles talking the old Glar was very outdated and that it - .-rrusstons on Macintosh disks in most its people can offer to a visitor like her, be- about their experiences studying abroad was felt that it may have been hampering the word processor formats. The editor re- cause she is giving too much importance to (Thailand and Spain respectively). Also, I service to-students. The linear table arrange- serves the right to edit for clarity, length) those "negative things." have met a lot ofWMC's students who went ment was old-fashioned and few colleges use and libel and to publish asspace permits; She complained about the American to places in Latin America to study and they it any more. The food court style of dining Ail submissions (excluding self-ad- products presence down there as a Mexican never spoke so pejoratively. I really don't is much more modem and the old carpet was , dressed diskette.~f become .the property fault She complained about people speak- understand why Pam Barry can not say bet- looking pretty pathetic. And I could not ar- of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. ing to her in English, She complained about ter things about Mexico. Ithink people who gue against any of these points. But I still Please'include a name and phone I noise, insects, and so on. But I wonder if travel, especially those who are going to be feel that this renovation should have been nu~ber for verification. Nemes will be she has had time to think a~UI American abroad for along time, have to learn how to lower on the school's list of priorities, And withheld only by' the, discretion of the commercial imperialist politics all over the understand and appreciate the differences. look-what was lost with the renovation of Editor-Ao-Chief./,; world. I wonder if she has tried to under- They have to look at different cultures with Glar. No more Greek or "theme" tables, in- The Phoenix does not discriminate stand the efforts of people trying 10 be nice a little more of tolerance and humility. That convenient locations for the salad bar and basedon agcr. race, religion, gen,d~r, and hospitable to her by speaking in English. will help them to enjoy much more their so- soups, and now you must first enter Glar sexual orientation, national origin, con- Why didn't she speak in her article about journ. before you: can see what is. being offered dition of handicap, or marital status. , things like the. richness of a millennial cul- If you want to verify all that I way, I in- daily, making ,it more difficult to decide if ture; the excellent Mexican food, the fabu- vite you to visit Mexico or any other- Latin 'wou want to eat there. I don't like having to lous music, the awesome countryside, the country. I'msure you will agree with what I pay to kindness/of Mexicans, etc.? say, J !! 'rlr; .,. . I' The old.Glar is gone and not-without good '" I saYiJ also.was studying abroad Thanks fornyou 'attention-and greetings. .reason. The. money J to pay.for this radical ,!it,yeat;:J1s someof you know,.lJ,was in for everybody from Spain. L!:.j,,\' ,',I. 1'1 .overaaul bas.been spent; But still an impor- WMC anal have to say! it was a gre:~t e~pe- , .:.1 ~i '!U;,: ,tant'questionlneeds to be asked;.in,light ' 6f ;;:;riencel,L v~sited several places,in t;.Qth coasls P.S.: Dear fam: Nestle is·a Swiss c.ompany, 'alilhe other thingsithat need ,to be done on II, pf the V,S., and llalso,(ound pol!u,t~on,· in- not American!! ! ~I:I;;';:' "1;,,\,;>,,1 '/.', :;1;this.campus, was this a·wise,use o(funds? I se~ts;, rlQise, people wl1~~EV.ER
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